Tuesday, December 20, 2011

IBM predicts five big technologies of the future

  Geekiest sweaters of all time | Even hold-out juror believed Microsoft acted unfairly
  Network World Daily News PM

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IBM predicts five big technologies of the future
IBM today issued its sixth annual look at what Big Blue thinks will be the five biggest technologies for the next five years. In past prediction packages the company has had some success in predicting the future of telemedicine and nanotechnology. Read More


Combating the Insider Risk to Data - McAfee Solution Brief
Protecting your organization against internal data threats is not just about protecting the sensitive information you know could put your company at risk if exposed. It's also about discovering those hidden data sources that you don't even know exist and have not secured. Learn More


Scaling Out Query Performance with Sybase IQ 15.3
This paper is meant to provide a holistic perspective and introduce the technical concepts behind DQP in general and Sybase® IQ 15.3's DQP implementation through the PlexQ Distributed Query Platform. Read now.

Geekiest sweaters of all time
Tux the penguin, the big Apple and other cleverly designed sweaters are keeping techies warm – and oh so very fashionable Read More

Even hold-out juror believed Microsoft acted unfairly
A fuller picture is emerging of exactly how close Microsoft came on Friday to losing its interminable antitrust tussle with Novell, a defeat that could have cost the company up to $1.3 billion. Read More

10 biggest ERP software failures of 2011
With the year drawing to a close, one thing seems abundantly clear: There are still an awful lot of ERP and other software projects running off the rails out there. Read More


Avoid 1 more call crippling VoIP system
Is your network crippling your VoIP system? Unlike normal network behavior where increased traffic progressively diminishes network performance, VoIP networks carry the risk of one call too many disrupting call quality for everybody. Know when one more call is "one too many." Learn how you can optimize your network for VoIP with this free kit. Click to continue

For 2012, power-efficient servers could get a shot in the ARM
In 2012 a fundamental change in server architecture could be on tap as companies look to cut data center costs with the help of technologies like ARM processors and graphics chips, analysts said. Read More

Lady Gaga Twitter, Facebook pages recover from iPad 2 scam hacks
Lady Gaga's Twitter and Facebook pages were hacked on Monday, tricking some of her millions of followers to a scam website looking to suck up victims' personal information. Read More

Is anyone really using Windows 8's preview?
Although millions have downloaded Microsoft's Windows 8 developer preview, relatively few are actually using it, Web measurements show. Read More


Managing Cloud Services from Request to Retirement
This lifecycle is tailored to the needs of the business, with both the flexibility to deliver the full required software stacks and the management rigor to ensure the operational integrity of the cloud. Learn More!

The Internet has escaped the ax, at least in the US, at least for now
A year ago I wrote that 2011 would be a year in which the Internet would "be under a multi-pronged attack that threatens to change it irrevocably in ways that may destroy much of the Internet's potential." Well, 2011 has come and mostly gone, and it turned out that my pessimism may have been misplaced but not invalid. Read More

Harvard researchers underwhelmed by peer influence on Facebook
Most people make friends with others online who have common interests, but it's rare for people's interests to rub off on others, according to new research out of Harvard University based on an examination of four years' worth of Facebook data. Read More

Apache forges ahead with OpenOffice.org suite
Developer release planned; open source organization asserts trademark protection Read More

IT Trends to Watch in 2012
Six editors from IDG Enterprise (Computerworld, CIO.com, CSO) discuss IT trends for 2012. Topics include the consumerization of IT, where security threats will come from, the rise of big data and the cloud, and the IT economy. Read More

BlackBerry in 2012: More Trouble in Store for RIM
RIM and BlackBerry smartphones and tablets could take some strides in the right direction in the coming year, but the outlook is mostly grim, writes CIO.com's Al Sacco. Read More



10 Things We Love and Hate about Ubuntu Oneiric Ocelot 11.10
Ubuntu 11.10 has some jagged edges and documentation isn't easy to locate, but Canonical is certainly dreaming big with this latest update, dubbed Oneiric (dreamy) Ocelot.

Everyone who enters will win free training from Webucator. Grand prize: a SharePoint training class worth $2,375. All who enter will be awarded a self-paced class of their choosing. Enter here: http://www.networkworld.com/community/contests. Enter here.


  1. Cisco impresses with UCS
  2. AT&T kills $39 billion T-Mobile deal
  3. Juniper vs. Palo Alto: Next-gen firewall legal brawl
  4. Cloud activity to explode in 2012
  5. IBM goes out on a limb to predict next 5 big things
  6. iPhone 5 rumor roll-up for the week ending Dec. 16
  7. Cisco continues to restructure internally
  8. IT groups reveal their best enterprise tablet trick
  9. Why Eric Schmidt's prediction about Android vs. iOS development is wrong
  10. Is it over at RIM?

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