Monday, December 19, 2011

IT groups reveal their best enterprise tablet tricks

10 Things We Love and Hate about Ubuntu Oneiric Ocelot 11.10 | Business incubators tap university talent

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IT groups reveal their best enterprise tablet tricks
New generation tablets are being adopted en masse by enterprises, despite the lack of any support infrastructure from the manufacturers. Many enterprise users, and IT groups, are making determined efforts to secure and manage tablets with whatever tools are available. Read More


5 Methods to Disrupt Next- Gen Threats
Relying on signatures and lists are ineffective when trying to combat advanced malware threats. Discover how to augment existing firewalls, IPS and Web gateways with technology that recognizes new attacks in real-time without requiring prior knowledge of vulnerability, exploit or variant and then prevents system compromise and data theft. Read now.


Free capacity planning white paper.
Running out of data center space? Help plan for capacity and discover the pros and cons of building, retrofitting or buying data centers by reading this new white paper. Co-authored by CyrusOne and Data Center Knowledge, it identifies the top seven IT infrastructure management challenges so you can minimize risk and plan ahead. Click to continue

10 Things We Love and Hate about Ubuntu Oneiric Ocelot 11.10
The new Ubuntu is out, and our reviewers pass judgment. Read More

Business incubators tap university talent
Across the U.S., research and technology parks are playing a role in job creation and driving economic growth. These business incubators for emerging companies, typically in the science, healthcare and technology fields, are often affiliated with universities, which are prime sources for new ideas and fresh talent in need of a place to grow. Read More

iPhone 5 rumor roll-up for the week ending Dec. 16
If iPhone 5 rumors were gifts this holiday season, people would already be lining up to return them. Read More


Managing Cloud Services from Request to Retirement
This lifecycle is tailored to the needs of the business, with both the flexibility to deliver the full required software stacks and the management rigor to ensure the operational integrity of the cloud. Learn More!

Microsoft-Novell antitrust case ends in hung jury
After a two-month trial, Novell's US$1.3 billion antitrust lawsuit against Microsoft ended on Friday in a hung jury, according to a spokesman for Microsoft who was at the court. Read More

Cisco continues to restructure internally
Cisco continues to tinker with its organizational structure, ever after completing a major restructuring begun last summer. This week, Cisco revamped its engineering operations to further streamline them and improve execution against company strategy, according to a blog on the Cisco site. Read More

Sprint disables Carrier IQ software on its handsets
Sprint, the biggest user of Carrier IQ's software, said it has disabled use of the tool in response to customer concerns. Read More


How SMBs Can Enhance DR Planning with Cloud Storage
Aberdeen discovered that organizations that moved part of their data storage to the cloud recovered from downtime almost four times as fast as those businesses without a cloud strategy. Read Aberdeen's opinion on the role of the cloud for small and mid-sized businesses, what's holding some IT leaders back, and tips to get started. View Now

Verizon devours more spectrum with Cox deal
While AT&T's attempts to acquire T-Mobile are stuck in limbo, rival Verizon has been quietly gobbling up spectrum from cable companies like Cox Communications, which today sold Verizon $315 million in licenses for 20MHz of its Advanced Wireless Services (AWS) spectrum. Read More

Timeline: RIM's very bad year
You get the feeling that executives in Research in Motion will especially relish singing "Should old acquaintance be forgot" this year. Read More

20 Most Anticipated Tech Products of 2012
From Apple's iPhone 5 to next-gen thermostats to OLED TVs, here are 20 tech products we're looking forward to seeing in 2012. Read More


8 Free Wi-Fi security tools
Here are several free programs you can use to do Wi-Fi stumbling and surveying on all the popular platforms - Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux. You'll be able see all the nearby wireless access points (APs) and their details, including channels, signal levels, and MAC address.

Everyone who enters will win free training from Webucator. Grand prize: a SharePoint training class worth $2,375. All who enter will be awarded a self-paced class of their choosing. Enter here: Enter here.


  1. Why Eric Schmidt's prediction about Android vs. iOS development is wrong
  2. LAN-party house guy spills important cost details
  3. 30 events that shaped Cisco in 2011
  4. Microsoft to start automatic updates of IE without asking users
  5. Apple in 2012: 5 reasons it will be a tough year
  6. 3 tips for avoiding tablet management headaches
  7. Ubiquitous surveillance from Big Brother's wayback machine
  8. iBahn, supplier of hotel Internet services, denies breach
  9. 8 free Wi-Fi security tools
  10. Googler's LAN-party house sparks awe and envy

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