Monday, December 26, 2011

Most-read useful stories of 2011

25 useful iPad business apps | 15 more useful Cisco sites

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15 incredibly useful (and free) Microsoft tools for IT pros
We've dug through the jungle that is Microsoft Downloads and found 15 of the best free tools you've probably never heard of. Read More


Accepting Nominations: Computerworld Honors Laureate Program
For 23 years, the Computerworld Honors Program has honored the world's foremost organizations, institutions, men and women, and recognized their visionary applications of information technology to promote positive social, economic and educational change. Learn more.

WHITE PAPER: CA Technologies

The Changing Role of IT
This white paper analyzes research conducted by IDG Research Services about the changing role of IT: what's driving the change, what skill-sets will be more valued and what should forward-looking IT executives consider as IT shifts increasingly towards an IT supply chain model. Learn More

25 useful iPad business apps
Need to take care of business? These iPad apps will help you get the job done. They can do it all -- provide remote access to a Mac or PC, let you edit documents and synchronize files, turn your tablet into a spare monitor, set you up to attend online meetings with colleagues, and even take dictation. Read More

15 more useful Cisco sites
Three years ago, we compiled our initial list of 20 useful sites for Cisco practitioners, partisans and pundits. Now we're adding to that list with 15 more sites we found useful for the Cisco masses. Read More

WHITE PAPER: Quest Software

Separating the Virtualization Hype from Reality
Download this paper today and get an exclusive link to a free desktop virtual assessment! Click on the link at the end of the paper to analyze and report on your current network, user and application usage. Read Now!

25 free open source projects IT pros will love
SourceForge expert points out 25 lesser-known projects for IT folks. Read More

26 helpful open source network management tools
Over the last decade or so, open source development has skyrocketed, and network management software has ridden that wave. Many frustrated IT administrators have turned to free tools to monitor, configure and map their networked devices. Here are 26 examples of open source network management software tools to help you do your job. Read More


Protecting Your Critical Information Infrastructure
A strategy that assures the availability and reliability of vital resources while protecting them from malicious attacks is at the core of network operations and security. This paper defines four key components of such a strategy, and offers a practical set of guidelines for ensuring its success. Read Now!

Six Windows 7 Nightmares (and How to Fix Them)
Here are ways out of six common Windows 7 disasters. I'll tell you how to fix a PC that won't boot, retrieve files from an inaccessible hard drive, stop frequent Blue Screens of Death, restore a forgotten administrator password, remove malware, and find a missing file. Read More

How to solve Windows 7 crashes in minutes
Everything is perfect; you've upgraded to Windows 7. It's fully patched, all drivers are updated, security is tight, maybe you even have new hardware... yet the old Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) taunts you from your new high definition-screen. The good news is that you can quickly solve the problem in most cases by using the Windows debugger tool. It's simple and free. Read More

Should tech pros get an MBA?
Technical experience combined with business acumen is an appealing package, particularly for senior IT management roles such as CIO and IT director. But earning an MBA is no golden ticket for IT pros, staffing experts caution. Read More

How to get your kid into an elite computer science program
High school seniors are facing stiffer-than-ever competition when applying to the nation's top computer science programs this fall. But admissions officers and professors at elite tech schools can offer tips aimed at helping your child get accepted come spring. Read More


10 Things We Love and Hate about Ubuntu Oneiric Ocelot 11.10
Ubuntu 11.10 has some jagged edges and documentation isn't easy to locate, but Canonical is certainly dreaming big with this latest update, dubbed Oneiric (dreamy) Ocelot.

Everyone who enters will win free training from Webucator. Grand prize: a SharePoint training class worth $2,375. All who enter will be awarded a self-paced class of their choosing. Enter here: Enter here.


  1. Windows 8 picture password is 'Fisher-Price toy'
  2. Dem PAC buys, wallops him with it
  3. DHS sued for Big Bro fake 'friends' monitoring social media
  4. iPad 3 rumor rollup for the week ending Dec. 20
  5. Data center, cloud fabrics to heat up in 2012
  6. 25 useful iPad business apps
  7. IPv6 due for wide deployment in 2012, experts say
  8. Extreme CEO: New products in 2012, growth in 2013
  9. 25 top network and IT industry news stories of 2011
  10. Top security incidents of 2011

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