Tuesday, January 31, 2012

13 Windows 8 features worth knowing about

  The Internet: It ain't designed to protect your privacy | All hail: Inside the museum of nonsense
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13 Windows 8 features worth knowing about
Upgrades, system migration, support headaches -- IT folks are probably dreading the next major Windows rollout. Yet Windows 8, which is scheduled to move to the beta stage in late February and will likely launch in the fall, does offer several compelling new features for both IT and end users. Read More

WHITE PAPER: Google Apps

Google: Security for Google Apps Messaging & Collaboration
This paper will explain the ways Google creates a security-based platform for offering its Google Apps products, covering topics like information security, physical security and operational security. Read now.

WHITE PAPER: VMware & NetApp

Running Microsoft Enterprise Applications
This document provides guidance on how to design and architect a scalable Microsoft applications mixed workload solution using highly available VMware virtual infrastructure and NetApp unified storage. Read Now!

The Internet: It ain't designed to protect your privacy
Why do web companies keeping pushing users' limits on privacy protections? Basic economics, my dear Watson Read More

All hail: Inside the museum of nonsense
Austrian museum opens world to some crazy, humorous inventions Read More

Microsoft fine-tunes Windows 8 Beta with input from users
Microsoft continues to tinker with Windows 8 even as it finalizes its beta version, acting on suggestions it received from users who have experimented with the Windows 8 Developer Preview. Read More


Customer Lifetime Value for IT
With technology underpinning much of the customer experience, IT and marketing must adopt new technologies to innovate and grow revenues. Watch the video to learn how IBM SPSS Predictive Analytics enables marketers while reducing the burden on IT. View Now

Has high-tech helped or hurt crime fighting? DoJ wants to know
The US Department of Justice is offering a $1 million grant to study the impact advanced technologies such as mobile communications, sensor networks and Web-based applications have had on the law enforcement community and crime. Read More

German appeals court says 'Nein' to Samsung's Galaxy Tab
A German appeals court today upheld an injunction against Samsung's Galaxy Tab tablet today, ruling that the device infringes upon Apple's intellectual property. Read More

More Android users take phones into bathroom than do iPhone, BlackBerry users
A new survey of 1,000 Americans confirms what you always suspected: A good many of those incoming Android, iPhone and BlackBerry calls and texts are originating from bathrooms. Read More


First Industy-Wide BSM Maturity Benchmark Study
This first-of-its-kind benchmark study reporting the IT and Business maturity illustrating the business service management imperative today. The survey offers insight into the current and future state of the Business Service Management imperative across global organizations. Learn More

Just one more: 'S**t programmers say'
Yes, this "S**t (fill in the blank) say" meme is getting tiresome, but I actually laughed at the end of this video, so I can't resist sharing. (Warning: NSFW language.) My apologies if you didn't find it funny. Read More

Asus Padfone smartphone-tablet headed for Mobile World Congress
Asustek Computer has begun teasing yet another debut of its Padfone smartphone-tablet combo at the Mobile World Congress scheduled for Barcelona in late February, and industry watchers expect the device to run Android 4.0 (i.e. Ice Cream Sandwich). Read More

Zultys adds Android client for its IP PBX
Zultys has upgraded the software in its MX family of IP PBXs and added a Mobile Communicator client for Android-based smartphones, the company said on Tuesday. Read More

SeaMicro puts 256 Xeon cores in server
SeaMicro on Tuesday announced a new microserver that incorporates 256 Xeon processor cores to enable faster delivery of data for Internet-based activities such as social media or search. Read More

Resume Makeover: How an Information Security Professional Can Target CSO Jobs
In CIO.com's latest resume makeover, executive resume writer Donald Burns helps an information security professional (who is also a U.S. Army lieutenant) position his resume for management-level infosec jobs. Read More



The world's geekiest license plates
This slideshow goes out to all those drivers who aren't afraid to say it loud: I'm a geek and I'm proud. It's filled with images of vanity plates so geeky that they prompted someone else to take a picture and post it on Flickr. Enjoy.

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  9. Kindle Fire king of Android tablets
  10. IPad 3 rumor rollup for the week of Jan. 26

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