Monday, January 30, 2012

Network World Whitepapers Download: January 30, 2012

New eBook: Choosing a Green Colocation Provider | Case Study – Constangy

Network World Whitepapers Download

New eBook: Choosing a Green Colocation Provider
As the world's appetite for apps increases, so does the demand for processing power and the energy to fuel it. Is your colocation provider truly addressing this growing need with sensitivity to the environment? Learn More

Case Study – Constangy
Learn how to consolidate and virtualize many different servers, and eliminate the expense and difficulty of remotely managing the hardware and software. Read now!

Security Considerations for the Cloud-Ready Data Center
A network-centric approach to providing security in the data center delivers benefits such as scalability, unified security policy definition and enforcement, visibility into application traffic, and reduced operations overhead. Learn how to effectively manage the risks. View Now

Why Managing VMs is So Complex
Because virtual servers coexist with nonvirtualized ones, it effectively doubles the tools and efforts relevant to data center administration. Discover how a unified, out-of-band approach that aggregates management tools into a single, consolidated platform, renders the virtual and physical layers transparent from an IT management perspective. Read now!

WHITE PAPER: Akamai Technologies, Inc.
A New Look at Payment Security
Akamai Edge Tokenization takes much of the cost and complexity out of eCommerce. By tokenizing critical payment data before it reaches your PCI-regulated infrastructure, Akamai relieves your organization from what experts consider the most important and challenging PCI requirement. Read more

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