Friday, March 30, 2012

Chrome 18 Arrives with Nine Security Fixes

Feds Warn of Cyber Threats, Seek Expanded Authority for DHS | Threat of a bullet in the face keeping cybercrooks conservative

Network World Security

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Chrome 18 Arrives with Nine Security Fixes
Google on Wednesday released Chrome 18 to its Stable channel complete with several new features and fixes for nine security vulnerabilities. Read More

WHITE PAPER: PhoneFactor

Phone Become the Leading Multi-Factor Authentication Device
According to a leading analyst firm phone-based authentication will comprise 61% of the multi-factor authentication market by the year 2014. This paper will address the key drivers for this market shift away from security tokens and includes real-world case studies from organizations that have made the move to phone-based authentication. Learn More


SANS Review of NetIQ Sentinel 7
A SIEM solution fully installed and capturing logs in under 15 minutes! Read how SANS analyst Jerry Schenk did it, and why he feels NetIQ Sentinel 7 is a great solution for the most pressing security problems facing enterprises today. Learn More!

Feds Warn of Cyber Threats, Seek Expanded Authority for DHS
Senior administration officials appeal to House subcommittee for stronger role for Department of Homeland Security in handling cybersecurity, while GOP lawmakers express deep distrust of the department's ability. Read More

Threat of a bullet in the face keeping cybercrooks conservative
Scott Borg, director of a cybersecurity research institute, kicked off the SecureWorld Expo Boston with an uplifting talk about the end of the cybersecurity world as we know it. Sure, more sophisticated threats are on the way, but those in cybersecurity also have new opportunities to defend threats and even enable economic growth. But it was the head of the U.S. Cyber Consequences Unit's take on why cybercriminals are actually more conservative than you might think that got the biggest reaction from the audience of IT security industry professionals. In fact, Borg say his organization has sometimes been off on its predictions because cybercrime trends have taken longer to emerge than expected. Read More

NASA satellite spots massive, violent tornadoes in Sun's atmosphere
Massive swirling tornadoes of fire erupt in the Sun's atmosphere have been observed by NASA's Sun watching Solar Dynamic Observatory (SDO) satellite. Read More

DARPA does Big Data in a big way
As part of the Federal Government's Big Data Extravaganza, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) detailed some of its programs the agency says could benefit from the $200 million research program announced today by President Obama. Read More


Sustainable Compliance for the Payment Card Industry
This white paper explains the essentials of a PCI DSS compliance program, focusing on the critical but problematic areas that comprise much of the heart of the requirements. Learn More!

Uncle Sam wants to hack foreign video consoles and scrape gamers' data
For once, Americans are safe in the ongoing hunt for terrorists as a new program has specifically prohibited targeting US gamers. If you live overseas and sold an old gaming system? It may not be good news for you since Uncle Sam has decided you are a new target to be spied upon. The military wants foreign gaming consoles hacked and the user's data scraped. Read More

Researchers smash Kelihos botnet with dose of its own poison
Security researchers from four different organizations last week brought down a botnet by turning a supposed strength of the criminals' spamming network into a fatal weakness. Read More

More fun with naming wireless nets
"Had to redo our wireless network this morning," Craig Fifield writes on Google+, "figured I might as well freak out the neighbors :)." You can see what he means in the picture. I thought the v2 part was a nice touch. Read More

News Corp: 14,000 executive emails blown open
Some 14,400 News Corp emails have been published by an Australian newspaper, as a storm grows around Rupert Murdoch's company and a unit's alleged involvement in hacking the smart codes of pay TV rival ONdigital. Read More


Security-In-Depth Using Integrated Risk-Conscious Controls
Today's attacks on IT infrastructure are becoming more frequent, targeted and sophisticated. They range from well-funded, state-sponsored attacks to attacks from trusted employees and consultants. Learn More!

Report cites U.S., Canada as malware attack focus
In its annual review of global security threats, Websense says a major trend it observed last year is that more malware connections, hosting and phishing appear to be occurring in the United States and Canada. Read More

Congress urged to secure drone law
A leading rights advocacy group this week called on Congress to add civil liberties protections to a recently passed law that opens U.S. airspace to unmanned aerial vehicles. Read More

How Secure Is the Cloud? IT Pros Speak Up
For CIOs and IT professionals, the potential of the cloud is clear: transforming IT from cost center to business engine. It promises the agility and scalability that tech dreams are made of. By leveraging the cloud, you can complete typical IT tasks in hours rather than weeks or months, allowing you to dedicate staff to innovation, not just maintaining systems and infrastructure. Read More

Microsoft bot takedowns help, but are no cure
Takedowns of Zeus botnet command and control servers like the one executed last week by Microsoft and others do reduce the criminal activity they spawn - for a while - but attackers learn from the experience and come back with more sophisticated techniques, a security expert says. Read More

In praise of alternative approaches to cybersecurity
After spending a lot of time reading a lot of words about a lot of cybersecurity attacks, trends and patterns start to take shape. Read More


20 iPad business apps every CIO should want
iPad apps for sales forces, IT departments and more.

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  1. IETF attendees reengineer their hotel's Wi-Fi network
  2. New Google Account Activity lets you know what Google knows about you
  3. Cisco acquires home network management company
  4. Cloud services face taxing dilemma
  5. More fun with naming wireless nets
  6. Steve Jobs wasn't a fan of the Siri name
  7. International security team shoots down second Hlux/Kelihos botnet
  8. Firewall fail: A tale both funny and sad
  9. Critical milestones in Cisco history
  10. 7 password managers for Windows, Mac OS X, iOS, and Android

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