Monday, March 26, 2012

Facebook warns employers not to ask job applicants for log-in credentials

Symantec details mobile device management plans | 14 cool, but off-beat inventions

Network World Security

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Facebook warns employers not to ask job applicants for log-in credentials
Facebook on Friday warned employers about trying to gain inappropriate access to Facebook accounts to check out private information about potential employees, citing possible legal liability. In recent months, Facebook has seen a "distressing increase" of reports about employers trying to access user accounts in the U.S., Erin Egan, Facebook's chief privacy officer, said in a post. "The most alarming of these practices is the reported incidences of employers asking prospective or actual employees to reveal their passwords." Read More


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Collaborate in the cloud with Office, Exchange, SharePoint, and Lync videoconferencing. Access, edit, and share documents. Starting at $8/user/month. Try it free.

SURVEY: IDG Research

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Network World is conducting a survey about the evolving role and influence of technology buyers in today's corporate enterprise. Participate in this brief survey and enter a sweepstakes to win a $500 cash prize. Please share your valued opinion with us in this important survey by clicking on the link below.

Symantec details mobile device management plans
Symantec this week put the focus on its mobile security strategy with its announcement that it's acquiring Nukona, the software provider for mobile application management. Read More

14 cool, but off-beat inventions
Everyone can't create the iPad, but every day new inventions hit the streets and their inventors dream of greatness. Not all succeed and not all get much press. That is the case here where we take a look at some cool inventions that may just be a little out the mainstream. Read More

US Dept. of Energy offers $100,000 for cool apps
If you have an idea for a cool mobile or PC application you could get a slice of a Department of Energy $100,000 application development challenge. Read More

WHITE PAPER: Attachmate

New Ponemon Survey Reveals All Organizations Have Risk
Hacks, accidental disclosures and breaches appear in the news every week. This new survey shows the next victim could easily be you. Understand your risk—get this essential information now. The Ponemon survey on The Risk of Insider Fraud is provided by Attachmate Luminet. Learn More!

The 2012 State of the Network report
According to Network Instruments' 2012 State of the Network survey, video is having great impact on many companies' network performance and bandwidth. By the beginning of 2013, nearly one-quarter of respondents expect video to consume more than half of their bandwidth. Read More

You consent to a search if a camera sees you? Facial Recognition vs 4th Amendment
When you go outside or go to other public places such as a bank or a mall, have you automatically given up your Fourth Amendment rights and consented to a search? Read More

The Pros and Cons of Using Virtual Desktop Infrastructure
Many organizations continue to run Windows XP on many or all of their desktop PCs, either because migration typically requires costly hardware upgrades, time-consuming transfers of settings, and user retraining, or because there's simply no compelling reason to move users to a new OS and the new application software that goes along with it. In some cases, both justifications apply. Read More


Smart Security for Escalating Challenges
This eBook examines how CSOs and IT managers are solving these issues using next-generation firewalls. Read now.

7 simple steps for thwarting hactivists
More data was stolen from corporate networks last year by hactivists than by cybercriminals, according to a new report from Verizon. Read More

Biggest threat to corporate nets in 2011? Hactivists, not cybercriminals
Hactivists - not cybercriminals - were responsible for the majority of personal data stolen from corporate and government networks during 2011, according to a new report from Verizon. Read More

In Australia, secure your Wi-Fi -- or face a visit from the police
If you live in the Australian state of Queensland and have an insecure Wi-Fi router, you may get a visit from the police. Read More

Internet security better but foul exploits grow, IBM says
IBM said it found surprising improvements in Internet security such as a reduction in application security vulnerabilities, exploit code and spam, but it also noted that those improvements come with a price: Attackers have been forced to rethink their tactics. Read More


Review: Android-based Wi-Fi stumblers
Four easy-to-use wireless management and security tools that cost under $2.

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  1. U.S. accuses AT&T of making millions off IP Relay scammers
  2. Apple's Bonjour protocol tamed, managed for enterprise Wi-Fi
  3. Dell thinks it can sell Windows 8 tablets
  4. Figuring out the data center fabric maze
  5. U.S. ISPs commit to new cybersecurity measure
  6. Biggest threat to corporate nets in 2011 is hactivists
  7. Cisco losing router sales to HP?
  8. Cisco's big comeback
  9. Sexist gaffe costs startup event sponsors
  10. 7 steps for thwarting hactivists

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