Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Extreme BYOD: When consumer tech goes to unexpected places

Boston Red Sox: follow us, tweet us, friend us, pin us, digg us, circle us, etc., etc. | Demise of Cius offers lessons for Windows 8

Network World Network/Systems Management

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Extreme BYOD: When consumer tech goes to unexpected places
If there's one phrase I associate with the future, it's control panels. You know, the gleaming, custom built set of controls that provide a direct interface to the advanced machines that we use in our every day lives, here in the futuristic world of the 21st century. Read More


FireEye Advanced Threat Report – 2H2011
This report is unique in that it is not an analysis of well-known malware or billions of spam messages. Instead, we provide insight into the threats that are successful and therefore dangerous -- those which got through traditional defenses and into enterprise networks in 2H 2011. Read now.


Proven Strategies for Uncovering Cost Savings
Learn how your organization can take advantage of recent breakthroughs to lower the cost of data management. Learn More

Boston Red Sox: follow us, tweet us, friend us, pin us, digg us, circle us, etc., etc.
Maybe other professional sports teams have already done this, but thought the Boston Red Sox invitation to attend Tuesday's game this week for Social Media Appreciation night sounded pretty clever. Here's the pitch, as the team looks to attract fans and keep its "sellout streak" alive despite having a less than stellar start to the season. Read More

Demise of Cius offers lessons for Windows 8
With Cisco more or less pulling the plug on its business tablet Cius, Microsoft tablets based on Windows 8 have an opportunity and a challenge. Read More

Gartner: Don't trust cloud provider to protect your corporate assets
When a family with a baby buys a new car, they don't buy a car seat from the vehicle manufacturer: There is specialized equipment to handle the family's most sensitive asset. John Pescatore, a Gartner vice president and security analyst, says cloud security can be thought of in a similar way: Users shouldn't rely on their cloud service provider's security features to protect their most critical data. Read More

WHITE PAPER: Limelight

Web Acceleration: The Rules Have Changed
Optimizing your web page loading time is essential for retaining your website visitors. Download Web Acceleration: The Rules Have Changed to learn how front-end optimization can improve Time to Action for your web and mobile content, and how it can be done in front of your existing CDN with minimal integration required. Learn More!

IaaS: Renting on-demand technology
Putting your faith in the cloud can be a risky endeavor. A survey from earlier this year showed that of 600 large companies, only 27% were using public cloud Infrastructure-as-a-Service. Read More

Information of U.S. federal employees exposed
A hack in July last year of a computer used by third-party services provider Serco to support the Thrift Savings Plan run by the U.S. Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board resulted in unauthorized access to the personal information of about 123,201 TSP participants and payees, FRTIB said Friday. Read More

Gearhead: Hardware we want to get our hands on
Did you know that for a mere $8,000 or thereabouts, you too can join the space race? Read More


How Analytics Bring Organizations Closer to Their Customers
Find out how IBM Business Analytics solutions can help your company turn disconnected data into information, information into insight, then turn insight into action that can boost your bottom line. Learn More

Tech's $20 million CEOs
Eyebrow-raising executive compensation shows no signs of abating, and Network World's analysis of CEO pay finds the tech/telco industry is no exception. Read More

Brocade outlines its SDN approach
Brocade this week said it added hardware-based support for the OpenFlow software-defined networking (SDN) API and protocol to its NetIron and MLX series 100Gbps routers as part of a broader SDN strategy. Read More

Take me out to the ballgame, with 4G
Ever been to a sports game and tried to send a text message, upload a photo to Facebook, or send a tweet about that awesome play that just happened? If so, you may have been left frustrated by the overcrowded network that prevented that all-important message from making your friends jealous. Read More

Iron SharePoint at the SharePoint Summit: What can you do and learn in 3 days?
Last week, we wrapped up an incredible Iron SharePoint competition at the SharePoint Summit in Toronto. I had the honor of serving as a judge for the second time and though we selected a well-deserved overall winner -- the G-Niuses from GSoft Group -- every one of the warrior teams did an amazing job worthy of major kudos. Read More


Whose high-tech exec job hinges on the presidential election?
There are a ton of high-tech managers and regulators in the federalgovernment who may be changing jobs come November.

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  1. Windows Phone 8, or 'Apollo,' debuts next month at San Francisco conference
  2. Extreme BYOD: When consumer tech goes to unexpected places
  3. iPhone display rumors galore
  4. Supercomputer to connect to 400PB of storage via Ethernet
  5. Tech's $20 million CEOs
  6. Sales of unused IPv4 addresses gathering steam
  7. Groups launch gigabit-per-second broadband project
  8. 9 warning signs of bad IT architecture
  9. Google warns users infected with DNSCharger as Web outage nears
  10. Tech managers aren't doing a good job developing IT talent

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