Thursday, May 31, 2012

McAfee Security News and Advice Summer 2012

Products Security Advice Center Support
Security News
and Advice
Summer 2012
How to Fight Mobile Malware &
Keep Your Information Safe
The word is out—we love our mobile devices, and the cybercriminals have taken note. They’ve been busy creating mobile malware, hoping to trick us out of our information and money, or just cause harm. Learn where the threats are coming from, and what you need to do to protect your information and your device.
How to Fight Mobile Malware & Keep Your Information Safe
Get mobile security savvy
Getting Your Teen Tech Ready
for College
Getting your teen college ready is one thing—getting them tech ready is another! Don’t let viruses, and concerns Getting Your Teen Tech Ready for College
over information loss and theft get in the way of their education. Follow these simple tips to protect your teen’s data and devices while they’re away from home.
Simple Steps to Protect Your
Information Online
Sharing is good, but over sharing online can be dangerous! Learn how to adjust your social networking settings, manage your accounts, and connect online securely by Simple Steps to Protect Your Information Online
following these simple steps to improve your online privacy and protect your personal information.

Get your teen tech ready now
Protect your privacy
What is a Worm?
Don’t let worms wiggle their way into your computer, causing havoc. Internet worms spread easily and can infect scores of computers in a matter of days.
What is a Worm?
Learn how to keep your machine from being infected.
Read our mobile security e-guide Visit Watch the Video

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