Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The 10 most demanding jobs in IT

  Microsoft's 10 biggest buys | A look back: Steve Ballmer laughs at the iPhone
  Network World Daily News PM

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The 10 most demanding jobs in IT
What are the 10 most demanding jobs in IT? Read More


Introducing BlackBerry® Mobile Fusion
Easily manage and secure mobile device deployments with BlackBerry® Mobile Fusion. From a single interface, manage BlackBerry® smartphones, BlackBerry® PlayBook™ tablets and devices that use the iOS® and Android™ operating systems. Put an end to mobile chaos. Learn more at blackberry.com/mobilefusion


WiNG 5 Wireless LAN: Delivering Better Quality of Experience
Can your wireless network infrastructure handle the growing numbers of mobile devices taking significant bandwidth bites out of your network? The good news is that with smart, cost-effective wireless infrastructure investments, not only can you scale quickly to secure the growing number of devices you serve, but also optimize their performance. Learn More.

Microsoft's 10 biggest buys
With Yammer the latest, here's a look back at Microsoft's high-takes investments Read More

A look back: Steve Ballmer laughs at the iPhone
With the 5th anniversary of the iPhone's public release coming on Friday, I thought those who haven't seen it might enjoy this interview Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer gave in January 2007, right after Apple and Steve Jobs unveiled the device at Macworld. Asked for his "first reaction" after seeing the iPhone, Ballmer replies with haughty laughter: Read More

California business scores settlement in thorny cybercrime case
Over two days in March 2010, nearly US$466,000 disappeared from the accounts of Village View Escrow, a small business in California that holds funds for real estate transactions. Read More


Experience a Smooth and Swift Backup
Virtually every company, regardless of size or industry, needs data archive capabilities. Datacenter administrators across all industry segments face similar archive challenges. Learn More!

Antennas: The Old School TV Networks
40-years ago I was on a tower in the middle of the West Virgina hills putting up an antenna for state of the art TV reception. That is, I was installing a TV antenna. In WV, with few TV stations and lots of low mountains the only way you got TV was by having someone like my dad and his assistant—aka me—install up to 100-foot tall towers and antennas on top of them. That was then. This is now. Read... Read More

Bank hack: 'Operation High Roller' has netted $78M – so far
A global fraud ring has been targeting high net-worth businesses and individuals has netted the criminals an estimated $78 million (60 million euros). Read More

Six-figure IT salaries not just for CIOs, SVPs
Information architects, data security analysts, and user experience designers often see salaries top $100,000, according to Robert Half Technology. Read More


Changing the Competitive Dynamics of the Business
Date/Time: June 5, 2012, 11:00 a.m., EDT, 4:00 p.m. BST / 3:00 p.m. UTC Please join us for this webcast, as Dr. Barry Devlin, Founder and Principal, 9sight Consulting, describes what operational analytics can do for your business and reviews an architectural approach that will enable you to make it a reality. Register Now

Cisco adds 802.11ac, cloud features to new home router
Cisco's Linksys brand of home wireless networking routers today joined other vendors in coming out with 802.11ac equipment, as well as enabling a cloud-based platform for configuration and control of its "Smart Wi-Fi Routers." Read More

Go Alfresco for Enterprise Content Management
The Alfresco enterprise content management portal provides integrated document management, web content, records management, and general collaboration. Read More

Gamifying the workplace to make employees more productive
At Enterprise 2.0 last week in Boston vendors tried to convinced attendees that gamification platforms could create more engaged and productive workers. Follow Nick Barber on Twitter @nickjb Read More



Top CIOs take home seven-figure pay packages
Fortune 500 CIOs and IT SVPs netted multimillion dollar compensation packages in 2011.

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  1. Why Microsoft spent $1.2B on Yammer
  2. Top CIOs take home seven-figure pay packages
  3. Five needs driving SDNs
  4. DARPA spends $21.4M for Android mobile device security development
  5. OpenStack company Piston adds virtual desktop infrastructure
  6. Windows Phone 8 seen cementing developer loyalty to Microsoft
  7. Motorola's amazing wireless badge
  8. The more you encrypt, the more the government breaks into your cloud
  9. Gartner: One-third of consumer data will be stored in the cloud by '16
  10. Silent CEO, shadowy avatars fuel Google + 'ghost town' vibe

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