Monday, June 04, 2012

An evolutionary WAN path to cloud computing with WAN Virtualization

OpenFlow and Cisco OPEN's feedback loop | Dollars and Senseless: The Real Financial Impact of a Cyber Attack

Network World Cisco

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An evolutionary WAN path to cloud computing with WAN Virtualization
Previously, we covered the network benefits of WAN Virtualization and how WAN Virtualization delivers benefits "beyond the WAN" to areas like security, backup, file access, DR/business continuity, and private cloud computing.& Read More

RESOURCE COMPLIMENTS OF: BYOD & Mobile Device Management Tech Seminar

BYOD & Mobile Device Management Tech Seminar - 6/26
During this one-day tech seminar, IT executives, managers and teams will learn how to successfully manage the onslaught of new mobile devices, along with the strategies and policies that can help avoid pitfalls and ensure success. June 26 - Omni Parker House, Boston Click to continue

WHITE PAPER: CenturyLink

Network/Cloud Security & Business Continuity eGuide
Network security today means much more than simply building a perimeter around the enterprise network to defend from threats. With cloud-computing models becoming more popular, enterprises are extending corporate data and applications outside the four walls of the data center. Learn More!

OpenFlow and Cisco OPEN's feedback loop
During its SDN conference call this week with Morgan Stanley and other participants, Cisco officials talked often about how a "feedback loop" is vital in its vision of a programmable network. This feedback loop would provide analytical data on users, sessions and applications gathered from the network to define policies and orchestration routines to be programmed back into the network. Read More

Dollars and Senseless: The Real Financial Impact of a Cyber Attack
The security industry has long debated the potential impact of a large-scale cyberattack. From actual security analysts who have been accountable for implementing and managing security solutions to security "pundits" who love to speculate about things in the security world that they've never actually done, everyone has an opinion. Read More

WHITE PAPER: Extreme Networks

Mobility in the Network: A Phased Technology Approach
The evolution of the network to provide the intelligence needed to address user, device and application mobility is underway. In this white paper, Extreme Networks® outlines the five phases required to bring mobility into the network. Learn more.

Exinda targets branch office with new WAN optimization appliances
Boston-based WAN optimization vendor Exinda today released two new variants of its Edge line of appliances, targeted at branch-office users who need performance enhancement and don't want to spend a lot of time on setup. Read More

Usage-based Internet service: Sometimes competition in name only
The National Cable and Telecommunications Association (NCTA) held its annual Cable Show in Boston at the end of May. The opening remarks by Michael Powell, ex-chairman of the FCC and current head of the NCTA, were quite good, but he glossed over a basic conflict of interest present in today's cable business. Julius Genachowski, the current FCC chairman, did an even better job of ignoring this issue. Read More

WHITE PAPER: Extreme Networks

Cloud-Scale Networks Using Open Fabric Architectures
Virtualization and cloud are driving new requirements for data center network performance, VM support, automation and simplified orchestration. This paper outlines Extreme Networks® open fabric approach to high speed, low latency networks for modern data centers. Learn more.

Sales of unused IPv4 addresses gathering steam
A growing number of U.S. carriers and enterprises are hedging their bets on IPv6 by purchasing blocks of unused IPv4 addresses through official channels or behind-the-scenes dealmaking. Read More

10 Mobile Device Management Apps to Take Charge of BYOD
Managing devices in a BYOD environment is no mean feat, and the right mobile device management (MDM) product can be a key component in making it work. Here are 10 leading MDM products on the market today. Read More

9 warning signs of bad IT architecture
From kludges to manual re-keying to redundant apps, these are the telltale indicators of an IT environment gone amok Read More


10 terrific LTE smartphones for $150 or less
LTE on the cheap: Offerings from Apple, Samsung, Nokia and more make cut.

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  1. U.S. and Israel unleashed Stuxnet, says New York Times
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  3. Why F5 beats Netscaler ... and the rest of the competition
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  5. The 20 best iPhone/iPad games of 2012 so far
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  8. Iran's discovery of Flame malware turning into political hot potato
  9. Open source BlackBerry: RIM's last resort
  10. IT staff, engineers among top 10 toughest jobs to fill in U.S.

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