Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Why Microsoft spent $1.2B on Yammer

  Microsoft's tablet: Let's play a (really big) game | Top CIOs take home seven-figure pay packages
  Network World Microsoft

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Why Microsoft spent $1.2B on Yammer
Microsoft's $1.2 billion move to buy collaboration platform Yammer is a way for the tech giant to get more users in the increasingly important enterprise social collaboration market. Read More

WHITE PAPER: Silver Peak Systems, Inc.

WAN Optimization eGuide
In this eGuide, articles from Network World examine the maturing WAN optimization market, collect advice from experts and users on how best to implement these products, and look at new trends. Read on to discover how to make the most of WAN optimization in enterprise networks. Read now.


Lower Costs of Your Product Lifecycle Management
This paper includes sizing guidelines with recommended configurations for small, medium, and large installations along with test results and best practices for configuring the environment to optimize performance and reliability on Sun x86 servers from Oracle. Learn More!

Microsoft's tablet: Let's play a (really big) game
Is Microsoft actually pointing the way to an amazing evolution of the mobile space, with Google to follow? If so, this could be the biggest sea change ever in wireless and mobile, reshaping the competitive and market landscape like never before. Read More

Top CIOs take home seven-figure pay packages
CIOs and senior IT leaders have ascended the ranks of corporate America, and in some cases, they rate among the most highly paid executives at the largest U.S. companies. IT leaders at Fortune 500 companies including Aetna, Gap, FedEx, Home Depot and Walgreens took home multimillion-dollar pay packages in 2011. Read More

Cool features of Microsoft Surface tablets
A broad screen, and that keyboard is like something you've never seen. Read More

WHITE PAPER: EMC Corporation

Transforming Tier 1 Applications through Virtualization
This Technology Spotlight will explore the benefits of virtualizing tier 1 applications and discuss the role that EMC Consulting plays in virtualizing top tier Microsoft applications (including Exchange, SharePoint and SQL) on the VMware platform. Learn More

Microsoft says it has no plans to make smartphones
Microsoft has no plans to build its own smartphones, contrary to a report from an analyst last week. Read More

Finalists in Microsoft's $250K contest take on 'most-pressing' exploit tactic
Microsoft yesterday announced that each of the three finalists in the BlueHat Prize $250,000 security contest came up with ways to detect and stymie one of the most effective exploit methods now being used by hackers. Read More

Windows Phone 8 seen cementing developer loyalty to Microsoft
Windows Phone 8, which Microsoft partially unveiled this week, is the company's third version of its mobile OS. And for some experienced Windows Phone developers, Microsoft got it all right. Read More


Deliver Cost-Effective Business Continuity
IBM DB2 provides application cluster transparency technology that equips organizations running OLTP applications with the ability to deliver high availability and continuous uptime for transactional data, plus the flexibility and capacity they need to remain competitive. Learn More

Smartphone OS Showdown: Apple, Google, Microsoft, RIM Gear Up for Battle
If you're in the market for a new smartphone, don't even think about going down to your local cellphone retailer or AT&T/Sprint/T-Mobile/Verizon retail store to get a new device, at least not yet. Every major smartphone platform including Android, iOS, BlackBerry, and Windows Phone is getting an overhaul with lots of new features, and, presumably, new hardware to go along with it starting in the fall. Read More

Windows 8 Update: Windows Phone 8 apps won't run as-is
In announcing Windows Phone 8 last week, Microsoft intimated that apps for the new platform would be readily adaptable to Windows 8, but one thing is for sure: Without rewriting, Windows Phone applications will not run on Windows 8. Read More

Microsoft bets the farm on Metro
If you want to help Microsoft out, love its Metro interface. It's got all those colored tiles on a Start page that fills up the entire screen and seems to stretch from side to side forever with no visible navigation tools. Read More

How about that Surface?
On June 18, 2012, Microsoft announced their Surface tablet, to be available in Windows RT and Windows 8 Pro flavors. The Surface is a bit of a departure from traditional Microsoft announcements, as it uses Microsoft rather than OEM hardware. Read More



Top CIOs take home seven-figure pay packages
Fortune 500 CIOs and IT SVPs netted multimillion dollar compensation packages in 2011.

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  1. Silent CEO, shadowy avatars fuel Google + 'ghost town' vibe
  2. Win an iPad! But take our smartphone survey first
  3. Cool features of Microsoft Surface tablets
  4. Cisco extends server line
  5. Windows Phone 8 seen cementing developer loyalty to Microsoft
  6. Review: Samsung Galaxy S III smartphone
  7. Microsoft launches own Windows 8 tablets, one a 'full PC'
  8. Windows 8 update: Windows Phone 8 apps won't run as-is
  9. The worst data breach incidents of 2012 - so far
  10. Original iPhone: Why this guy is still using a 5-year-old smartphone

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