Thursday, October 25, 2012

Does OpenStack need a Linus Torvalds?

  Seems that balky Amazon data center cries wolf, too | IT budgets up, but salary cuts still a concern: study
  Network World Cloud Computing

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Does OpenStack need a Linus Torvalds?
OpenStack has been dubbed by some enthusiasts as the Linux of the cloud - an open source operating system for public or private clouds. But there's one stark difference between the two projects: OpenStack doesn't have a Linus Torvalds, the eccentric, outspoken, never-afraid-to-say-what-he-thinks figurehead of the Linux world. Read More

WHITE PAPER: CA Technologies

Top 10 Cloud Backup and DR Best Practices
Building out a complete disaster recovery infrastructure can be cost prohibitive for many organizations. This paper identifies the many ways the public cloud can supplement backup and recovery strategies and offers overall best practices to ensure secure and efficient data protection. Learn More


LogMeIn Central: Automate, Monitor and Manage PCs.
LogMeIn lets you Monitor and Manage PCs, deliver patches and updates to multiple PCS simultaneously. Central helps IT deliver seamless support that keeps employees productive and up and running. LogMeIn Central - automate routine tasks and do more. Free Trial

Seems that balky Amazon data center cries wolf, too
Yesterday's recurrence of reliability issues at the Northern Virginia facility of Amazon Web Services prompted one commenter on Reddit to facetiously suggest that the company "should burn that datacenter to the ground. It's cursed." Read More

IT budgets up, but salary cuts still a concern: study
Companies are still looking for ways for IT to reduce costs, still trying to increase employee productivity, and still cautious about raising IT salaries, according to the latest survey data from the Society for Information Management (SIM). Read More

Microsoft brings big data to Windows
Microsoft, with the help of partner Hortonworks, brings Hadoop to Windows and stakes its claim as a vendor of big data technologies with new cloud-based and on-premises offerings. Read More


VoIP Solutions Provide Enterprises With Various Benefits
VoIP migration is a top telecom priority for many North American enterprises. Do you know why? Find out in this Forrester study, which reveals the opinions of telecommunications decision-makers like you. Read the report.

Cisco study finds clouds moving in
Global cloud traffic will grow sixfold between 2011 and 2016 while global data center traffic will quadruple in that time. That's just one of the findings in Cisco's second annual Global Cloud Index, an estimate of global data center and cloud-based IP traffic growth and trends. Read More

Securing mixed cloud environments
Securing cloud computing environments is challenging enough, but is made all the more complicated when a mix of cloud options are employed, an approach that will become increasingly common. Read More

Gartner: Top 10 strategic technology trends for 2013
If some of the top 10 strategic technology trends going into 2013 look familiar it's because quite a few -- like cloud computing and mobile trends -- have been around for awhile but are now either morphing or changing in ways that will continue to impact IT in the next year. Read More


Protect Unstructured Data on File Servers, SharePoint & NAS
Unstructured data is a critical security risk and compliance concern for organizations. Your company's emails, documents and spreadsheets contain readily digestible, business-critical information, and your organization is generating more, much more, of those documents every day. How are you protecting that data? Read Now!

OpenStack: We can tell Amazon what to do, instead of the other way around
Organizers of the OpenStack Design Summit had a slight problem when the conference got underway in earnest this week. More than 1,000 people had registered for the event, but more than 1,400 actually showed up. Read More

Land O'Lakes turns to cloud for service desk
Many IT organizations have neglected their help or service desks for years. But Land O'Lakes Inc. is going in a different direction, moving its help desk to ServiceNow, a cloud-based service. Read More

BYOD resistance loosening but security practices lacking
A survey of 650 information and security professionals about how the "bring your own device" (BYOD) trend is impacting their organizations finds one-quarter of them forbid use of personally owned devices such as smartphones and tablets on the network. However, the majority that do often lack meaningful policies or security controls related to these devices. Read More



Top 10 tech gadgets of 2012
Here are 10 that made a significant impact in the industry this year.

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  1. iPad Mini vs. Nexus 7: A head-to-head tablet comparison
  2. First look: Apple iPad mini
  3. Amazon outage started small, snowballed into 12-hour event
  4. 10 things you can get from Windows 8 that Windows 7 just doesn't have
  5. Apple unveils iPad mini and fourth-generation iPad
  6. Country's largest 4-year university expels Cisco, saves $100 million
  7. Gartner: 10 critical IT trends for the next five years
  8. .xxx to launch porn search engine
  9. Amazon EBS failure brings down Reddit, Imgur, others
  10. Juniper Networks sees another top exec leave

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