Wednesday, November 21, 2012

CloudTweaks Daily Update

Latest News Nov 21, 2012

Happy Techsgiving! Top 7 Tech Gadgets I'm Thankful For In 2012

Happy Techsgiving! Top 7 Tech Gadgets I'm Thankful For In 2012

With Thanksgiving just around the corner, I decided to take a couple minutes to think about what tech gadgets I have been most thankful for in 2012. I've seen both consumers and corporate clients really begin to embrace a few technologies over the past year. As a consultant, a lot of these things make life easier for me, my coworkers, and my company. ...

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Access Management In A Cloudy, Mobile World

Access Management In A Cloudy, Mobile World

Lately, I've noticed that user access management is a recurring topic of discussion with customers and partners. Two major trends transforming industries today – mobile and cloud – are acting as catalysts for a renewed focus on this critical area of security. ...

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Overcoming Denial In The Cloud

Overcoming Denial In The Cloud

One of the most critical aspects of doing business in the cloud is clarity. When mistakes are made it's often due to mistaken judgments based on information processed in the brain incorrectly. Marketers must read their audience and a company like ...

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Featured Free Resource

Leveraging Cloud Security to Weather Threatening Storms for the Healthcare and Life Sciences Industries

Learn how to defend your perimeter from today's outsized security threats.

Whitepaper: Microsoft SharePoint On The AWS Cloud – Learn How!

Whitepaper: Microsoft SharePoint On The AWS Cloud – Learn How!

Amazon Web Services (AWS) provides a complete set of services and tools for deploying Windows® workloads, including Microsoft® SharePoint® Server, on its highly reliable and secure cloud infrastructure platform. This white paper discusses general concepts regarding how to use these services and provides detailed technical guidance on how to configure, deploy, and run a SharePoint Server farm on AWS. It illustrates reference architecture for common SharePoint Server deployment scenarios and discusses their network, security, and deployment configurations so you can run SharePoint Server workloads in the cloud with confidence. ...

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Solving Problems On The Cloud Part 2: PaaS Adoption Rates Lag Behind SaaS, Again

Solving Problems On The Cloud Part 2: PaaS Adoption Rates Lag Behind SaaS, Again

Continued From Part 1

In the 1920s Gestalt Psychologists developed the concept that by reimagining a difficulty one could solve a problem. This meant restructuring a problem's components by recasting one's mental picture. Perhaps this is what's needed when it comes to PaaS. ...

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Cloud Infographic: What Is Big Data, Anyway?

Cloud Infographic: What Is Big Data, Anyway?

In information technology, big data is a collection of data sets so large and complex that it becomes difficult to process using on-hand database management tools. The challenges include capture, curation, storage, search, sharing, analysis, and visualization. The trend to larger data sets is due to the additional information derivable from analysis of a single large set of related data, as compared to separate smaller sets with the same total amount of data, allowing correlations to be found to “spot business trends, determine quality of research, prevent diseases, link legal citations, ...

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Featured Free Resource

Nimble Data Architecture: What 'Getting Data Integration Right' Can Do for You

You have a data architecture. Is it helping or hurting your business? Read this free white paper and learn how a nimble data architecture can help you get data integration right.

The State Of Online Schools: More Heads Than Ever Are In The Cloud

The State of Online Schools: More Heads Than Ever Are in the Cloud

Online education is certainly nothing new to today's students, though advancements in the field are making available programming more complex—and in many ways more compelling—than ever before. Internet-based university learning began decades ago as a way for older students to continue their education without disrupting their schedules. Schools like the University of Phoenix and Capella University gained fast popularity as ways for busy professionals to finish—or sometimes even start—college degree programs from home, and were mostly designed as online versions of the age old correspondence course. Things have changed substantially since then. Students at all levels and places in life are looking online for education, and academics are responding in record numbers. Many scholars predict that the future of education and learning is likely in the cloud. While the landscape is still shifting and there remain some pitfalls to the online classroom, there is little doubt that the demand and drive are there. ...

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SnapLogic: Tackling The Complex Features Of The Cloud

SnapLogic: Tackling The Complex Features Of The Cloud

The very concept behind the development of the cloud is based on user friendly apps that allow for a much broader range of functionality for people who don't really have anything to do with the IT world. And when ...

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The Great Arms Race For Security: Virtualization

The Great Arms Race For Security: Virtualization

Since its infancy in the early seventies when the first computer virus was created, the malware and anti-malware business has grown into multi-billion dollar industries. No longer are script kiddies creating malware for notoriety, instead the malware industry is run by organized criminals who invest time and money in new technologies and methods to compromise systems for profit. ...

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