Thursday, March 21, 2013

A backhanded environmental attack

Organizing for Action
Joe --

If you care about the environment, you need to know about what's happening in the Senate right now, and you need to act quickly:

A smart budget that funds clean energy investments and measures to combat climate change is about to get stuffed full of anti-environmental amendments until it's barely recognizable.

Or at least that's what some Republican senators are going to try to do.

They'll try to block the EPA's climate change rules, end renewable energy tax credits, and circumvent the State Department's process evaluating the Keystone XL oil pipeline.

This kind of backhanded environmental attack is what's broken in Washington -- powerful special interests are calling the shots right now. If we want to start fixing it, we've all got to stand up and fight back.

With each name, our call for action gets a little louder and our grassroots team gets a little stronger -- add yours today:

Thanks -- and I'll be in touch with more soon.


Ivan Frishberg
Climate Campaign Manager
Organizing for Action

P.S. -- As we gear up for this and many other fights over environmental policy, members of Congress need to know that we've got a massive community of supporters ready to help them out if they do the right thing -- or make life very hard for them if they don't. Add your name today and say you're ready to take action.

Let's finish what we started. Chip in $25 or more to Organizing for Action, the grassroots movement that will get the job done.

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