Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Cost battle: Cloud computing vs. in-house IT

  Why VMware's hybrid cloud announcement could be a big deal | Top 8 cloud-related skills employers are demanding
  Network World Cloud Computing

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Cost battle: Cloud computing vs. in-house IT
It's one of the fundamental questions of cloud computing: Is it less expensive to run workloads in a public cloud than in an on-premises IT environment? The answer, says Charlie Burns, a researcher at boutique advisory firm Saugatuck Technology, is "a definitive maybe." Read More


IT Roadmap Boston Focuses on Five Pillars of Technology
The content-rich agenda has been redesigned and reenergized to include increased IDG content from editors you know and trust on topics such as: Security & Management, Network - From the Edge to the Core of the New Data Center, Analytics & Data Management, Cloud & Next Generation Apps, The Mobile/BYOD Enterprise, and more! Click to continue


The #1 real-time network mapping and monitoring tool.
InterMapper provides an at-a-glance, real-time view of your network devices, services, applications, connections and traffic patterns. Drilling down on maps uncovers details needed to fix performance problems. It is an industrial strength monitoring, mapping and alerting tool that empowers network administrators to maintain healthy IT environments.

Why VMware's hybrid cloud announcement could be a big deal
Perhaps the biggest selling point for VMware's newly announced hybrid cloud strategy -- and the reason it could be a game changer in the infrastructure as a service (IaaS) market -- is because of the common platform VMware customers will now have between their private cloud internal systems and this new VMware-operated public cloud. Read More

Top 8 cloud-related skills employers are demanding
In today's tech job market, some scoff at the concept of job security. While there may be some truth to that, there are things you can do to stay ahead of the curve and keep your IT skills relevant. And perhaps the best way to stay in demand is to master the tech skills most directly related to the cloud. Read More

Microsoft Hotmail, Outlook, SkyDrive problems could hurt customer confidence
Microsoft paints a rosy picture of customers storing documents and other data in the cloud so they are accessible from any Internet-connected device, but yesterday's outage of its mail and storage services should make anybody rethink the proposition. These services are potentially great if the technology delivers on the features Microsoft promises, but availability is key. Read More

WEBCAST: HP Intel VMware

Your IT Journey - Your Way
Faced with unrelenting pressure to do more with less, IT leaders are implementing virtualization, mobility and cloud computing in their enterprises. In this Knowledge Vault Exchange you'll find a plethora of valuable information, including videos, on-demand Webcasts, white papers and Twitter chats. View Now!

Cloud services can save you money -- if you're careful
Calculating the real ROI of cloud apps requires the analysis of a lot of factors, and cutting corners on that process means you might not save money. Read More

Open Data Center Alliance adds to list of needed cloud improvements
The Open Data Center Alliance (ODCA) -- whose membership roster includes BMW, Deutsche Bank, JPMorgan Chase and Lockheed Martin -- has expanded its vision for how cloud services should work, with requirements for more cloud-friendly licensing and better mechanisms for access control. Read More

Augmented reality poised to leave a mark on IT
Though true artificial intelligence remains futuristic in terms of practical applications, use of computers to augment our own perception of the world is pushing more prominently into view, with commercials already suggesting ways to overlay information on what we see. With augmented reality (AR) being developed to take advantage of cloud, mobile, big data and social technology -- Gartner's "nexus of forces" -- is it possible AR could become a fifth component of the nexus? Read More


Eliminate Virtualization Management Challenges
A hosted private cloud can offer many advantages for organizations looking to benefit from a secure cloud model. This white paper details how the hosted private cloud can address security and compliance concerns, deliver scale-up and scale-down capabilities, reduce costs and improve IT utilization all while minimizing loss of control by IT. Learn more.

The rise of cloud-based IDEs
Development tools in the cloud enable programming from anywhere, but they're not suited for all app dev needs. Read More

How cloud computing helps cut costs, boost profits
The decision over whether to move your organization's IT to the cloud can be a daunting one. After all, it means a wholesale change in the sourcing and delivery of IT products and services. However, many companies are making the leap, at least for select capabilities--a recent by CDW of 1,242 IT professionals found that more than half of organizations are moving a variety of capabilities to the cloud. And a majority of them are recognizing cost savings and increased profits, according to another study by Rackspace Hosting. Read More

Amazon Web Services aims to simplify roll-out of Node.js apps
Amazon Web Services (AWS) has expanded its Elastic Beanstalk to include Node.js, in an effort to make it easier to deploy and manage application development on its cloud. Read More

Ignore cloud security assessment at your own risk
Companies that deploy software-as-a-service often don't know everything about the security provisions their SaaS providers and partners have in place. Experts say it's because they don't know what to ask, they don't know what to test and they no longer know what's standard for a cloud service provider contract. Read More



How different tech degrees measure up

Here's our list of lucrative tech degrees, ranked from lowest to highest starting salary.


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1. 3G and 4G USB modems are a security threat, researcher says

2. First look: Samsung Galaxy S 4

3. iPhone 6 rumor rollup for the week ending March 15

9. Belkin closes Linksys acquisition

5. Security appliances are riddled with serious vulnerabilities, researcher says

6. Software-defined networking is a 'limiting vision' says Cisco CTO

7. How 7 strange tech terms got their names

8. 10 trends shaping IT hiring in 2013

10. 'NotCompatible' Android malware rears its ugly head, again

4. Honeypot for phoney waterworks gets hammered on Internet


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