Tuesday, May 28, 2013

ISAserver.org - Understanding TMG Logging (Part 1)

ISAserver.org - Understanding TMG Logging (Part 1)

Hi Security World,


Just Published
Understanding TMG Logging (Part 1) (on 28 May 2013 by Deb Shinder)
In this article, I want to talk about why TMG firewall logging is important and what some of the improvements are in logging for the TMG 2010 firewall.

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Enable Cross-Premises Connectivity to Amazon EC2 with Forefront Threat Management Gateway (TMG) 2010 (on 21 May 2013 by Richard Hicks)
In this article I’ll demonstrate how to configure Amazon EC2 VPC and Forefront TMG site-to-site networking to achieve these goals.

Planning for SharePoint Publishing with TMG (on 14 May 2013 by Deb Shinder)
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TMG Firewall Name Resolution (Part 3) (on 30 April 2013 by Deb Shinder)
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