Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Step back a second

Organizing for Action
Joe --

This is why we keep sending you emails, why we hire organizers, and why everyone's continued involvement in this cause matters.

This week alone we saw big, consequential moments on things you care about:

    -- The Supreme Court struck down DOMA and dismissed Prop 8, huge victories for everyone who cares about equality.

    -- President Obama took the most decisive action on climate change any president has ever taken.

    -- One Texas state senator, thousands of volunteers, and hundreds of thousands watching the livestream online stood their ground to block an extreme anti-woman bill in the Texas legislature.

    -- The Senate is on the verge of passing a comprehensive immigration reform bill.

All that stuff we talk about and care about during election season?

The fights to get it done -- and the moments that create the political reality we live in -- happen between elections.

They're happening now. This is the time for doing. That's what OFA is about.

Make a donation of $5 or more to support this grassroots movement:

Whether it's the NRA trying to stop progress on gun safety legislation that 90 percent of Americans support, or conservatives in a state legislature trying to ram through radical rollbacks of women's rights, they are banking on you not paying attention.

They're hoping you won't jump in to the fight.

This week should make it clearer than ever why you need to.

And it's only Wednesday.

More to come,


Jon Carson
Executive Director
Organizing for Action

Paid for by Organizing for Action

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