Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Top 10 Amazon cloud challengers

  Red Hat unveils new offerings, cloud certification at VMworld | Can anybody catch Amazon?

  Network World Cloud Computing

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Top 10 Amazon cloud challengers
While industry analysts don't foresee any public cloud service vendor making a noticeable dent in Amazon's huge market lead anytime soon, Cloud Technology Partners, Forrester Research and Gartner do consistently name 10 providers that have a shot of picking up significant future revenue as the overall demand for public compute, infrastructure and storage services grows in the next three to five years. Here are the 10 companies and why they have a shot at challenging Amazon. Read More

WEBCAST: HP Intel VMware
The Cloud: Why the Hybrid Cloud May Be Best
A combination of the public and private cloud, the hybrid cloud fits the needs of a broad range of enterprises. View Now!

Red Hat unveils new offerings, cloud certification at VMworld
The open source solutions provider is showing off demos of its forthcoming CloudForms 2.1 cloud management technology at VMworld in San Francisco. It also announced a new product that integrates Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization and Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server as well as a new training and certification program for OpenStack. Read More

Can anybody catch Amazon?
It is quite a stretch for most cloud service providers to match the geographical reach of Amazon Web Services. Read More

Apple quietly launches iWork for iCloud public beta
Apple today quietly opened the free beta of iWork for iCloud to everyone with iCloud log-on credentials. Read More

WEBCAST: Dell Wyse and VMware
Capitalizing on Desktop Virtualization
As more than half of those surveyed by IDG move to virtual desktop infrastructure, mastering its complexities has never been more important. With the right best practices and trusted partners, you can do just that--thus accelerating time to value, simplifying deployment and management, and creating organizational agility. View Now

Packet loss problem in Amazon's cloud wobbles Airbnb, Vine
Amazon Web Services resolved service problems on Sunday that caused issues for several websites, including Airbnb's booking site and Twitter's Vine video application, which rely on its computing platform. Read More

HP introduces SAP HANA based cloud service
Hewlett-Packard has introduced a cloud service around SAP's HANA in-memory database, targeting customers who want to analyze big data. Read More

VMware User Group head reveals wish list
Mariano Maluf is president of the VMware User Group (VMUG), which counts about 80,000 individual members with technical interests related to VMware's virtual-machine software (the group includes local chapters, lots of free education and special interest groups). In his job as cloud ecosystem architecture lead at the Coca-Cola Co., Maluf has firsthand knowledge of deploying VMware products. Here's what's on his mind heading into next week's annual VMworld conference in San Francisco. Read More

WEBCAST: IBM and Intel

IBM Delivers Innovation On New x86 Systems and Solutions
Tuesday, September 10, 2013 3:00 PM EDT You need an IT infrastructure that provides scalability, performance and efficiency tailored to the specific goals of your business. Join us on September 10 to learn more about IBM's new innovation designed to provide the performance and efficiency required for today's workloads. Learn More

Orb Networks to shut down, suffocated by the cloud
Streaming media company Orb Networks said Thursday that it will shut down, having been acquired by an anonymous third-party company that will absorb its media platform technology. Read More

Creating your first cloud policy
While cloud-based services can help you reduce time to market, increase availability and ease management, challenges include loss of control, understanding risks and gaps in the cloud provider's environment, and maintaining compliance with financial, healthcare and other regulations that apply to your business. Read More

Fear of NSA snooping could hurt U.S. cloud vendors
Edward Snowden's revelations about the U.S. government's data collection program could cause U.S. providers of cloud-based services to lose 10% to 20% of the foreign market to overseas rivals. Read More

Tech firms' responses to latest NSA disclosures cloud the truth, experts say
Technology companies may be hiding behind legal jargon to avoid being more forthcoming in their responses to new documents on government surveillance that were disclosed Friday, some experts say. Read More



Celebrating Unix heroes

This presentation features the early Unix pioneers and their contributions to the computer industry.


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1. Old electronics don't die, they pile up

2. Linus Torvalds celebrates 22 years of Linux with nostalgic message

3. iPhone 6 rumor rollup for the week ending Aug. 23

4. Top 10 Amazon cloud challengers

5. The PC monitor is dead. Meet the new smart monitor

6. NSA fear raises concerns over DHS facial recognition technology

7. $6B DHS cybersecurity contract sets off race to supply real-time monitoring to feds

8. CCIE turns 20: How Cisco transformed itself and the IT world

9. 10 free Google Chrome extensions to increase your productivity

10. 7 classic Steve Ballmer videos


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