Thursday, August 29, 2013

Who do you #StandWith on immigration reform?

Organizing for Action
Joe --

In a few days, our representatives will be back in Washington, and Congress will be back in session.

Our goal: We want them to be thinking about all of their constituents who they've just heard from this August.

So for our final Day of Action this August, we're focusing on comprehensive immigration reform.

Here's one thing you can do right now to keep the drumbeat going wherever you live:

Let Congress know why you care about immigration reform -- fill out this placard to tell them who you #StandWith today.

We want folks across the country to take a picture of themselves holding up a #StandWith placard, fill in the blank, and then share them on Facebook or Twitter using that hashtag.

Here's mine. Today, I #StandWith the dream:

You don't have to support one specific thing to be in this fight -- you can #StandWith our country, #StandWith our future, #StandWith the DREAMers, or whatever else gets you fired up -- all that matters is that you share your inspiration.

So far, during the congressional recess, several more Republican members of Congress have come out in favor of moving forward on comprehensive immigration reform. All of our organizing is making a difference -- but we can't afford to slow down now.

Putting faces to immigration reform will help show the House how important this issue is to folks all over the country. It's not about winning a political fight -- it's about doing what's right for millions of families.

This is one of our last big pushes of Action August, so let's go out strong.

Join in and tell Congress who you #StandWith today:



Emmy Ruiz
Immigration Campaign Manager
Organizing for Action

P.S. -- If you can't print out the sign or take your photo right now, you can still #StandWith us -- just share this on Twitter.

The other side will spend millions to maintain the status quo. We're fighting for change -- chip in $5 or more to support OFA today.

Paid for by Organizing for Action

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