Tuesday, September 03, 2013

Parallels Access for iPad does for Windows what Microsoft didn't

How Jive let Devoteam add 4,000 employees while saving $2 million a year | How to get the most out of Chrome

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September 03, 2013
InCITE Your twice weekly digest of the most important developments in the consumerization of IT

Parallels Access for iPad does for Windows what Microsoft didn't

Parallels Access doesn't accomplish the impossible job transforming a desktop app -- with its tiny text and icons and compact spacing that's optimized for mouse, not finger -- into a touch-centric experience. But it does a better job than Microsoft has at making the Windows desktop apps more viable on a touch screen.

How Jive let Devoteam add 4,000 employees while saving $2 million a year

French IT services firm Devoteam used Jive to aid collaboration as it grew from 700 to 4,700 employees. One key to success: Employees can give each other points, Reddit-style, for their comments and contributions.

How to get the most out of Chrome

The Chrome browser is number one because of its speed, simplicity and stability. But by using a few features and extensions, Google's browser gets even better.

Taking the Azure Pack for a spin: Hybridize your cloud

From private cloud to public cloud and back again, without changing a line of code.

Predictive analytics shine a light on the future

Predictive analytics are being used with increasing success by companies who want to anticipate their customers' wants, needs and desires.... even before they do. And there's a growing array of applications and cloud services that address every industry niche you can imagine.

Get ready for the shiny new objects coming to work this holiday

Every holiday season, your employees and executives bring the latest shiny new toys to work. So how do you prepare? Policy, partnering, and -- most important -- communication.

Good Technology secures custom mobile Salesforce apps

Good Technology said it has integrated its technology with the Salesforce Mobile Software Development Kit so that businesses can more easily build custom Salesforce apps that run in a secure container from Good.


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