Thursday, October 31, 2013

Monster bosses: Be very afraid

10 tech terrors that will haunt your dreams | Microsoft's Windows Azure cloud hit by worldwide management interuption

Network World Network Optimization

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Monster bosses: Be very afraid
Even the best bosses can occasionally take on some of the traits of these monsters. Read More


Cloud Storage and Backup
The proliferation of cloud computing options has begun to change the way storage is thought about, procured and used. IT managers and departments need to think through how cloud options might fit into and complement their onsite data infrastructures. Read Now


Managing Mobile Access to the Cloud
Use of mobile personal cloud services is proliferating on personal and enterprise-owned mobile devices. Organizations are considering controls that appear to conflict with the spirit of BYOD and wonder if their approach is correct. Learn More

10 tech terrors that will haunt your dreams
Step into our house of techno-horrors where there is no Esc key. Read More

Microsoft's Windows Azure cloud hit by worldwide management interuption
Microsoft's Windows Azure suffered from an issue on Wednesday that affected a management feature in the compute section of the public cloud, and remained unsolved Thursday morning. Read More

Fake social media ID duped security-aware IT guys
Security experts used fake Facebook and LinkedIn profiles pretending to represent a smart, attractive young woman to penetrate the defenses of a U.S. government agency with a high level of cybersecurity awareness, as part of an exercise that shows how effective social engineering attacks can be, even against technically sophisticated organizations. Read More

WHITE PAPER: Spirent Communications

Challenges for Modern Networks Built Using SDN and OpenFlow
The Testing Challenges of SDN and OpenFlow white paper Covers Emerging network deployment scenarios, Current shifts in traffic type crossing networks and Challenges with Cost, Agility and Design. Read Now

Eucalyptus eases way to bring Amazon cloud deployments in-house
Eucalyptus has updated its namesake software to make it easier for organizations to set up their own, in-house versions of the Amazon Web Services (AWS) public cloud, letting users run Amazon workloads in private cloud deployments. Read More

Windows XP infection rate may jump 66% after patches end in April
Microsoft yesterday again but the scare into Windows XP users, telling them that after April 8, 2014, the chance that malware will infect their PCs could jump by two-thirds. Read More

Hapless website gets royal SNL treatment
SNL sunk its teeth into the website mess on Saturday night, kicking off the show with a skit featuring Secretary of Health & Human Services Kathleen Sebelius offering solutions for the technical difficulties some folks have been running into with the Obamacare centerpiece. This spoof will probably be nothing, however, next to the grilling Sebelius is expected to get Wednesday on Capitol Hill. Read More


Mobile Zen: Balancing End-User Productivity and IT Control
Mobility is often seen as a zero-sum game: either end users or IT can win, but never both. Learn how users can have the convenience and mobile productivity they need, while IT retains control over enterprise goods. Victory for both sides. Learn More

Coast Guard spills the beans on Google's mystery barges
The U.S. Coast Guard has given up what could be a key clue in the tale of two mysterious barges moored on either side of the country. Read More

How CIOs Can Become Business Heroes
Columnist Michael Hugos offers clear directions for how CIOs can open the exit door from the techie trap. Read More

Gartner: 'Five Styles of Advanced Threat Defense' can protect enterprise from targeted attacks
Attackers want to compromise networks and computers to steal sensitive information from the enterprise by using sophisticated malware. Research firm Gartner says IT can protect the enterprise against targeted attacks in five basic ways, and recommends combining at least two of them together for best effect. Read More


10 most powerful network management companies

Our look at the biggest players in the network management, um, world.


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1. 19 Apple rumors that were just wrong

2. The open-source graveyard: 7 projects that have gone belly-up

3. 5 best and 5 worst cities for IT salaries

4. Juniper unveils new fabric switch, architecture

5. 'Joe the IT guy' video exceeds not-so-lofty expectations

6. Microsoft urges Windows 8 upgrade for security sake

7. Windows 8.1 networking cheat sheet

8. The must-have iPad office apps, round 7

9. Microsoft may turn to Windows Defender for unprotected PCs

10. What's holding back the cloud industry?

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