Thursday, February 27, 2014

RSA security attack demo deep-fries Apple Mac components

Huge turnout at RSA shows hackers are winning | Are Apple iOS, OS X flaws really backdoors for spies?

Network World Security

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RSA security attack demo deep-fries Apple Mac components
How bad can cyberattacks get? How about burning the internal components of a machine, whether PC or Mac, to a crisp so there's no thought of it being recoverable? That's what security vendor CrowdStrike showed could be done to an Apple Mac OS X today at the RSA Conference. Read More


A Cybercriminal's Guide to Exploiting DNS
Stories about cyberattacks are plaguing the news more every week. Is your network secure? Take a detour through the eyes of the cybercriminals who are making today's headlines. Read this white paper and see your network the way hackers do—as an easy target. Learn how you can secure your external and internal DNS infrastructure today. Read now!

WHITE PAPER: PC Connection | Cisco | Intel®

Overcoming the Security Challenges of the Cloud
PC Connection, in partnership with Cisco and Intel®, recently conducted a survey to learn how organizations are using the cloud. In this white paper, you'll learn what you can do to mitigate security concerns and make the most out of the cloud. View Now

Huge turnout at RSA shows hackers are winning
In the battle between enterprises and malicious hackers, the bad guys are clearly winning, judging by the sheer number of people and exhibitors at the RSA security conference going on here this week. Read More

Are Apple iOS, OS X flaws really backdoors for spies?
Two recently-discovered flaws in Apple iOS and Mac OS X have security experts openly asking whether the software vulnerabilities represent backdoors inserted for purposes of cyber-espionage. There's no clear answer so far, but it just shows that anxiety about state-sponsored surveillance is running high. Read More

WHITE PAPER: Limelight Networks

Why Web Site Performance Is an IT Imperative
A slow or inefficient Web site can have a direct impact on your business. Recently, IDG Research explored the challenges enterprises face in delivering content across multiple devices. Find out how adjusting to these challenges while meeting performance objectives has become a top concern for senior IT managers. View Now

Android malware using TOR anonymity network makes a debut
Kaspersky Lab has spotted malware for the Android mobile operating system employing the TOR anonymity network, a development previously only seen on Windows. Read More

IE zero-day exploit being used in widespread attacks
The number of attacks exploiting a yet-to-be-patched vulnerability in Internet Explorer has increased dramatically over the past few days, indicating the exploit is no longer used just in targeted attacks against particular groups of people. Read More

WHITE PAPER: Crittercism

Top 10 Internet Applications Most Likely to be Mobilized
Effective mobile application performance management optimizes application availability and response time, ensuring the best user experience. Learn the difference the right management tools make and why tools that monitor the network or focus only on performance at the device level are not enough. Read now!

High-profile US national labs team to build 200 petaflop supercomputers
Three principal US national labs today affirmed they will team-up to build supercomputers that operate about 10 times faster than today's most powerful high performance computing (HPC) systems. Read More

13 of today's coolest network research projects
Here's a whirlwind look at some of the wildest and potentially most useful technology research projects from university and vendor labs related to computer networking. Read More

Apple retires Snow Leopard from support, leaves 1 in 5 Macs vulnerable to attacks
Apple on Tuesday made it clear that it will no longer patch OS X 10.6, aka Snow Leopard, when it again declined to offer a security update for the four-and-a-half-year-old operating system. Read More


Free tools for Windows Server admins

There are endless software tools and utilities out there to help you in managing your network. Here are some of the best free ones.


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1. Crowded U.S. airwaves desperately in search of breathing room

2. 13 of today's coolest network research projects

3. Storage on a budget: GlusterFS shines in open source storage test

4. Best new technology from Mobile World Congress 2014

5. iPhone 6 rumor rollup for the week ending Feb. 21

6. RSA chief: NSA exploited 'position of trust'; should spin-out security tech group

7. Battle of the fives: Samsung Galaxy S5 vs. Apple iPhone 5S vs. Google Nexus 5

8. Cisco details Sourcefire security threat integration, open source direction

9. Inside the tiny Kansas town battling cable lobbyists over municipal broadband

10. How to Test the Security Savvy of Your Staff

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