Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Be one of 679 people in Brooklyn to step up:

Last night, Democratic voters in Pennsylvania, Georgia, and Kentucky nominated three great candidates who are in great shape to beat three of the worst and most vulnerable Republicans in the country.
Hal --

Last night, Democratic voters in Pennsylvania, Georgia, and Kentucky nominated three great candidates who are in great shape to beat three of the worst and most vulnerable Republicans in the country.

In Pennsylvania, polling has shown Tom Wolf with a double-digit lead over Gov. Tom Corbett, one of the least popular and least successful governors in the country, and we have a major opportunity to turn that crucially important governor's mansion blue.

In Georgia, State Senator Jason Carter -- yeah, Jimmy Carter's grandson -- is locked in a dead heat with the well-financed and ethically-challenged Gov. Nathan Deal.

In Kentucky, a recent poll shows Alison Lundergan Grimes ahead of Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell... and I don't really have to tell you why it would be so great to ditch Mitch.

These critical general elections have already started, so no matter where we live, it's time for each of us to step up. Will you be one of the 679 people from Brooklyn we need to chip in $3 or more to help Democrats start the general election strong and keep up the momentum?

Look, as well-positioned as we might be in states like these, we've got a whole lot of work to do in order to bring it home this November.

Hundreds of thousands of Republicans came out to vote last night for McConnell, Deal, and Corbett, and I'm sure that guys like Karl Rove and the Koch brothers are hanging out in a smoky back room somewhere, figuring out what unbelievable amount of money to drop on the airwaves to drag down their Democratic opponents.

If we can blunt their attacks, we've got a great chance to win these races -- and that's up to folks in Brooklyn like you, Hal.

Chip in, and let's go win some elections:



Mo Elleithee
Communications Director
Democratic National Committee

P.S. -- Democrats in Georgia also nominated Michelle Nunn for Senate last night. We don't know who she's going up against yet -- it's going to come down to which Republican candidate can move furthest to the right to satisfy the Tea Party -- but the polls show she's in a good position no matter what. Chip in to support candidates like her today!

Paid for by the Democratic National Committee, 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington DC 20003 and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. Contributions or gifts to the Democratic National Committee are not tax deductible.

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