Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Tech CEOs with the biggest pay raises

Lenovo's new ThinkServer: Low sticker price, lots of upgrade options | What is Ubuntu without Bacon?

Network World Linux and Open Source

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10 biggest CEO pay raises
Avaya CEO Kevin Kennedy got a fivefold pay increase last year. Sprint more than quadrupled Dan Hesse's package. Which other tech CEOs saw dramatic pay jumps in 2013? Read More

WEBCAST: Neustar Inc.

Ecommerce Site Needs Protection Against Cyber 'Pirate'
Learn how a Neustar customer thwarted 'Blackbeard,' a self-styled DDoS Pirate. Using Neustar SiteProtect, a cloud-based DDoS mitigation service, this everyday IT hero was able to quickly block the attacks. Learn More

WEBCAST: Damballa

Shortfalls of Security Sandboxing for Advanced Threats
Network-based sandboxing has its place in a security program but relying solely on this technology for advanced threat detection can leave gaps. Learn about Damballa Failsafe automated breach detection. It uncovers actual infections that sandboxing alone misses. Register Now

Lenovo's new ThinkServer: Low sticker price, lots of upgrade options
We tested the Lenovo RD440 as a base-unit, 2U server. We found it pretty generic on the surface, but options, including software pre-loads, increase its potential utility for volume users and especially smaller operations. Read More

WHITE PAPER: Neustar Inc.

Three Ways Your DNS Can Impact DDoS Attacks
Domain Name System (DNS) plays a big role in consumers' day-to-day Internet usage and is a critical factor when it comes to distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks. Learn three ways your DNS can have an impact on DDoS attacks. Learn More

What is Ubuntu without Bacon?
Jono Bacon, the community manager for Ubuntu, has announced that he will be leaving his post at Canonical to join the crew over at XPRIZE. Read More

WHITE PAPER: Limelight Networks

7 Principles to Improve Web Site Availability
Users hate to wait so when your web site doesn't respond the way visitors expect, your business suffers. This guide offers strategies for scaling your web infrastructure to meet web availability and performance SLAs, enhancing both speed and performance (there is a difference), and delivering superior user experience on any device, in any location. Learn More

3 reasons why IT execs need to go out to lunch more
In the last couple of years, social, mobile, analytics and cloud technologies have risen to the top of many organizations' agendas. IDC calls the combination of these technologies "the third platform" and predicts they will account for 89% of technology spending this year. Read More


10 biggest CEO pay raises

Which tech leaders received the most generous pay hikes in 2013?


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1. Registry hack enables free Windows XP security updates until 2019

2. Apple devices held hostage using Find My iPhone

3. 9 great iPad tools for IT pros

4. 12 most powerful Internet of Things companies

5. Cisco Live lives it up at 25

6. IT pro gets prison time for sabotaging ex-employer's system

7. Lenovo's new ThinkServer: Low sticker price, lots of upgrade options

8. Is Cisco Back (as an enterprise security leader)?

9. 10 biggest CEO pay raises

10. iPhone 6 rumor rollup for the week ending May 23

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