Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Daily Stormer

Daily Stormer

Red Ice Radio: Conrad – The Political Battle for the Future of Sweden

Posted: 28 Jan 2015 08:04 AM PST

Henrik Palmgren
Red Ice Creations
January 28, 2015

rediceswedenConrad from Gothenburg in Sweden joins us to speak about some of the numerous disturbing issues plaguing Swedish politics. He begins by sharing the awakening he experienced while researching the leftist ideas that shaped his previously accepted wisdom of this once noble country. In the process, Conrad stumbled upon many indications that the Swedish government was in fact committing cultural suicide, mainly through its investments in mass immigration and reckless altruism.

We discuss the crumbling economy of Sweden, where there is no money to improve the services and infrastructure for its own citizens, but plenty of resources available to support what is now one of the largest welfare states in the world. Conrad outlines the main policies that are leading Sweden to decay, including the rights and benefits granted to immigrants and those who aid them, at the cost of the country’s own identity. Furthermore, we look at the ideology of a melting pot, the predominate opposition to unrestrained welcoming of foreigners seeking asylum in Sweden and other countries, and the economic price that is paid to meet the demands of integration. Conrad goes on to summarize the extremist attitudes that are transforming the culture of Sweden, and the criticism faced by those who speak out against immigration policies.

In the members’ hour, we talk about the failure of Swedish politicians and journalists to portray the true economic state of the country, and the universalist view that is degrading culture worldwide. Then, we deliberate what looks like an active plan by the Elite to push a White privilege agenda and the propaganda that has penetrated society at large, creating a self-loathing White race. Later, Conrad gets into the real numbers of voters who support the controversial Swedish Democrat party, and what it will take to organize a proper opposition to current policies. At the end, we reflect on the true definition of genocide, the alteration of Sweden’s Constitution, and incentivized methods for censorship.

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Hour 1:


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“The Persians are Coming” -The Jews

Posted: 28 Jan 2015 06:42 AM PST

Patrick J. Buchanan
January 28, 2015

A face you can trust.

A face you can trust.

"The Iranians are on the march," warned John McCain Sunday.

"Iran is building a new Persian Empire," echoed Col. Ralph Peters.

So alarmed is Speaker Boehner, he invited Bibi Netanyahu to come and challenge U.S. policy toward Iran from the same podium where the president delivered his State of the Union address.

Bibi will make the case for new U.S. sanctions on Iran; sanctions that Obama has said he will veto as they would sabotage talks on Iran's nuclear program and potentially put us on the road to war.

Why are Bibi's insights needed?

Because, says Sen. Robert Menendez, the outgoing chairman of foreign relations, White House statements sound like "talking points from Tehran." This beloved poodle of AIPAC is always a strong contender for best in show.

"Against the insidious wiles of foreign influence … a free people ought to be constantly awake, since history and experience prove that foreign influence is one of the most baneful foes of republican government."

So warned our first and greatest president in his Farewell Address.

But this column is not about how Washington would weep at what has become of this Republic, nor a polemic against the corruption of a capital where the currency is campaign cash and national policy is the commodity bought and sold.

The issue is whether Iran represents a threat to our security worth risking a war. For that is where many, including Bibi, want us to go.

Last week's panic was triggered by the ouster of the pro-American Yemeni President by Houthi rebels. Suddenly, we heard wails that Iran has now captured four Arab capitals — Baghdad, Beirut, Damascus and Sanaa.

"Death to America, death to Israel," is a slogan of the Houthis who are a Shia minority in Sunni Yemen. But who do the Houthis view as their mortal foes?

Al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula, AQAP. Our enemy, too.

The crown jewel of the new "Persian Empire" is said to be Iraq. So how did the Iranian imperialists manage to acquire it?

George Bush sent an army up to Baghdad, ousted Iran's greatest enemy, Saddam, disbanded his army, smashed his state, and brought to power a Shia majority with religious and historic bonds to Iran.

A masterstroke of Bismarckian brilliance. And both parties voted in Congress to authorize it. Mission Accomplished! — as they say in Tehran.

As for Damascus, Iran is but backing the Alawite Shia regime of Bashar Assad, whose father, Hafez Assad, was Bush I's ally in Desert Storm.

As for Beirut, Hezbollah arose as a resistance movement when Ariel Sharon invaded Lebanon in 1982.

Yitzhak Rabin would come to regret the consequences: "We let the Shia genie out of the bottle."

Looking over the chaos that is the Middle East today, we see failed states in Libya, Yemen and Syria, with Iraq and Afghanistan perhaps next.

A strategic disaster, largely of our own making. But if al-Qaeda and ISIS are our real enemies now, Iran, Hezbollah, Assad and the Houthis are all de facto allies, fighting on the same side with us.

Alarmists may see a new Persian Empire threatening all mankind.

A closer look reveals a Shia minority in a Sunni-dominated world where Shia are despised heretics. And of all the terrorist organizations we have the most reason to fear and hate — al-Qaida, Islamic State, Ansar al-Sharia, Boko Haram — none is Shia, all are Sunni.

What about Iran's drive to build a nuclear bomb?

Well, Israel has 100-300 atom bombs. America has thousands. Iran's Muslim neighbor Pakistan has scores. And Iran? She has no bomb.

Iran has never tested a nuclear device. She has never produced weapons-grade uranium. Her Fordow underground plant now has IAEA inspectors and its 20-percent-enriched uranium is all being diluted. Construction of the heavy-water reactor at Arak has been halted. Half of Iran's centrifuges are not operating. There are International Atomic Energy Agency inspectors and cameras blanketing Iran's program.

The U.S. intelligence community has twice said Iran has no nuclear bomb program. And the most recent finding, 2011, has never been reversed by the Director of National Intelligence.

And just how credible a foreign leader has Boehner invited to undercut his own president's credibility?

This is the same Bibi who told the Jewish community of Los Angeles in 2006, "It's 1938 and Iran is Germany … racing to arm itself with atomic bombs." President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad "is preparing another Holocaust for the Jewish state." Bibi even had the war plans:

"Israel would certainly be the first stop on Iran's tour of destruction, but at [Tehran's] planned production rate of 25 nuclear bombs a year, [the arsenal] will be directed against 'the big Satan,' the U.S."

Twenty-five Iranian nuclear bombs a year! What bullhockey it all was.

Boehner seem to have concluded that new sanctions on Iran, even if it aborts negotiations and brings on a war with Iran, will be rewarded by the electorate in 2016.

Perhaps. But if this is where the GOP is heading, we'll be getting off here.

Convicted Black Torture-Killer Supports Michael Brown at Sentencing

Posted: 28 Jan 2015 06:37 AM PST

Daily Stormer
January 28, 2015

We’ve posted a couple articles about the Detroit monkey who kidnapped, tortured and murdered two White teenage boys who at his sentencing when he was supposed to apologize to the families staged a Michael Brown protest, saying “#BlackLivesMatter,” and even going so far as to do the “hands up don’t shoot” gesture.

Here’s a local news report that shows the courtroom video of it happening.

What we need to understand is that there is nothing wrong with this Negro.  Killing and torturing people is simply a part of their genetic program.  When we call them “criminal” or “evil,” we miss the point completely.  They are a completely different creature than we are.

Boom! Hezbollah Kills Jews Trying to Get in Their Base!

Posted: 28 Jan 2015 06:23 AM PST

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 28, 2015

UPDATE: 18:28 GMT:

Dead Jews identified.

As a commenter mentioned below, it seems like all the fighting Jews are brown.

Yochai Klengel (25) and Dor Nini (20).

As a commenter mentioned below, it seems like all the fighting Jews are brown.  They are basically Arabs.

Spain identified the dead UN peacekeeper as Francisco Javier Soria Toledo.

Francisco Javier Soria Toledo

Francisco Javier Soria Toledo

The UN has yet to issue a statement on Jews killing their dude, but it is expected to be like “hey it’s cool bro I no u didn’t mean it.”  They may also apologize to the Jews for some reason.

Spain is probably going to be less placating.  They don’t really like Jews very much.


Pics released of burned out Jew-mobiles:



Are you Jews truly this arrogant??? Do you not recall that these are not Palestinians and that they whooped your ass and humiliated you in front of the whole world once already???

Maybe you should think this over for a minute????

Hail Hezbollah, defenders of their people from the menace of the Jew!


It is possible only two Jews died, along with the 7 injured.  At least that is what the Jews themselves are now claiming.

UN peacekeeper, 2 IDF soldiers killed: Israel, Hezbollah exchange fire — RT News

On the other side, sources are claiming as many as 15 Jews were killed.

15 jews

Hezbollah is saying they’ve taken one Jew POW.

Jew troops moving into Lebanon

Jew troops moving into Lebanon

Jew shelling of al-Wazzani area in southern Lebanon (civilian homes, obviously)

Jew shelling of al-Wazzani area in southern Lebanon (civilian homes, obviously)

It looks like it is now happening.  No idea why the Jews thing something different than happened in 2006 will happen this time, but I’m very glad they are this stupid.  More casualties expected soon.

Original Article (14:23 GMT) Follows

HAHAHAHA!  Stupid Jews!  Hezbollah is not Hamas!

HAHAHAHA! Stupid Jews! Hezbollah is not Hamas!

More relevant happenings going down: Hezbollah just killed four invading Jews trying to breach their base in a tank.  Jews have responded by apparently declaring war, then killing some guy from the UN.


An anti-tank missile has struck an Israeli Defense Forces vehicle in the Har Dov area near the Lebanese border, Israeli media report.

Reports of casualties in the attack have emerged. Four soldiers are dead, according to Al Arabiya sources.

Hezbollah has in a statement claimed responsibility for the attack on the Israeli military, which it said resulted in casualties among "enemy ranks."

The statement says the attack was carried out by a group calling itself the "heroic martyrs of Quneitra." Quneitra is a district in the Golan Heights. The name of the group suggests the attack was in retaliation for the January 18 airstrike by Israel on the Golan Heights, which killed six Lebanese Hezbollah fighters along with a senior Iranian general.

Residents in the area have been instructed to stay indoors.

"All residents are asked to return to their homes and to close all doors and windows until further notice," the IDF's Home Front Command said in a text message, cited by the Times of Israel.

Israel responded to the attack on the IDF vehicle by firing 25 artillery shells into Lebanon, according to Lebanese security officials cited by Naharnet.

No soldiers were kidnapped in the Lebanon incident, IDF says.

Wednesday’s attack took place near Mount Dov and Shebaa Farms, a disputed tract of land where the borders of Israel, Lebanon and Syria meet.

I hope the filthy Jews have already forgotten 2006 and go ahead and push this thing.  Seeing these rats get shut down by Nasrallah’s heroic army was one of the greatest events of my life, and I so so so want to see it happen again.

Although this time they would say Iran was giving them support (they are) and start bombing Tehran and then being like “good American goyim!  You must defend your greatest ally!”  Though even that might be a good thing, honestly.  It would mean a break in this horrible tension, and force the American people to ask themselves if they really want to fight yet another war for this rat-faced desert-dwelling weasel-squad.  If Americans are willing to do it again, then we basically have given up any right to exist and it doesn’t matter, but if we say no, it will be a turning point.

Responding to the attack, the King of the Kikes Netanyahu, predictably, threatened to slaughter children, saying “To all those who try to challenge us on the north, I suggest you look at what happened in the Gaza Strip.”

Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman said that Israel will respond “swiftly and disproportionately” (read: mass slaughter of infants) claiming that anyone else would do the same.

Reports indicate 7 were injured along with the four dead.

You sometimes forget there are brown Jews.

You sometimes forget there are brown Jews.

About an hour ago it was reported that two Jew boats have entered Lebanese waters with killing on their minds.  They are shelling random towns on the border presently.

Jews shelling a random border town in Lebanon as collective punishment

Jews shelling a random border town in Lebanon as collective punishment

The Jews also killed a UN Peacekeeper during shelling when they were trying to kill Lebanese people.  Or maybe they did it on purpose.  They have repeatedly killed the UN’s dudes and never shown any remorse and the UN never complains about it.  Because the UN is at best an international hoax and at worst a complete Jew proxy.

The Big One?

As I say, we’ve all been waiting for the tension to break.  I don’t want to say “it’s happening,” because I try to avoid sensationalism.  But a war with Lebanon is a war with both Syria and Iran.  And it does appear that the Jews are currently – like, as I write this – in the process of starting a war with Lebanon.

At the very least, Israel is making clear that there strategy of slaughtering civilians randomly is going to be used, meaning the world will once again get to see the true face of the Jew monster.  They will see that the Gaza genocide was not some special case, but simply the way Jews do war.  These old guys just don’t seem to have really grasped the concept that they can’t tell the same lies in the age of Twitter and smartphones as they told two decades ago.

The brazenness of the Jews in Gaza also demonstrated that they are now approaching the same level of disgusting behavior that got them kicked out of countries over 100 times in the past, and they are unable to slow down.  They are literally saying “we’re going to do you like we did Gaza” while just last week they were using criminal means to attempt to coerce the Gaza war crimes tribunal from forming.

In my opinion, the best/easiest place to follow these developments live is the Hatzolah Israel Twitter page.  From the Moslem angle, we’ve got PressTV’s live feed.

Wealth Inequality in America: Check Out These Charts

Posted: 28 Jan 2015 05:08 AM PST

Mac Slavo
January 28, 2015

The Davos World Economic Summit has long been a parade for the insider agenda, putting the power players' plans for the world's economies on display as a preview to their playing out for the rest of the year.

But so far, the 2015 elite retreat in the Swiss Alps has proven to be full of apprehension, and even horror… with many of its own members expressing regret at the world they have built.

The Guardian reported:

The billionaires and corporate oligarchs meeting in Davos this week are getting worried about inequality… even the architects of the crisis-ridden international economic order are starting to see the dangers. It's not just the maverick hedge-funder George Soros, who likes to describe himself as a class traitor. Paul Polman, Unilever chief executive, frets about the "capitalist threat to capitalism". Christine Lagarde, the IMF managing director, fears capitalism might indeed carry Marx's "seeds of its own destruction" and warns that something needs to be done.

The scale of the crisis has been laid out for them by the charity Oxfam. Just 80 individuals now have the same net wealth as 3.5 billion people – half the entire global population. Last year, the best-off 1% owned 48% of the world's wealth, up from 44% five years ago. On current trends, the richest 1% will have pocketed more than the other 99% put together next year. The 0.1% have been doing even better, quadrupling their share of US income since the 1980s.

These billionaires are not concerned with a fair or truly equitable world, of course. But they may well be concerned about having pushed the system beyond the brink, and triggering global collapse or unrest as a result of things gone way too far.

On top of a bloated super-surveillance police state that is still expanding in the age of Big Data and continuing terrorism, it is a "wealth grab on a grotesque scale" that has stood out the most in 2015.

In 2015, it has become obvious that inequality has become just plain cynical, unsettling and, perhaps, downright revolutionary… and even the insulated, egocentric billionaires have taken notice.

Meanwhile, the Telegraph compiled a set of compelling reasons to think the world has fallen back into crisis, with a global economic meltdown perhaps looming overhead.

Charts compiled from 2014 data showed gloomy numbers in everything from stunted growth, mounting deflation, collapsing oil prices (and with it a collapsing Russian economy), conspicuously low central bank interest rates, mounting debt in Europe and the UK, new waves of the Euro-crises in Greece, Italy and Spain, and shortcomings in previous forecasts for growth by the IMF.

In short… well, things are not looking so great.

Along with the other factors mentioned above, this chart, published by the London Telegraph, shows what has happened to Americans as they struggled to tread water and keep afloat after 2008. For the United States, there have been some signs of improvement, but mostly for those already on top. And the general decline in the global rankings of economic freedom and civil liberties does not complement the widening inequality, either.


It illustrates the dramatic shift from the post World War II years of economic expansion to where we stand now…

As Neil Irwin reported for the NY Times:

Who benefits from rising incomes in an expansion has changed drastically over the last 60 years. Pavlina R. Tcherneva, an economist at Bard College, created a chart that vividly shows how.

Back in the 1940s, '50s and '60s, most of the income gains experienced during expansions — the periods from the trough of one recession until the onset of another — accrued to most of the people. That is to say, the bottom 90 percent of earners captured at least a majority of the rise in income.

With each expansion in sequence, however, the bottom 90 percent captured a smaller share of income gains and the top 10 percent captured more.

Post-WWII and the Burgeoning Middle Class

It's not that things were ever perfect, but… here's a glimpse into how most Americans – the "average" American in the middle or lower class was doing, overall, half a century or so ago. With a strong manufacturing and industrial sector, many had the opportunity for a good paying job, a home and some semblance of upward mobility. Not all was rosy, but by the numbers, things were on an even enough keel.

In short, the chart begins in 1949, when the income growth for most Americans outweighed that of the top 10% by a factor of four to one.

The trend gradually declined, moving from 80% of income growth in the bottom 90% in 1949-1953 to just 55% in the years 1975-79.

During those years, most Americans steadily enjoyed relatively high wages and general prosperity.

Energy Crisis and Stagflation of the 1970s

The 1970s represented a turning point, however, with several stages of the oil crisis hitting in 1973 and 1979. Foreign policy led to OPEC hiking energy prices; Americans in turn saw rationing and a rise in the cost of living; middle class wealth and job opportunity took a dive.

The beginning of deindustrialization meant that, more and more, Americans weren't producing actual goods; manufacturing was in decline, and many good jobs were soon shipped over seas.

Meanwhile, wealth on a global stage flowed through the petrodollar, which was, in turn, recycled on Wall Street, making speculators and banking houses – not good and production – the center of the economic universe.

Deregulation and Unfettered Speculation in the 1980s and 1990s

Thus, the increases in income as wealth changed dramatically in the following decades, starting in the year 1982 and continuing to 2000 and the end of the century.

During the presidencies of Republicans Ronald Reagan and George Bush and Democrat Bill Clinton, income growth patterns flipped from their post-war patterns, with the top 10% suddenly outpacing everyone nearly 3-to-1, and regular folks seeing a noticeable decrease in their earnings.

In short, the middle class in decline. And things were getting even worse for those at the bottom.

The deregulation atmosphere of the 80s represented a complete upheaval of the post-war middle class boom.

As Wall Street's predatory capitalism became the law of the land, a full 80% of income growth went to those at the top, while middle and lower class wealth suddenly staggered to a 29% share.

The 90s continued this trend, with income growth for the bottom 90% dropping to 27%.

This fast-paced era of "free market" (crony) capitalism – as defined and enhanced by Wall Street – only set the stage for what was to come, however.

The Walls Come Down: End of Glass Steagall and Rise of Derivatives Intro 21st Century

For those looking back after the 2008 financial collapse, these are the years in which the Glass Steagall Act, which had separated commercial and investment banking since the 1930s, was repealed with the handiwork of Clinton's Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin and Larry Summers, Rubin's deputy and successor.

Meanwhile, since the mid-90s, the derivatives market was opened up for big business, despite the warnings of such regulators as Brooksley Born, then head of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC).

Under these important developments, the cynical years of the George W. Bush presidency – initiated by a Supreme Court decision, and not by the electoral process – became even worse.

Income growth for most people ground to a halt, with the total income growth for the lower and middle classes reaching only 2% (meaning most had no meaningful rise in income at all).

Meanwhile, income growth for the top 10% soared to 98% of all increases. America's richest took it straight to the bank, in an era of massive speculation during a huge housing bubble that would soon come crashing down.

Much has been said about the 2008 financial crisis, but the "too big to fail" banks were signposts for an opportunistic class of Americans who had profited by their own rules when opportunity was dwindling for most people.

After the brink, when taxpayers bailed out the banks, things became even worse for average Americans who found themselves in the so-called "bottom 90%."

During the Obama years, when many Americans perceived America's first black president as redistributing vast amounts of wealth to the lower classes, income dropped sharply, with negative growth for 90% of Americans for the first time since World War II.

There was no such leveling out, but a sharpening of the growing disparity nationwide. Obama is a corporatist, not a socialist.

During the period since 2009, when most Americans saw an average drop of 16% in income, the top 10% increased their wealth by a mind-boggling 116%. Their earnings more than doubled, while the average population struggled with less and less. Things reached a point of total us vs. them…

The Occupy Wall Street crowd called it the 1%, but it is much worse than that. The issue is a tiny, tiny few (numbering only a few thousand) who now effectively own it all.

They make the rules, they break the rules, and, well, they just rule. Period.


Could the picture be any clearer?

This video shows how America's perception of the wealth gap underplays the reality, and compounds the problems, and further reveals that in reality, the bottom 40% in the United States have, well, next to nothing to show for themselves in terms of economic wealth:

As for the Middle Class – currently dead, in limbo or alternately M.I.A., columnist Harold Meyerson argues:

The extinction of a large and vibrant American middle class isn't ordained by the laws of either economics or physics. Many of the impediments to creating anew a broadly prosperous America are ultimately political creations that are susceptible to political remedy. Amassing the power to secure those remedies will require an extraordinary, sustained, and heroic political mobilization. Americans will have to transform their anxiety into indignation and direct that indignation to the task of reclaiming their stake in the nation's future.

Perhaps that means the Middle Class could be once again revived, if ever sanity reentered the picture, if the bums were kicked out and those guilty of outright treason in the financial and political arenas were finally rounded up and held accountable.

But don't hold your breath… just hold onto what you've got, if you can.

Japanese Hostage Situtation: These ISIS Guys are Retarded

Posted: 28 Jan 2015 04:51 AM PST

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 28, 2015

But why tho?

But why tho?

These ISIS guys sure are retarded.

It now appears that they have reached a deal to release the still-breathing Jap they nabbed, in exchange for a female bomber held in Jordan.


Japan and ISIS have agreed on an exchange of journalist Kenji Goto, held hostage by the Islamist militants, for Sajida al-Rishawi, the Iraqi woman who killed 60 people in a 2005 Jordan bombing, a senior Japanese diplomat said.

Japanese Deputy Foreign Minister Yasuhide Nakayama added that "good news" is to come soon on the situation.

The country’s prime minister, Shinzo Abe, called the abduction “an utterly despicable act.”

“I have instructed all ministers to work together for the early release of Mr. Kenji Goto,” Abe told journalists on Wednesday, AFP reported.

A Jordanian government spokesman has said that Amman is prepared to free would-be suicide bomber Sajida Rishawi if its pilot is freed in return.

Goto, a freelance video journalist, went missing in Syria in October 2014. He went there to try and rescue another Japanese hostage, Haruna Yukawa.

So, I wonder if that was worth making two billion new enemies of people who had previously been completely uninvolved with anything to do with Islam or the Middle East?

Because although Japanese, Chinese and Koreans all hate each other, they (along with peripheral yellows – Mongolians, Vietnamese, Thais, etc.) view themselves as distant brothers, and this has been non-stop on all Asian media, like “these guys in the sheets with the towels on their heads just declared war on yellows and they’re killing our dudes.”  And the Asian hive-mind is something Westerners are completely incapable of grasping.  They are a real race.

They really mean "I am Kenji," because as a hive-mind, it is an actual fact.

They really mean “I am Kenji,” because as a hive-mind, it is an actual fact.

My hope is that at some point the Asians will be tasked with dealing with the problem of these Moslems.  They will not show mercy.  They are not restrained by slave morals and spiritually-oppressive, suicidal concepts of collective guilt.  If these people become a problem for Asia, they will very quickly realize the difference between Asians and Whitey.

Whereas when they kill our dudes, we immediately assume we ourselves must somehow be responsible, Asians perceive an immediate need for justice.

A war between Asia and Islam would last less than an hour.

isis chan

Jew Tranny Named Pennsylvania’s Next Physician General

Posted: 28 Jan 2015 04:29 AM PST

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 28, 2015

Jewing intensifies

Jewing intensifies

“Dr. Rachel Levine,” a deranged Jewish cross-dressing homosexual pervert, is poised to become a high-ranking official in Pennsylvania state government, Philadelphia Magazine reports.

“She” was selected by Governor-elect Tom Wolf as Physician General.

Levine is a mental health worker who Wolf lauded in a statement announcing his nominations. “She” has allegedly treated (read: Jewed-over) people with psychological problems including eating disorders. Hey, if I had an eating disorder I’d just look at the picture of this woman and lose my appetite for months!

The Jew is currently serving as professor of pediatrics and psychiatry at Pennsylvania State College of Medicine’s Hershey Medical Center. “She” is also the LGBT Liaison for Hershey’s Office of Diversity, and serves on the board of statewide LGBT rights group “Equality Pennsylvania.”

Levine said that being a tranny gives “her” a “unique perspective.”

“I think [being a tranny] has helped me in terms of the LGBT community in terms of understanding what all the issues are,” she said. “And I think I’ve been able to serve as a mentor and role model to LGBT individuals at the medical center as well as in the community.”

It was only last year that the Planet of the Apes Occupation overrode our nations principles and basic human decency and gave “civil rights” to persons with gender identity disorder. In all likelihood, this Jew monster will be the highest-ranking official in any state position in the United States.

The fact that we are allowing men dressed up as women to serve in positions of government simply shows how far we have descended into the mouth of madness.


Drunk Fed Employee Crashes Drone on the White House Lawn, Obama Calls for Regulations

Posted: 28 Jan 2015 04:13 AM PST

Daily Stormer
January 28, 2015

Don't drone me bro

Don’t drone me bro

And now, your retarded story of the day.

Nah, just joking.  All daily stories are retarded.

New York Times:

It was 42 degrees and raining lightly around 3 a.m. on Monday when an inebriated off-duty employee for a government intelligence agency decided it was a good time to fly his friend's drone, a 2-foot-by-2-foot "quadcopter" that sells for hundreds of dollars and is popular among hobbyists.

But officials say the plan was foiled, perhaps by wind or a tree, when the employee — who has not been named by the Secret Service or charged with a crime — lost control of the drone as he operated it from an apartment just blocks from the White House.

He texted his friends, worried that the drone had gone down on the White House grounds, and then went to sleep. It was not until the next morning, when he woke and learned from friends that a drone had been found at the White House, that he contacted his employer, the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency. He then called the Secret Service and immediately began cooperating with an investigation into the incident.

In the process of what officials describe as nothing more than a drunken misadventure, the employee managed to highlight another vulnerability in the protective shield that the Secret Service erects around the White House complex.

The small drone, called a DJI Phantom, evaded White House radar that is calibrated to warn of much bigger threats, like an airplane or a missile. Although White House officials characterized the drone as not dangerous, it nonetheless has raised serious questions about how secure President Obama and his family are when they are home.

Mr. Obama, who was traveling abroad, declined to comment on the drone episode. But in an interview with CNN broadcast on Tuesday morning, he said he had instructed federal agencies to examine the need for regulations on commercial drone technology.

Mr. Obama said he had told the agencies to make sure that "these things aren't dangerous and that they're not violating people's privacy." He said that commercially available drones empower people, but that the government needed to provide "some sort of framework that ensures that we get the good and minimize the bad."

"There are incredibly useful functions that these drones can play in terms of farmers who are managing crops and conservationists who want to take stock of wildlife," the president told the CNN commentator Fareed Zakaria. "There are a whole range of things we can do with it."

But Mr. Obama noted that the drone that landed at the White House was the kind "you buy at RadioShack." And he said the government had failed to keep up with the use of the flying devices by hobbyists and commercial enterprises.

"We don't really have any kind of regulatory structure at all for it," Mr. Obama said.

So, today in America a drunken government employee drives a high-tech flying robot you can buy on eBay and have shipped to your house overnight for $130.00 into what is supposed to be the most secure area in the world and the Negro President responds by saying “I dunno maybe we need to do a regulation or whatever roflmao.”

DJI Phantom | eBay

Also today in America:

Le American Bear13581668461348152583001

Terrorist Jew Nuland Says RT Doesn’t Need to be Banned Because No One Watches It

Posted: 28 Jan 2015 03:46 AM PST

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 28, 2015

The ugly Jew hag and international terrorism mogul Victoria Nuland has attacked RT and said that though it can’t be banned because of free speech laws, but that it doesn’t matter that it can’t be banned because it has a “tiny, tiny” audience with most Americans preferring the “truthful opinions” of other media outlets.

Nuland entered the global public mind when she was caught funding terrorism in the Ukraine, playing a lead role in last year’s coup which started this retarded war.  Her husband is the prominent neoconservative Jew terrorist Robert Kagan, a man who played a leading role in the invasion of Iraq and presumably helped plan 9/11.

She has worked for Bill Clinton, Dick Chaney and NATO, where she constantly Jewed over absolutely everyone.  Due to her proven track-record for Jewing over the goyim in the most vicious manner imaginable, she was appointed Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, a job which mainly involves formenting and then escalating a new cold war with the Patriarchal fag-basher Vladimir Putin.

RT experienced feelings over her insults, and responded to the terror Jewess:

However, dismissing RT as irrelevant is a somewhat passé tactic which has been rejected by senior US officials. Poll results have also shown RT’s steady growth.

A survey conducted in the seven biggest cities in the US last year showed that RT was the most watched international network in the country, far outperforming CNN International, BBC World News, Al Jazeera America, and Euronews. Its weekly audience had doubled in a year, reaching three million.

RT's online presence is even more extensive. Its combined YouTube channels were the first of any news organization to hit both one and two billion views, with the latter milestone reached in December. RT's Facebook page has over 2.3 million ‘likes,’ while receives tens of millions of page views each month.

I for one am highly disappointed that RT has this capacity to spread propaganda internationally and yet is consistently failing to be hardcore.

Machete Jihad: 19-Year-Old Hacked to Death Outside Pub in Gloucester

Posted: 28 Jan 2015 03:30 AM PST

Daily Europa
January 28, 2015


19-year-old Zac Evans was hacked to death with a machete outside a pub in Gloucester early Saturday morning in an attack that left another two men with serious injuries.

Details are yet to emerge but suspicions are that Zac may have been the victim of an Islamic extremist.

This attack bares obvious similarities to the attack in Finland recently by a Somali immigrant who attacked three men outside a pub with an axe – killing two of them.

British press have as usual not given any clue as to the perpetrators identity which usually means the attacker is an immigrant, possibly Muslim.

Is this the start of a wave of machete Jihad attacks on European people outside pubs?

A pub car park may seem like an ideal location for Jihadists to, as the Quran commands, "lie in wait and ambush disbelievers":

Fight and kill the disbelievers wherever you find them, take them captive, harass them, lie in wait and ambush them using every stratagem of war. Qur'an: 9:5

Sahih International: So when you meet those who disbelieve, smite their necks until you have inflicted slaughter upon them.

Gloucester has a large Muslim population so it is reasonable to suspect that this attack was carried out by a Muslim.

UPDATE: 44 year-old man (Ewen Reynolds) appears at Cheltenham Magistrates' Court charged with murdering Zac Evans and attempted murder of another man


Gloucester man Ewen Reynolds appeared before magistrates in Cheltenham this morning charged with murdering Zac Evans and attempting to murder another man.

Nineteen-year-old Zac died after allegedly being attacked with a machete outside the Pike and Musket pub in Windsor Drive, Tuffley, Gloucester.


Reynolds appears to be either Asian or black – which explains why a description of him was not given earlier.  

He may be a Muslim convert but to protect the "religion of peace" the state are referring to him by his birth name, not Muslim name, if he has one.

Another clue is that Zac was believed to be trying to protect a group of young girls from this individual when he and two friends were attacked.

We know this level of violence is not the normal behaviour of a British person so I am not surprised to see that he is not.

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