Thursday, January 29, 2015

Spam: 4 myths busted - find out what really matters!

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Prepared for:
Aamir Memon

Spam: 4 myths busted - find out what really matters!
Let’s skip the obvious. You know that unsubscribe link is needed, you recognize importance of subject line, you tremble at a thought than some people actually still buy email adresses lists and use them, sending emails without recipients’ permision. Nonetheless the notion of spam makes every marketer nervous. Nothing strange about it: according to Target Marketing, 25% of emails fail to reach its receiver, what costs senders from $ 50,000 to several milions per year.

Tell me your story!
In Judy’s flower shop there is a poster over the counter with first sentence from Virginia Woolf’s novel: „Mrs. Dalloway said she would buy the flowers herself”. When you enter, the text immediately catches your eye. If you can recognize the quote, you’re reminded of melancholic mood of the book and frames from Stephen Daldry’s „Hours”. You look knowingly at the shop girl. Even if you came here in a hurry for a conventional bouquet for your mother in law, you start to contemplate flowers carefully. A story has been just told to you.

Love the customers you hate, or how to handle negative feedback

Entrepreneurs, customer service representatives, PR and social media specialists. They all hate complaining clients and perceive them as necessary evil or natural disaster: awful but inevitable. That’s one approach, tempting, common but far from good marketer’s mindset. He would try to get different perspective and ask: What’s positive about negative opinions about my company/ product? 

In 2015 add VALUE to your Marketing Automation

We have all read how good marketing automation is and what it can do to reach your customers. You search the internet and you find endless articles about nurturing your users to bring greater returns to your business. But what happens when you work in a B2B environment, can the same methods that are used in a B2C environment really be used when selling your products or services to another business?

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