Monday, March 30, 2015

CoastZone: Bigfoot & Giant Discoveries

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Weekend Edition   March 30, 2015   Coast Insider Audio
Bigfoot & Giant Discoveries:

On Sunday night, George Knapp welcomed DNA expert, Melba Ketchum , for the entire 4-hour program, for a discussion on her Bigfoot research, as well as her testing or planned testing of samples from four giant and elongated skulls, and other giant remains. She addressed some of the controversies surrounding her previous DNA analysis of alleged Bigfoot hair and related samples, which yielded strange results that suggested some kind of human hybrid or mutation. The criticism of her work hasn't come from geneticists but from people "not qualified to even review the paper," or people who never even bothered to read her analysis, she remarked.

There's a big cover-up going on with some of the giant remains and bones, as they disappear from various locations or are kept from the public, she reported. Historical references to giants are seen across cultures, and they have been depicted throughout time. There was a relatively recent account that a live giant was killed by the military in Afghanistan and flown back to the States, she noted. Some of the remains of giants show double rows of teeth, and six-fingered/six-toed hands & feet, indicating they were more than just very tall people, Ketchum continued.

Many Native American tribes have tales of "red-headed giants," some who were said to be cannibals, and Ketchum has acquired some bone samples for testing, through the Erickson Project. So far, it appears they're not related to Sasquatch, she revealed. She was able to obtain two large teeth from a giant mandible for testing from a museum in a Winnemucca, NV which got the remains from a cave in Lovelock. Among the 17 or so additional giant-type samples she is preparing to test are teeth from "Zana ," a captured female Sasquatch-type creature who reportedly lived and mated with humans in Russia in the 1890s. For more, check out Ketchum's YouTube Channel.
Our Virtual Universe:

A remarkable discovery has emerged in astrophysics: key properties of the universe have just the right values to make life possible. Most scientists prefer to explain away this uniqueness, insisting that a number of unseen universes must therefore exist, each randomly different. In the first half of Saturday's program, astrophysicist Bernard Haisch joined George Knapp to propose the alternative-that the special properties of our universe reflect an underlying intelligent consciousness...cont.

'Star Wars' & Culture:

In the second half of Saturday's show, veteran journalist Chris Taylor talked about how the Star Wars franchise has conquered our culture with a sense of lightness and exuberance, while remaining serious enough to influence politics, and spread a spirituality that appeals to religious groups and atheists alike. "It's still an open question whether there really is anyone on the planet who has not been touched in some way by [Star Wars]," he said, noting the time he was on a Navajo reservation and a group from the 501st Legion were welcomed as rock stars...more.
Today in Strangeness:

It was on this date in 240 BC, that Chinese astronomers first recorded the passage of Halley's Comet. The lead pencil with an attached eraser was patented (1858). It's said that the average pencil can write a continuous line for 35 miles. In what became known as Seward's Folly, the U.S. purchased Alaska from the Russian Empire for $7.2 million (1867).

Tonight's Show, Monday, March 30th:

Author, paranormal investigator, cryptozoologist, and ufologist, David Weatherly, will discuss his 35 years of experience exploring the weird and unexplained, including his fascinating work on the Black Eyed Children phenomenon, and his new investigations into various entity encounters including the Djinn, UFOs, Shadow People and other humanoids.
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