Monday, March 30, 2015

HotAir Daily Express 03/30/2015

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WaPo: Even the backstory on Kerry's climate-change brag was a lie
3/30/2015 10:01:58 AM  Ed Morrissey
Washington Post fact-checker Glenn Kessler uses a “Pinocchio” scale to assign a level of egregiousness to lies he uncovers, with four Pinocchios as the maximum … until now. Secretary of State John Kerry earned himself the full

It's a race: Martin O'Malley makes 2016 intention to Challenge Hillary clear
3/30/2015 9:21:26 AM  Noah Rothman
He hasn't launched a 2016 presidential campaign yet, but former Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley is making his intention to challenge Hillary Clinton for the Democratic Party's presidential nomination in 2016 abundantly clear. “Let’s be honest

Another Iranian bait-and-switch?
3/30/2015 8:41:46 AM  Ed Morrissey
The deadline for an agreement in the talks with Iran arrives tomorrow, and the talks have taken a surprising turn in the last few hours. Surprising, that is, only to those who have never paid attention to nuclear talks with the Iranians before. At the

Mandatory jury service is not an excuse for mandatory voting
3/30/2015 8:01:34 AM  Jazz Shaw
The mandatory voting question came up again recently and it’s been pretty much universally panned on the Right side of the street. I felt the same way, but proponents of the scheme have kept up the call since then and the debate continues among the

Quotes of the day
3/29/2015 8:01:44 PM  Allahpundit
Gov. Mike Pence, scorched by a fast-spreading political firestorm, told The Star on Saturday that he will support the introduction of legislation to “clarify” that Indiana’s controversial Religious Freedom Restoration Act does not

Is Rubio's moment coming or has it already passed?
3/29/2015 6:31:02 PM  Jazz Shaw
Earlier today Noah made an interesting case for both the timing and location of an anticipated Marco Rubio presidential bid announcement. While the storyline about American rapprochement with Cuba has faded significantly from the news cycle in the face

Google may be the sole remaining superpower
3/29/2015 5:01:52 PM  Jazz Shaw
I always knew Google was big, but I suppose I wasn’t quite getting exactly how big they have become. It seems like they are now at a level of big which was best described by Douglas Adams in the Hitchhiker’s Guide. Really big. You just

Huckabee calls for Supreme Court term limits
3/29/2015 3:31:48 PM  Jazz Shaw
As he continues the process of “considering” running for President, Mike Huckabee is rolling out some of the golden oldies of political bones to chew. Such was the case this week when he trotted out the time honored proposal of putting limits

Robert Reich: A few hundred Westerners joining ISIS 'not a big deal'
3/29/2015 2:01:26 PM  Noah Rothman
Former Labor Sec. Robert Reich has joined President Barack Obama in castigating the media for overhyping the threat of terrorism and the national security challenge posed by ISIS. Just a few weeks back, the president told Vox's Matt Yglesias that he

Peace on Earth: Saudis won't rule out building nukes. Oh, and we're negotiating for Iran.
3/29/2015 12:31:38 PM  Jazz Shaw
So… who is in charge of polishing that Nobel Peace Prize? It might need an extra pass after this news. It appears that the Saudis (our recent partners in war against the proxies of Iran when we’re not fighting with the proxies of Iran) are

Marco's moment: Likely mid-April campaign will launch in the shadow of global instability
3/29/2015 11:01:22 AM  Noah Rothman
For conservative columnist Peggy Noonan, the staging of Sen. Ted Cruz's (R-TX) presidential campaign announcement raised the bar considerably for the rest of the expansive slate of prospective Republican White House candidates. "His announcement Monday

Sunday reflection: Mark 15:1–39
3/29/2015 10:46:11 AM  Ed Morrissey
"Sunday Reflection" is a regular feature, looking at the specific readings used in today's Mass in Catholic parishes around the world. The reflection represents only my own point of view, intended to help prepare myself for the Lord's day and

Latest Headlines: We pick, you click.

What to worry about in an Iran nuclear deal
Reset, the sequel: Hillary wants to improve ties with Israel
Republican activists quietly strategizing to delete gay marriage from the party's 2016 platform
White House to Netanyahu: Your move
Poll: Jeb Bush still tops field of GOP candidates, but Ted Cruz is rising fast
The crushing defeat that shaped Scott Walker
Ted Cruz on inexperience: "I wasn't a community organizer before I was elected"
Iran backs away from key detail in nuclear deal
Making time for kids? Study says quality trumps quantity
Catholics on left and right find common ground opposing death penalty


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