Monday, March 30, 2015

Re: Still Waiting for your reply



I hope your business is keeping you busy!

I Just want to confirm that did you receive my last mail? Haven't heard back from you,

Just wondering if you interested in our services. Please do let us know if you are interested,

I will be more than happy to send you the quotation for SEO, SMO and Design & Development packages.

I am looking forward to a positive response.


Kind Regards

Rimi Verma


P.S. – Let your connections help you socialize meaningfully in your network!
Social Media Marketing - SEO – Ad Campaigns - Landing Page Optimizations - Content Writing - Web Analytics - Market Survey - Website Analysis - Brand Management - Offshore Support - Telemarketing Campaign – Email Campaign - CRM Solutions - Company Profiling

From: Rimi Verma  [mailto:]
Sent: Monday, 24th   March , 2015 3.20 PM
Subject: Design Creative Business Presentations






We are specialized Offering professional Web Design & Development services.

In a completely professional, supportive and trusted manner, our experts will support your needs with high standard solutions that are targeted to trim down your costs, expand business & image, increase revenues & save great amount of time.

We provide wide range of Website development services like:-


1. PHP Web Development

2. Ecommerce Web Solutions

3. HTML5 / CSS3 Web Design


May I know if you are interested? If yes please let me know the URL of your website and bit more about your website designing requirement”?

I would be happy to share our Methodologies, past work details and client testimonials.



Thanks & Regards,

Rimi Verma

Marketing Team






Note: We are not spammers and are against spamming of any kind. If you are not interested then you can reply with a simple \"NO\",We will never contact you again.




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