Monday, March 30, 2015

This 124-Year-Old Tombstone Has a "Grave" Warning About Democrats and more...

This 124-Year-Old Tombstone Has a “Grave” Warning About Democrats

We who live in the present age ought to take close heed of the messages passed to us by our forefathers and ancestors, including long-deceased friend of President Abraham Lincoln, Mr. Nathaniel Grigsby. This legendary man, born on October 11, 1811, died 124 years ago, but not without first sharing a paramount message about the Democratic


“Pig’s Blood” Invention Created for Muslims… And They’re Outraged

If patriotic American innovation is a crime, then get the cuffs out for Tampa inventor Franklin R. Lacy, who recently filed patent paperwork for his latest anti-terrorism deterrent. But the invention, a container device filled with the blood of a pig, meant to be installed at sensitive locations to prevent suicide bombings by radical Muslim


Feminists Are Going Insane Over What This Actress Said… But She Won’t Back Down

Feminists love drawing attention to the fact that they’re feminists but, at the end of the day, they generally hurt women more than they help them. They like painting themselves as crusaders for women but overlook cases of real oppression. Agreeing with this radical fact might cause a little backlash — especially if you live


SPREAD THIS: Nearly All Mass Shootings Have 1 Thing in Common… And It Isn’t the Weapon

Liberals take a rather wicked pleasure in blaming guns and thus the Second Amendment for the actions of mass shooters like Jared Lee Loughner, Adam Lanza and Jacon Tyler Roberts. However, evidence suggests that the one thing all mass shootings have in common is not the type of weapon used — but rather the drugs involved.


BREAKING: Arabs Announce Their Massive Response to Obama’s Iran Betrayal

Depending upon one’s perspective, the Middle East has descended into absolute chaos due to the failure of President Obama’s Utopian fantasy foreign policies, or due to the success of a cynical and sinister plan to shift the balance of power in the region. Regardless, as if the rise of the radically extreme Islamic State group


WOW: Here’s the Federal Court Document That Formally Accuses Barack Obama of Treason

When the U.S. Army recently announced that they were formally charging Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl with desertion, it reignited a controversy surrounding the manner in which the Obama administration has handled the Bergdahl situation. It is surely remembered that Bergdahl had been captured by the Taliban in Afghanistan, after allegedly deserting his post in 2009, and


ALERT: The Feds Just Took Over the Police in These 6 American Cities

There’s nothing on this planet that President Obama loves more than extending the arm of the U.S. government into as many aspects of the daily lives of American citizens as possible. His latest power grab, in conjunction with outgoing Attorney General Eric Holder, comes in the form of selecting six American cities in which they


ALERT: Here’s the Shocking Taxpayer Aid Obama Gave to an ISIS Commander

President Barack Hussein Obama loves to shower those who least deserve it with his love, support and aid. He did it with the Palestinians, he did it with Boko Haram and he apparently even did it with an Islamic State group commander. The commander in question is none other than Abdelhakim Belhadj, who back in 2011 led


URGENT: Race Rioters Are Building Something SICK at the Site of Torched Ferguson Business

The rioting in the St. Louis suburb of Ferguson this past August was supposedly precipitated by police officer Darren Wilson, who shot and killed Michael Brown when Brown tried to rush Wilson and grab for his gun. The ensuing violence was a tragedy for all involved. And it will take time for the community wounds


“Cheers” Producer Asked Why Hollywood Is So Liberal… Here’s His Brilliant Answer

Hollywood is known for its glitz, glam, money and liberals. If you’ve ever wondered why there are so many liberals in Tinseltown, television producer Rob Long might just have an answer. Long, producer of the long-running television series “Cheers,” said in an interview that most in Hollywood are liberal because they never actually see their


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