Friday, May 29, 2015

Borderland Beat

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"El Lindo Mario" alleged Jefe of CDS in Guachochi arrested

Posted: 28 May 2015 11:51 PM PDT

Translated by Otis B Fly-Wheel for Borderland Beat from a Proceso article

[ Subject Matter: CDS, El Lindo Mario, Guachochi, Chihuahua
Recommendation: No prior subject matter knowledge required]

Mario Estrobellin Loya "El Lindo Mario" "Handsome Mario"

Reporter: Patricia Mayorga
The Attorney General of the State of Chihuahua apprehended the raramuri Mario Estrobellin Loya "El Lindo Mario" "Handsome Mario", alleged leader of the Sinaloa Cartel in the Town of Guachochi, accused of no less than three massacres, the most recent happened last week.

Jorge Enrique Gonzalez Nicolas, Attorney General of the State, informed that "El Lindo Mario" is accused of recruiting Sicarios, drug trafficking, and the assassinations of 16 people.

According to the Attorney, Estrobellin Loya participated in the massacre registered in October passed in the community of Tonachi, of the Town of Guachochi, where Aurelio Urtuzuastegui Chavez was killed, who faced a trial in the State of Chihuahua and with whom he disputed the plaza.

Without doubt, the primary cause for which he will go before a Judge will be the double homicide that he allegedly committed on the 8th of February passed in the City of Guachochi, when he allegedly killed two men that were travelling aboard a black Ford pickup.

The victims that day were, Cesar Mina Garcia, 30 years of age, and Fredy Uriel Garcia Garcia, 25 years of age.

The Attorney said that the detained persons changed their name frequently, but at the moment of his arrest he said that he was called Mario Estrobellin Loya, 31 years of age and originally from Yoquivo.

"El Lindo Mario" hid constantly to evade capture, but finally the authorities, that hold him responsible for 16 executions, located him in a hotel in the City of Chihuahua.

In addition to the crimes of homicide, Estrobellin will be put at the disposition of the Federal Public Ministry for other crimes.

The fight for the plaza

According to the Authorities, Aurelio Urtuzuastegui was disputing with Estrobellin for control of the plaza to lead the Sinaloa Cartel in the Town. On the 20th May 2015 they arranged to meet to set boundaries of the plaza, but the Indian Mario executed Urtuzuastegui and his people: Idan Deliel Payan Acosta, Ramin Erick Loya Payan and Ramon Edy Pompa Loya.

The day that they assassinated Urtuzuastegui and his people, they found the bodies of three people more in the highway Guachochi to Yoquivo, but they were not reported by the Authorities.

The three people were kidnapped and later their bodies were found. One of them was kidnapped in the Alta Vista Colonia, and even though family members denounced the crime with different corporations and local communication media sources, the Attorney denied he knew anything about the event.

The families denounced the complicity of the Police and Military with the criminals, and pointed the finger at Cesar Urtuzuastegui ( brother of Aurelio) of having directed the disappearance of the three murdered men.

Original article in Spanish at Proceso

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