Saturday, May 30, 2015

Borderland Beat

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In Michoacán, We Are Still At War

Posted: 29 May 2015 09:25 PM PDT

Semeí Verdía
By: Angel Méndez | Translated by Valor for Borderland Beat

"In the hills, there is no government.  In Michoacán, we are still at war for a free Michoacán," said Semeí Verdía, the Commander of the Community Police of Santa María Ostula and General Coordinator of the Autodefensas on the coast of Michoacán, before giving everyone the order to discharge their weapons in the municipal plaza, among them residents of Tancítaro, Los Reyes, Buenavista, Tepalcatepec, Coalcomán, Chinicuila and Coahuayana, emphasizing the presence of "El Americano" and commanders of other municipalities who in the presence of the violent events from recent days that left two comrades dead, went to tell their aquilense peers that they "weren't alone," and to bring them trucks full of groceries, but above all, fraternal solidarity.

Pistols and rifles of different calibers were fired relentlessly for a period that felt like it went forever.  It was in homage to Miguel Sandoval, whose body in a coffin was also present before being taken to the cemetery.

Previously Semeí, with a microphone in his hand, gave a public commission to the only reporter there, Angel Méndez, asking to get his message to Miguel Angel Osorio Chong.  "Let him see that in Michoacán, we are still at war, we are at war, and hopefully he still stands by his convictions, because they still puppet the governor.  Hopefully Osorio Chong and Enrique Peña Nieto still stand by their convictions, especially those two, and that they come and meet all of the leaders of the movement of Michoacán, we don't need any more personages, because in quotes they say that they are the ones that run the entire Mexican Republic…"

"I'd want to be with Osorio Chong and Enrique Peña Nieto, and with the 35 municipalities that are raised up in arms in this movement were to follow me, I'd tell them to their face what they've done to Michoacán and to our country."

"The government pretends to be your friend, but behind your back, it's your enemy.  The worst enemy of the people is the government."

"The main thing that is hurting us, at first it was Alfredo Castillo, after that, he left a puppet of the Caballeros Templarios.  His name is…well the truth is, from the special operations, I know him as "El Yanki".  "El Yanki" is the one gathering the Caballeros Templarios together to retake control of Michoacán, but the 35 municipalities that have rose up in arms, today, we give them some time to say what we are going to do with Michoacán."

"And if the state and federal government fail to take us into account and ignore our requests, we will find a way for those in agreement with this movement, the Community Police, to put mayors in Michoacán."

"And if they don't listen, there won't be any elections in the state of Michoacán, no matter what," Semeí Verdía stated.

He concluded by noting that the authorities "will have a certain amount of days to respond to accomplish our objectives, and if they don't meet them, I'm warning them so that they will prevent putting up mayors in their municipalities and local representatives, and why not a governor who actually wants our movement, but especially wants their kids so that they never know what organized crime is."

Source: Quadratin

Gun Battle in La Paz; El Grande arrested

Posted: 29 May 2015 10:57 AM PDT

Translated by Otis B Fly-Wheel for Borderland Beat from a Zetatijuana article

[ Subject Matter: Baja California Sur, El Grande, Sinaloa Cartel
Recommendation: See link to article on El Grande]

Reporter: Zeta Redaction
Any text in red contains a link to another related article

The afternoon of this Thursday the 28th of May, registered a gun battle in La Paz, Baja California Sur that left two sicarios dead, a Policeman injured and the presumed detention of the narco trafficker Abel Nahum Quintero Manjarrez or Cruz Alonso Lozoya Uriate "El Grande".

According to preliminary data in the fire fight with Police Forces, "El Grande" was injured and apparently has been hospitalized.

Quintero Manjarrez is considered, in the last Federal and Military criminal map, as the ring leader of the second para military group responsible for the wave of violence that has lashed the Capital of BCS since 31st of July.

After the recent capture of Victor Barraza Martinez "El Vidal" (Otis: see link), the objective of Federal Forces focused on Abel Nahum Quintero Manjarrez or Cruz Alonson Lozoya Uriate.

Original article in Spanish at Zetatijuana

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