Saturday, May 30, 2015

CoastZone - Haunted Wisconsin & Open Lines

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May 30, 2015   Coast Insider Audio
Haunted Wisconsin:

First hour guest Craig Nehring, founder of the Fox Valley Ghost Hunters based in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, discussed some of his group's paranormal investigations. In one of the team's most fascinating and frightening cases, a young girl claimed her was being dragged down the stairs by something in the middle of the night and thrown against the walls. According to Nehring, equipment readings for the house were normal but when they started asking the entity questions the girl was thrown of the couch onto the floor.

The same thing happened in her bedroom after Bible passages were read, he continued. A priest later determined the girl was possessed and an exorcism was performed. It took five people to hold her down while the priest read passages, Nehring reported, noting how her eyes rolled back into her head and her voice changed. "What I heard come of mouth was not her voice at all and it said, 'I do not serve you,'" he recalled. Nehring also covered the restoration project of the haunted Summerwind mansion.

In the second hour, Kevin Melek & Jennifer Scelsi of the Northern Wisconsin Paranormal Society talked about their ghosthunting adventures. Scelsi, who knew she was a medium at four years old, said her physical psychic medium abilities allow her to see and hear spirits and angels. Melek shared a frightening UFO experience as well as a Sasquatch sighting he had in his early twenties. "After having experiences I realized these things are real," he said.

Scelsi detailed a medium walk she took through a house in Florida that was infested by demons. According to Scelsi, a large black shadowy mass picked her up and threw her across the room into a wall. It was a high-ranking demon and the owners, who were practicing Satanists, had intentionally brought it there, she revealed. Melek spoke about Summerwind mansion, which he described as a good notable haunted place to do paranormal training with new investigators. He suggested occult activities likely go on there.

Open Lines:

During Open Lines, Jason in Indiana recounted the night he and his brother were visited by their grandfather. Jason said he later found out his grandfather had passed away in the middle of the night-the same they were visited by him. Jason remembered the door to their bedroom opening, his grandfather entering and sitting on the bed, and being told they would not see him anymore.

Neeko in North Carolina said his family's previous rental house was "considerably haunted." We would hear voices, see anomalies on video recorded in the home, and a few visitors were scratched under mysterious circumstances, he explained, noting one neighbor had what appeared as claw marks on her body. Ryan from Montana told George about seeing strange pulsing lights in the sky near the Idaho National Laboratory. "They're probably working on some crazy stuff out there," he suggested.

Today in Strangeness:

On this day in 1432, Joan of Arc was burned at the stake. The nineteen year old, who claimed heavenly voices had urged her to lead France to victory over England, was condemned by the Church and executed for heresy.

Tonight's Show, Saturday, May 30:

The monster created by agribiz conglomerates is finally coming home to roost. Millions of us get sick every year eating tainted food produced by factories where countless animals suffer in filth. Wayne Pacelle, President of the Humane Society , will join George Knapp (along with a host of other animal welfare champions) to discuss issues surrounding the protection, respect, and care of creatures on this planet that don't walk upright. There are still dog farms in Asia where canines are bred for dinner. In a Nebraska research lab, scientists are performing weird surgeries on farm animals for re-engineering. And in New Jersey, Gov. Chris Christie recently vetoed a pig welfare bill.

From 6-10pm PT, Coast Insiders can hear an Art Bell: Somewhere in Time show from 12/11/98 when researcher Glenn Kimball spoke about the early childhood history of Christ.

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