Tuesday, May 26, 2015

HotAir Daily Express 05/26/2015

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"Free range" parents in Maryland win appeal with CPS
5/26/2015 10:01:18 AM  Ed Morrissey
The Meitivs got a surprise in the mail last week from Child Protective Services, and a more pleasant one than those they’ve received in the past from Maryland authorities. CPS informed them that their previous finding of

Cleveland reaches "excessive force" settlement with Justice Department
5/26/2015 9:21:42 AM  Jazz Shaw
In what is becoming the norm rather than an exception in unusual circumstances, it appears that the federal Department of Justice will now be monitoring the activities of local and state police departments. Cleveland is the latest focus of media

"Head Explosions": The war on speech and the End of Discussion
5/26/2015 8:41:03 AM  Ed Morrissey
On June 9, Crown Publishers will release a new book, End of Discussion: How the Left’s Outrage Industry Shuts Down Debate, Manipulates Voters, and Makes America Less Free (and Fun), written by our own Guy Benson and Mary Katharine Ham. “They

Mike Huckabee finds the Supreme Court to be not all that supreme
5/26/2015 8:01:10 AM  Jazz Shaw
I don’t know how viable of a candidate former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee will wind up being this time around, but he’s certainly geting plenty of face time on cable news and stirring up the pot. Some of the positions he’s been

Quotes of the day
5/25/2015 8:31:40 PM  Allahpundit
Some 49% of the 1.3 million active-duty service members in the U.S. are concentrated in just five states — California, Virginia, Texas, North Carolina and Georgia. The U.S. military today is gradually becoming a separate warrior class, many analysts say,

Video: Florida mom faces five years in prison over circumcision dispute
5/25/2015 6:31:47 PM  Ed Morrissey
Old and busted: Florida Man. New hotness: Florida Mom. Heather Hironimus faces five years in prison after absconding with her four-year-old son in a dispute with the father over circumcision. The dispute has activists in an uproar, and the child’s

Forgotten WW2 soldier, lost more than 70 years, is finally honored
5/25/2015 4:31:50 PM  Jazz Shaw
It’s difficult to describe anything as a “feel good story” on a day when we are commemorating the Honored Dead, but I suppose this story comes as close as any. CBS News is providing the details of a tale which took place long ago in a

Pelosi: We've made big "advances" against ISIS … on social media … kind of
5/25/2015 2:31:45 PM  Ed Morrissey
Were you there for the Battle of Hashtag Hill? Nancy Pelosi attempts to make the case that the US strategy against ISIS is working somewhere in this exchange with newly minted MSNBC host Patrick Murphy, a former House colleague of Pelosi’s from

Gloria Steinem visits North Korea to push feminism and peace
5/25/2015 12:31:56 PM  Liz Harrison
What happens when the feminists in America become focused completely on their own First World problems? Gloria Steinem goes to North Korea, and crosses the DMZ, with an obviously named group of activists called “WomenCrossDMZ.” As promised,

Latest Headlines: We pick, you click.

"I prayed to God for my beautiful wife"
Clinton Foundation donors got weapons deals from Hillary's State Department
With ISIS in crosshairs, U.S. holds back to protect civilians
Are the kidnapped Nigerian girls now suicide bombers for Boko Haram?
The bubble: Why Hillary's friends and confidants pose a challenge for her candidacy
It's time we have a holiday to honor those who try to stop wars too
Why Iraq's military has no will to fight
Half of college graduates expect to be supported by their families
How to regenerate the woolly mammoth
Does terrorism work?


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