Thursday, May 28, 2015 - Thursday May 28 2015

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Thu May 28, 2015 - 2:43 pm EST

Ireland 'defied God' by voting for gay 'marriage': Cardinal Burke

By Pete Baklinski

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Thu May 28, 2015 - 12:47 pm EST

Girl attempted suicide after school got her abortion behind parents' back – now mom fights back

By Michelle Kaufman, New Zealand Correspondent

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Thu May 28, 2015 - 1:58 pm EST

Aussie politician hopes to ride Irish gay 'marriage' bump with new bill

By Thaddeus Baklinski

Top News

Pope Francis: Marriage and family facing 'serious cultural crisis'

'Let us continue to present the beauty of Christian marriage,' the pope urged.

By Pete Baklinski

21-year-old woman dies after taking contraceptives for less than a month

'I couldn't believe nobody had said the pill could do this,' her grieving mother said.

By Thaddeus Baklinski

The first pro-abortion Republican enters the 2016 presidential race

Former New York Gov. George Pataki also signed numerous pieces of the homosexual political agenda into law.

By Ben Johnson

Fraudulent study on same sex ‘marriage’ a caution for UN

Charges of fraud against a 'study' on winning converts to same-sex marriage is shedding light on how susceptible elite institutions are to ideological manipulation.

By Wendy Wright

White House to order faith-based grant recipients to accept LGBT applicants

This new change is just the latest of a series of religious liberty challenges directed at charitable organizations by the Obama administration.

By Austin Ruse

The Pulse

‘This is what kills the baby, right?’: Clinic tried, but failed to hide reality of abortion from mom

In those final moments, she was unable to lie to herself about what was happening to her unborn child.

By Sarah Terzo


Dear doctor: Did you just identify the gender of that baby? You're a bigot.

The emperor has no clothes, but we're supposed to pretend we can't see that he's a man.

By Jonathon van Maren


Why moms and dads both matter in marriage

Mothers and fathers both add distinct benefits to the development of children. Courts and legislatures cannot alter biology or psychology.

By Jenet Erickson

Why young Christians can’t grasp our arguments against gay ‘marriage’

The rising generation of young Christians seem to have gotten the idea that marriage 'has only an arbitrary relationship to reproduction.'

By John Stonestreet

To my best friend with the unplanned pregnancy: you can choose love

It seems that you've made up your mind to 'terminate' your pregnancy. Before you do, please listen to these words.

By Elizabeth Reed

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