Tuesday, May 26, 2015

LifeSiteNews.com - Tuesday May 26 2015

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Tue May 26, 2015 - 9:22 am EST

BREAKING: Dutch bishops’ aid group funding Planned Parenthood, Marie Stopes

By Lisa Bourne

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Tue May 26, 2015 - 1:05 pm EST

‘Please stop using our very sick babies to justify abortion push,’ Irish parents tell Labour Party

By LifeSiteNews staff

Top News

Federal court says NY allowed to ban ‘Choose Life’ plates as ‘patently offensive’

'The circuit court denied free speech in favor of government censorship,' said Jeremy Tedesco, senior counsel at the Alliance Defending Freedom.

By Ben Johnson

'Official' Catholic newspaper defends running pro-abortion piece by Michael Coren

We live 'in a world where nothing is black and white,' the Prairie Messenger told LifeSiteNews.

By Pete Baklinski

Sex ed protest in Toronto on June 7 hopes to draw 10,000

It's organized by a new umbrella group called the Canadian Families Alliance that represents an estimated 200,000 Ontario parents.

By Lianne Laurence

The Pulse

We let women hold their baby’s body after abortion for 'spiritual healing': abortion worker

'If a woman or her partner asks to spend time alone with her pregnancy tissue after the abortion, we are very agreeable to the request.'

By Sarah Terzo

Scotland’s assisted suicide bill will be defeated

It is simply wrong to give doctors, or others, the right in law to be involved with causing another person's death.

By Alex Schadenberg


‘Hey dad…I’m pregnant’: Choosing life after an unplanned pregnancy at 17

Teen mother Jess Urban heroically chose adoption over abortion when she could have chosen either option.

By Suzanne Burns

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