Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Michael Reagan: Domino's Takes On the FDA


Michael Reagan


Domino's Takes On the FDA

By Michael Reagan

All too often shortsighted businesses cozy up to the government. Their theory is when the bureaucrats finally come after their industry, companies that collaborated early will be the last that are told to get on the truck.

So you have Netfix jumping on the "net neutrality" bandwagon only to see the entire Internet grabbed by the dead hand of government. Or Walmart hiring former Democrat operatives in the corporate office to placate leftist government planners, who still fight the company's expansion tooth and nail.

That's why the lonely fight of Domino's Pizza against FDA nutrition nannies is so refreshing. Rather than crumble under pressure, leaders at Domino's are escalating the fight. I wrote about the opening moves in the company's campaign against new menu rules here.

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The FDA wants restaurants to list the calorie counts for every conceivable combination on the menu. For Domino's that's 34 million. To give you an idea of the size of the task, the menu combinations alone, without description or calorie counts, are 17 times larger than the longest book in history. (In case you're interested the book is "Artamène ou le Grand Cyrus," completed in 1653.)

And to accomplish what? Is there anyone in America who has two brain cells to rub together who believes a Domino's pizza is low-calorie health food? Has Domino's been pulling the wool over America's eyes for decades? Making us fat in spite of our good intentions?

You know the answer to that is obvious: No. And so do the bureaucrats at the FDA, but the urge to control always trumps the small voice of common sense.

So the Washington Free Beacon reports Domino's is trying ridicule and embarrassment to dissuade the FDA. It's released a new online video (which can be found here) that details a typical day in a typical store.

The store in the video took 324 orders in a single day. Of the 24 orders placed in the store, a total of five orders, representing 1.5 percent, were placed after looking at a menu. The other 300 orders were placed remotely, by phone or online — where Domino's, without federal intervention, has been listing calorie information along with a calorie calculator for the past decade — without any interaction with in-store menus.

The video ends with an experiment where individual items with their exact calorie count are listed on a menu the size of a Times Square billboard. Customers are stunned when they walk into the store. No one thought the menu with its nannytarian calorie count was a good idea. And no one had time to add up what their pizza totaled in calories.

So here's to Domino's and its fight against federal stupidity and interference. Whether you know it or not the company is fighting for you, too.

Michael Reagan is the son of former President Ronald Reagan and chairman of the League of American Voters. His blog appears on

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