Friday, May 29, 2015

Townhall Daily - May 29 - Michelle Malkin, Mark Davis, S. E. Cupp, Michael Barone, Jonah Goldberg and More

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Who Built the Brooklyn Bridge?
Michelle Malkin
Michelle Malkin
Analyzing Those Hot, Fresh GOP Poll Numbers
Mark Davis
Mark Davis
Democrats' Objections to OTC Birth Control? Republicans Are Behind iI
S. E. Cupp
S. E. Cupp
Colleges and Universities Have Grown Bloated and Dysfunctional
Michael Barone
Michael Barone
Absence of a Smoking Gun Doesn't Equate to Innocence
Jonah Goldberg
Jonah Goldberg
Some Race Activists Are Harming Their Own Cause
David Limbaugh
David Limbaugh
Obama Not Offended Enough by Anti-Semitism
Mona Charen
Mona Charen
Conservative Christians Miscount
Michael Reagan
Michael Reagan
Secularists vs. Suicide Bombers
Pat Buchanan
Pat Buchanan
When Will Climate Scientists Say They Were Wrong?
Patrick Michaels
Patrick Michaels
Does a Young Rubio Frighten an Older Hillary?
Suzanne Fields
Suzanne Fields
Good News Is Bad for Motivating Voters
Linda Chavez
Linda Chavez
Now the Post Office Wants to Be Your Bank
Justin Sykes
Justin  Sykes
After the Fall
Paul Greenberg
Paul Greenberg
Hillary Clinton in Lock-Step With Obama's Policies, Avoids Serious, Substantive Issues
Donald Lambro
Donald Lambro
It's About Time
Rich Galen
Rich Galen
The Bin Laden Papers Show Obama to be a Fool
Larry Kelley
Larry Kelley
Obamacare's Muse: The UK's NHS
D. Brady Nelson
D. Brady Nelson
Liberal Teachers and the Curse of Being Born in America
Lee Culpepper
Lee  Culpepper
Harper's Climate Pledge Is Hot Air
Tom Harris
Tom Harris
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Former Speaker Dennis Hastert Indicted For Lying To The FBI, Evading Currency Transaction Reports
Matt Vespa
Matt Vespa
Fifteen Dollars an Hour for Thee, but Not for Me: California Unions Request Exemption from New Wage Law
Christine Rousselle
Christine Rousselle
Judge: There's No 'Good Reason' To Issue A Stay On DC's Carry Law Ruling
Matt Vespa
Matt Vespa
Baltimore Residents Who Decried Police in Their Neighborhoods Now Want Them Back
Leah Barkoukis
Leah Barkoukis
Maine Senate Passes Constitutional Carry Bill
Christine Rousselle
Christine Rousselle
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Colt SP1 Vs Colt AR15-A2 | Bob Owens
Bloody Baltimore Shows What Happens When You Trade Essential Liberty For Temporary Safety | Bob Owens
No, An iPhone Didn't Save An Englishman Man From A Shotgun Blast | Bob Owens
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Police Chief Opposition, Activist Idiocy May Kill Open Carry In Texas | Bob Owens
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THE LATEST: Blatter: Corruption fight may not 'be easy' | AP News
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Prosecutor to review report on Washington police shooting | AP News
Iran provides some information in U.N. nuclear inquiry: IAEA | Reuters News
Car explodes near mosque in Saudi Arabia's Dammam: witness | Reuters News
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