Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Townhall PM - Army General Admits He Knew Bergdahl Was a Deserter - May 27, 2015

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General McChrystal: Yep, We Knew Bergdahl Was a Deserter Immediately
Katie Pavlich
When Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl was traded for five high risk Taliban commanders last summer, his platoon mates quickly hit the airwaves to expose him as a deserter. They said it was known he was a deserter for years.
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Pataki Calls Abortion Debate a 'Distraction' as He Prepares for 2016 Announcement
Cortney O'Brien
Oh My: Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Zarif Accused Of Being A 'Traitor' By Hardliner Over Iranian Deal
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New Report Details Horrors of Iran Backed Terror Group Hamas: Torture, Beheadings, Acid, Mutilation
Katie Pavlich
Advertisers Drop 19 Kids and Counting Amid Josh Duggar Scandal
Christine Rousselle
Michelle Malkin Eviscerates Liberal Professor On Generosity of America, Illegal Immigration
Katie Pavlich
Seriously: White House Suggests More Gun Control In Strict Baltimore After Bloody Memorial Day Weekend
Katie Pavlich
VIDEO: Personal Data Stolen From 104K Taxpayers
Bloomberg's Michael Riley reports on the theft of IRS tax information. He speaks on Market Makers.
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No Memorial Day For Inner-City Dead
Cal Thomas
While Memorial Day weekend featured the traditional parades, barbecues and moments of silence at baseball games for those who gave their lives in wartime to preserve our freedoms, in some of America's biggest cities virtual shooting galleries produced the sort of carnage more likely to be found in the Middle East from Islamic State terrorists.
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VIDEO: Islamist Fighters Drawn From Half the World's Countries, Says UN
The UN has said, more than half the countries in the world are currently generating Islamist extremist fighters for groups such as al-Qaida and Islamic State.
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A Delusional and Dangerous National Security Strategy
Allen West
When I was commissioned as an Army officer in 1982, one of the books listed on our mandatory reading was Sun Tzu's Art of War.
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VIDEO: Here's How Much Corporations Paid US Senators to Fast-track the TPP Bill
A decade in the making, the controversial Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is reaching its climax and as Congress hotly debates the biggest trade deal in a generation, its backers have turned on the cash spigot in the hopes of getting it passed.
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Holy Warriors of the Left and Right
Jonah Goldberg
Mike Huckabee doesn't have a lot of prominent defenders, and I am not volunteering for the job.
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Rand: GOP Hawks Created ISIS
Daniel Doherty
That's a bit of a stretch, no? Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) doesn't seem to think so.
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Aging Socialist Re-Announces Presidential Campaign, Flanked by Millionaires
Guy Benson
And I'm not even talking about Hillary's big re-launch. Those millionaires are crunchy ice cream magnates Ben and Jerry, who hail from Sanders' home state of Vermont, so I'm trolling a bit. But this is all technically accurate:
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