Thursday, May 21, 2015

Townhall PM - We're losing. Can we defeat ISIS? - May 21, 2015

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Retired Army General at Committee Hearing: "We Are Losing This War"
Daniel Doherty
On Thursday, the Senate Armed Services Committee convened a hearing to evaluate and scrutinize the effectiveness of the Obama administration's policies in the Middle East, especially in Iraq and Syria.
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Illegal Alien Charged With Child Molestation and Pornography Able To Work With Kids Thanks to Obama Amnesty
Katie Pavlich
Gatekeepers: When Hillary Was Top Diplomat, State Dep't Staff Sometimes Blocked FOIA Requests
Matt Vespa
Bipartisan Bill Prohibits Rapists From Seeking Child Custody
Cortney O'Brien
Terrific: Ayatollah Khamenei 'Rules Out Broad Nuclear Inspections' in Iran Deal
Guy Benson
A Worthy Anti-Poverty Experiment In Central Florida
Matt Vespa
Bin Laden Documents Declassified: Inside the Mind of The World's Most Wanted Terrorist
Katie Pavlich
VIDEO: Girl Scouts Welcomes Transgender Girls
Transgender girls are welcome in the Girl Scouts of the United States of America, a stance that has attracted controversy from some conservative groups over the past week.
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VIDEO: French Feminists Demand Rewording of 1789 'Rights of Man' Declaration
A group of French feminists are saying non to the rights of man, which they say is sexist and an outdated example of the French exception culturelle.
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VIDEO: Rand Paul Ends 10-And-A-Half Hour Filibuster
Republican Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul ended his 10-and-a-half hour filibuster of the USA Freedom Act. Paul spoke to reporters after he walked off the floor shortly before midnight, saying he was tired, his voice was going out, and he was ready to go home.
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The False God of Politics
Cal Thomas
If you visit Mount Olympus, you will see scores of crumbling statues to false gods once worshipped by ancient Greeks. The same is true in Rome, where statues of political gods, notably those named Caesar, lay in ruins.
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George Clintonopoulos!
Larry Elder
What took so long? The question isn't whether George Stephanopoulos compromised his credentials as a "journalist" by failing to reveal his donations to the Clinton Foundation.
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Our Crazy Treatment of the Mentally Ill
Steve Chapman
A Bronx man died in police custody last week after police responded to a 911 call. An Iraq combat veteran in El Paso, Texas, serving a two-day DWI sentence died after being subdued by guards. A woman died after being Tasered by sheriff's deputies in a Fairfax, Va., cell.
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Hmmm: Fox, CNN Announce Controversial GOP Debate Rules
Guy Benson
"Controversial" because the networks are understandably trying to limit the number of participants, as to avoid unwieldy spectacles of 16 candidates trying to get a word in edgewise.
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51 Percent Of Democrats Pretty Much Want To Destroy The First Amendment
Matt Vespa
An interesting poll shows that a majority of Democrats–and a substantial proportion of Republicans–want to upend the foundation of First Amendment law in the United States.
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Columnists & Tipsheet
A Threat to the Foundation of the Regulatory State
Conn Carroll
Conn Carroll
FLASHBACK: Secret Service Missed Fake Interpreter Charged With Murder on Stage With Obama During Mandela Funeral
Katie Pavlich
Katie Pavlich
Knowing What We Know Now, Would You Say Jeb Bush is Retarded?
Ann Coulter
Ann Coulter
The Cost of a Free Republic
Jackie Gingrich Cushman
Jackie Gingrich Cushman
Think Like a Liberal -- or Else
Victor Davis Hanson
Victor Davis Hanson
The Interconnection Disconnect
Derek Hunter
Derek Hunter
Iraq and the White House Time Machine
Jeff Jacoby
Jeff Jacoby
What If We Didn't Have a Constitution?
Judge Andrew Napolitano
Judge Andrew Napolitano
Black Racism Fatigue Will Hurt Democrats in 2016
Carl Jackson
Carl Jackson
Has the Bloom Come off the Clinton Rose?
Rich Galen
Rich Galen
Political Cartoons
Bearing Arms favicon
Man Shoots And Kills Armed Robber During Home Invasion | Bob Owens
Journalists in Fantasyland: How Anti-Gun Media Convince Themselves Gun Ownership Is Declining | Bob Owens
You Know What Those Waco Biker Thugs Weren't Doing? Open-Carrying. | Bob Owens
"Grab and Go" Long Gun Rigs | Staff
The "Gun Safety Group" Lie | Bob Owens
Political News
China, US assert rights after exchange over S China Sea | AP News
House presses Senate to pass domestic surveillance changes | AP News
Scientists want you to know plankton is not just whale food | Reuters News
IRS refunds $10M to tax preparers who paid to take test | AP News
US, Cuba push to finalize talks on re-establishing embassies | AP News
Obamacare in Full Effect
Plus: 2014 Senate Races
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