Thursday, May 28, 2015

Yikes! The kids might be vegetarians after this…

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May 28, 2015
On Today's Program

Life is different on a farm. You get to experience hard work, and more importantly you get to see where your food comes from. Like you really, really get to see where your food comes from. It may not be so bad pulling tomatoes out of the garden, but everything about getting meat from the farm to the table can be pretty brutal. Glenn described what he had planned for the family today, and you might become a vegetarian after going through this. MORE

It's kind of sad that a video like this is an exception rather than the norm, but that doesn't make it any less touching. Chris Pratt, star of Guardians of the Galaxy and Jurassic World, posted a video on Facebook earlier this week. He was recorded on camera teaching his young son, Jack, the Pledge of Allegiance. Check it out HERE.

What's holding you back from being the person you want to be? Too many of us are locked into an old, stagnant, and outdated way of doing things. If you were to die today, what would you regret? What would you have done differently? Best-selling author Kamal Ravikant has a message you absolutely need to read, and then go out and become the person you were meant to be. MORE

This morning on radio, Mike Broomhead started off the program discussing Memorial Day and our veterans. There is currently new legislation being passed that will allow ex-convicts the ability to go to college and further their education. But what about our veterans who have fought so hard for our freedom? Hear more about this insanity HERE.

Utah engineer has developed a new "magic bullet" device that instantly protects you 100% against blackouts, power failures and the crumbling electric grid. WATCH

Tim Ferriss hosts one of the most popular business podcasts available and he invited Glenn to come on his show. What is it like to hit rock bottom at thirty and have to rebuild your life from the ground up? This is a must listen for anyone looking to hear Glenn's personal story — his struggles, his triumphs, and more. LISTEN

PLUS: Don't miss Tim Ferriss' new show on iTunes
What we fear doing most is usually what we most need to do. What do you fear most from this list? Tim Ferriss pushes himself to the breaking point, attempting to learn notoriously punishing skills—surfing, professional poker, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, parkour, languages, etc.—in just one week each. WATCH

Your parental rights don't exist when you send your kid to public school
"A week or two ago I received a message from a notorious fugitive named Julie Giles. She complained that she'd recently been arrested, shackled, and cuffed for barbaric and shocking crimes against humanity. The courts determined that she was a threat to herself, her family, and her community, therefore she was seized and charged like the scurrilous criminal she so clearly is." Read more from Matt Walsh HERE.

Why Ann Coulter thinks illegal immigrants are more dangerous than ISIS
Conservative author, Ann Coulter, squared off with FusionTV's Jorge Ramos over illegal immigration, and made a pretty bold statement about the threat illegal immigrants pose. "If you don't want to be killed by ISIS, don't go to Syria. If you don't want to be killed by a Mexican... I can't help you," she said. Wow. Coulter didn't back down when pressed on the issue, and Pat reacted to the story on radio this morning. LISTEN

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