Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Your country is in trouble. We have a solution.

Dear Fellow Conservative,

The America you love is in trouble. 

The freedom you enjoy -- the freedom protected by the American Founding -- faces two dire threats.These threats are already entrenched in Washington and quickly spreading their poison to the rest of the country.

The Progressive movement is an ideological enemy of America’s Founders. 

Under progressive domination you’ve seen Washington bureaucrats take over your health care . . . increase your taxes . . . unleash the IRS on conservatives . . . irresponsibly gut our national defense . . . funnel money into higher education to indoctrinate students with leftist ideas. . . and steal your children and grandchildren’s future through an explosion of national debt.

And the Washington Establishment -- of both parties -- is a political insult to our Founders.

Too many of the entrenched leadership in Washington use government for their own power and privilege rather than to serve the American people. Powerful special interests groups latch themselves onto lawmakers, bribing them to perpetuate even more spending. This is the essence of corrupt Establishment cronyism.  

There is a solution.

I invite you to join a crucial push to reclaim America on behalf of our founding principles.

From today through midnight, June 4, The Heritage Foundation and Heritage Action for America must reach our critical $1.2 million fundraising goal for the new Reclaim America campaign.

Please take a look at our Reclaim America plan. It lays out our strategy to beat the progressives and the Establishment and to return the government in Washington to your principles.

I believe you’ll be inspired, filled with hope, and fortified with resolve from knowing how America can be reclaimed for you, your children and your grandchildren.

Thank you for being an exceptional, patriotic American, and a good friend of freedom.

I look forward to what you and I will do together.

Jim DeMint

The Heritage Foundation

The Heritage Foundation | 214 Massachusetts Avenue, NE | Washington, D.C. 20002 | (800) 546-2843

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