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Monday, June 01, 2015

Borderland Beat

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In the Villa Purificacion confrontation there were 43 dead civilians not 8 (Full Article)

Posted: 01 Jun 2015 03:29 AM PDT

Translated by Otis B Fly-Wheel for Borderland Beat from a Proceso Special Report and material from Borderland Beat archive

Subject Matter: Civilian deaths at Villa Purificacion during Government on CJNG fighting.
Recommendation: Read Lucio R post on the operationsee link and part 1 of this article]

Fear and Indignation

According to testimony of the families of the person killed or disappeared after the events of Friday the 1st, the Soldiers piled up the corpses and had them outdoors for two weeks. They removed them when they were already in a state of putrefaction.

It wasn't until Sunday the 17th, they say, that Authorities started taking samples for genetic testing. Mrs Rosa Mondragon Serrato, wife of Juan Antonio Gaona de la Mora, a worker of the mine of Villa Purificacion, who disappeared on Friday the 1st, says:"from Saturday the 2nd I have been looking for my husband. That day I got a call from a man who told me that he saw when Juan Antonio was shot dead by the Army", she continues, "Juan Antonio is a working man, he was employed in the mine of Villa Purificacion".

"He started out in Colima, but after he moved to Villa. He came to my house every 15 days. The last time I saw him was this passed 15th of April, his last call I received on the 30th. He told me that he was well and sent me money for the week, but I had received nothing and this made me suspicious that things were not well".

"I think that my husband had been in the wrong place at the wrong time. If its certain that they killed him, why have they refused to give me his body".

"The day that I went there was Monday the 4th of May. I was here in Villa Purificacion, but they wouldn't give me access. I ran to the Military but they were very annoyed".

"That day the Military were pushing women back with the butts of their rifles, because of this many people of this Town are scared to reclaim the bodies".

"From what I saw, there were a lot of bodies there, they were stacked in a disorderly fashion. I wondered why they were still there, why they had not removed them. I approached but they blocked my way, and would not let me go further. I saw those bodies, nobody told me about it".

She says that they had the deceased a little way from Punta Perula Highway, in the Town of La Huerta, by a breach that goes to the mine, "because we left the highway and walked a good distance looking for a breach".

She continues, " This day we were going to various women and men who were in the same situation" , It's an old dirt road link old Villa with Los Achotes and other villages, very close to where the helicopter came down.

"The Military said to us, leave and stay away or you will be arrested". "Already they are not seeking who did this, but who will pay them".

"Unfortunately its many innocent people who are paying the price", denounces the lady. She reiterates "What I asked is why we have not seen the DNA proofs so we can know if our relatives are among the dead".

She recalls that on Sunday the 17th they took DNA samples of the families of the disappeared, and we were called to send a delegation on the 19th to the PGR to see the declaration. The meeting was 10am in the morning, but this day nobody was there to meet the delegation.

Those responsible for communication of social information, then told the delegation that they would be cared for by people from SEIDO coming from City of Mexico. Around noon the relatives of the disappeared were served by a delegate of the PGR, Gerado Vazquez, who explained to them that everything related to the preliminary inquiry 228/2015 was in the hands of SEIDO.

Mrs Mondragon Serrato says that the group of protesters is represented by people who dare to speak out. However she admits that the majority of the people are concerned and angry because neither the Army or the Authorities allow them to identify the dead, others have problems because they cannot move their cattle to their ranches to feed them.

"We have nothing here in Mexico, we don't have money. Our families are here, to see the DNA test results they took here, we cannot travel to Mexico City" she insisted.

She adds, "I want to say to the President Enrique Pena Nieto and the Governor Jorge Aristoteles Sandoval Diaz, why is there not a proper investigation into the events at Villa Purificacion?". I will ask if they know what happened in the villages and ranches of El Grullo, Autlan, La Huerta, El Limon, Casimiro Castillo, Cuatro Caminos , Tonoya".

"All of these places are full of Army. We know that there are 11,000 elements and they are waiting for another few thousand Federals. The people are suspicious as this zone has been militarized".

The complaint against the Military, Semefo, and the PGR is that they ignore the pain and dignity of the families, and obstruct the identification and dignified burial of the dead, if it is proved that the Army killed them.

The balance of the war

After three weeks of failed attempts to capture Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes, "El Mencho", leader of the CJNG, its estimated that no less than 60 people have died, most in the South Jalisco Coast, including nine military that were on the downed helicopter.

According to the families of the disappeared, the Military kept the bodies of the civilians, eight kilometres from the Municipal Capital, located in Tierra Prodiga, there, they said, were kept for 15 days, until Saturday the 16th when Semefo arrived ( Forensics team ), the bodies were in a complete state of decomposition.

Of these 60 fallen one can add the 43 civilians killed on Friday the 22nd in an alleged confrontation between Sicarios of CJNG in Ecuandureo, Michoacan, on the border with Jalisco. According to the official report, various unknown people had a gun battle with a group of Federal Police and after took refuge in the Ranch "El Sol".

The antecedents of said battle, according to the different versions, is that the Helicopter was brought down with a Russian made type 7 RPG ( Rocket propelled Grenade ).

On Tuesday the 19th, four Military elements died close to a Natural Spa El Salto called La Isla, in the village of La Eca 20 kilometres to the North West from the Municipal Capital, on the side of a dirt road that goes to Talpa de Allende, at the foot of the mountains. The primary belief was that they had been shot, SEIDO maintains the case under reservation.

Without doubt, with a base of testimony from witnesses in Villa Purificacion and in the Spa, the reality is a cascade, Proceso knows that the Soldiers had been drinking alcohol and started to argue among themselves, one of the four Policemen pulled out a weapon, shot his three colleagues and then in an act of suicide turned the gun on himself.

Other soldiers turned up and started to hide the evidence, "taking away the bodies and the spent cartridges", said one of the interviewees from La Eca.

Until Friday the 22nd, the number of fatal victims of Operation Jalisco is 104 including the civilians of Villa Purificacion whose clothing were camouflage fatigues and allegedly formed part of the bodyguard of "El Mencho", according to testimony of reporters.

One of them, agreed one of the interviewees, had a black cap with the legend "Fuerzas Especials, CJNG".

The psychosis in the South Coast started in Autlan and is prolonged for the rest of the villages located on both sides of the highway to Barra de Navidad, and extends principally to the Towns of Casimiro Castillo, La Huerta, Cuautitlan de Garcia Barragan, and in particular Villa Purificacion.

During the day, the streets and squares are almost permanently deserted and many businesses are closed in the larger Towns and Ranches. During the night, there is fear that there will be new confrontations that will escalate so the Towns are empty.

On Friday the 15th the FUR disarmed the Municipal Police of Villa Purificacion for alleged links to organized crime. The same occurred in Union de Tula in an operation that ended with the detention of 30 Municipal agents of the two Towns and with the retention of the two Directors of Security.

The agents were arraigned , but on 22nd they were returned to their homes. Two days after, the Bishop of Autlan, after a reunion with a colleague with title, Monsenor Gonzalo Galvan called on all populations to mobilise for peace in all villages.

In La Concepcion (La Concha), Town of La Huerta, Sedena has sent tanks of war ( Otis: I think he means the pan hard armoured personnel carriers), also to Purificacion.

After crossing a road block and celebrating Mass, the Priest of the place, Martin Pelayo, commented that the Bishop said that " we should not let the sheep scatter when the Wolf comes". Because of this they have arranged marches in all their Jurisdictions, the same places where "El Mencho" has carried out his major raids.

The images of tanks, pickups replete with Soldiers, pick ups with machine guns mounted in boxes, and the constant movement of Helicopters into Autlan and Villa Purificacion and Union de Tula, has ruined the tranquility of the zone.

welcome to hell

"I was carrying my child, when they asked me to put him down, so they could search me. When I put him down he started crying. I though there were going to let me go on my way with my child, but no. They continued their search and later returned my baby, commented a habitant of the South Coast Region. She added, this how it is, a State in War.

Sales in the region fell by 60 to 80% so far in May, say Traders. If the situation continues many establishments will go out of business.

The reporters searched for the Mayor of Villa Purificacion, the Priista Valentin Rodriquez Pena, but they couldn't find him, but found his Secretary Jose de Jesus Carrizales, who assured that the Functionary continues working normally.

The ground floor of the principal office entrance is guarded by two security agents with rifles. On the second floor is a sniper of the FUR, and by his side a tripod mounted machine gun looking out into the principal square.

According to Carrizales, the Municipal Police detained by the FUR, have had money deposited for them to help out their families for two weeks, they don't know when they will be freed.

Some people have commented that a man called "Mario" arrived on various days to free one of his three sons that were detained by the FUR on 15th of May, they were Police officers.

The habitants of Purificacion assure that the Jalisco Ombudsman, Felipe de Jesus Alvarez Cibrian, instructed his collaborators in this region, not to receive any complaints about the Army in relation to the events started on Friday the 1st. It follows, until Friday the 22nd no Authorities have said that individual guarantees have been suspended.

" To us they said, return to your houses, and don't go out in the streets as we are maintaining the shutting of roads", said one of the interviewees.

Along with the building of the town hall, there is a religious place where the central figure is "Santa Muerte", it doesn't lack clients, around there are taco stands and pickups cruising with the sound of narco corridos.

Original article in Spanish at Proceso

Benito Portillo Torres, killed in Culiacán

Posted: 31 May 2015 11:07 PM PDT

Lucio R Borderland Beat From El Debate,  Linea Direct and BB Archives

Police sources report that Benito Portillo Torres, the alleged leader of a criminal cell operating in the mountains of Choix, Sinaloa, was killed Thursday morning in the streets of the colonia Las Vegas.

Benito Torres Portillo, is accused by authorities of Sinaloa and Chihuahua of being responsible for many violent events in recent years in the mountains of Choix,  during the leaders management of the drug trade.

The attack occurred in the early  hours of Thursday, which generated strong police mobilization.

The report confirmed that shortly before 8:00 am on Xicohténcatl street of the colonia Las Vegas two people were killed by gunfire.

Officials say the two men who were gunned down were aboard a dark gray Cruiser with California plates 6EUL244.  Two people were dead inside the vehicle. Authorities report that one of those killed in an element of the judicial police, which was identified as Manuel de Jesus Barraza Armenta 52 years old.

Portillo's brother Bernardino Portillo Torres, 24, was killed on March 4th,  in the Sierra de Urique, Chihuahua.

Benito Portillo had appointed  Bernardino in charge of Urique, Chihuahua, where he was killed when confronted by the militia.

In the same convoy Bernardino was travelling with Benito, who managed evade bullets and flee the area.

Since that event nothing has been reported about Benito until the news of Thursday that he was killed along with a former agent of the State Police, Jesus Barraza Armenta, after being attacked by an armed group as they drove through the streets of Culiacan

Benito Torres Portillo and his brother Vincent have both been identified as lieutenants of the gavilleros group in Chihuahua, that clash for possession of the land in the mountains of Choix.

Choix is a prime region in the cultivation of marijuana and opium gum.   Portillo Torres is accused of having ordered large convoys of gunmen, disguised as federal agents in different highland communities of Choix.

The first major conflict in the region now known for massive convoys and deadly conflicts, began on Friday April 27, 2012, in the community of El Pichol, which resulted in the brother of Adelmo "Lemo" Núñez, being shot and killed. 

Adelmo was the principal rival of Benito Portillo. 

Since 2012, Adelmo Nunez Molina has been targeted by the alliance of the Beltran Leyva brothers, because they consider him as a traitor to Alfredo Beltran Leyva, "El Mochomo", who he pledged allegiance to after the boss had supported and trusted him before being apprehended in January 2008. The pursuit for vengeance against Nuñez continues and includes Fausto Isidro Meza Flores, "Chapito Isidro". 

That shootout was one of the bloodiest ever transpiring in the region, with reports of 50+ being killed.

The battle of April, 2012

The battle of April, 2012 resulted in one of the intense battles  ever known.  The battle began in the municipality of Choix, near the Golden Triangle, which left around 30 people dead according to official count, then another 20 plus in the following battle

The conflict lasted 4 days.

First Clash: Sinaloa cartel vs Beltrans.  On that occasion  April 27th  a convoy of 40-50 heavily armed men dressed in military-style outfits and the State Preventive Police, presumably entered from Chihuahua on two fronts, the towns of Urique and / or Morelos, to the region of Bacayopa, Choix.  The goal, according to reports, was to attack El Potrero de los Fierro ranch, where would aim to eliminate Adelmo "Lemo" Núñez Adelmo Nunez Molina, aka "El Señor or "01".

Arriving at the village they were greeted by gunfire from BLO and Zeta gunmen, Sinaloa retreated after suffering heavy losses.
The next day Beltrans bloody clash with the Army

The day after the confrontation with the Sinaloa Cartel, Beltran-Los Zetas was in a violent conflicts.  Fighting against  elements of the Mexican Army, where in the  early hours of Saturday April 28th the clash began, leaving at least 23 were left dead in the balance.

The aggressors make up a cell of the Beltran Leyva brothers, Carrillo Fuentes, the Juárez Cartel and Los Zetas.

This gunbattle and the intervention of staff of the Mexican Army was in the Potrero de Fierro, El Pichol,Choix, Sinaloa, including other communities of Choix and the municipality of El Fuerte, extending to its  border  with Chihuahua, the shooting extended for days. The official balance of 22 dead, among them the municipal police Hector Germán Ruiz Villas.

Seized were  "cloned" type military and the State Preventive Police vehicles,  three of them armoured, two  Barrett, a 50-caliber machine gun, 15 AK-47 rifles, a carbine AR-15, eight guns, 118 magazines and 5 823  useful ammunitions 

Mexican spending spree, purchasing military equipment from the U.S.

Posted: 31 May 2015 06:38 PM PDT

Lucio R. Borderland Beat- Republished from NCLA...

Mexico has purchased at least $1.15 billion in military equipment from the United States over the past 12 months.  Despite his campaign rhetoric condemning  former President Felipe Calderón's military model used against organized crime, President Enrique Peña Nieto's promises of a drastic military departure in his plan in Mexico's drug war is but a distant memory.  Not only  has his administration remained highly militarized,  but to a greater degree than President Felipe Calderón. It should be noted that Mexico asked for greater number of military equipment than was approved. [Lucio]

Mexico has been on a buying spree for U.S. military equipment, especially helicopters and armored vehicles, with purchases amounting to more than a billion dollars in the last 12 months. U.S. Northern Command chief Admiral William Gortney said the combined deals represent "a 100-fold increase from prior years." For a military supposedly proud of its independence from the United States, it is a dependent client.

On Tuesday, March 17, the State Department approved the sale of three Blackhawk helicopters to the Mexican military for $110 million, to support Mexican troops engaged in counter-drug operations. The deal comes on the heels of a larger agreement last April for Mexico to buy 18 Blackhawks for $680 million. The helicopters are produced by Sikorsky, based in Connecticut (also supplier to Colombia and other countries), and General Electric, in Lynn, MA. The deals include training and the construction of a facility. The United States will also reportedly supply six M134 7.62mm machine guns for the helicopters, which fire up to 6,000 rounds a minute.

Last May, Washington approved a sale of more than 3,000 Humvees for the Mexican military, at a cost of $556 million, in order to expand "existing army architecture to combat drug trafficking organizations" and enhance "interoperability between Mexico and the U.S." The Humvees will be built by AM General in Mishawaka, Indiana. A later report said that in December the Pentagon approved sale of 2,200 of the Humvee vehicles, for just $245 million.

Mexico City police purchased five helicopters from Texas-based Bell last month, for another $26.4 million. The helicopters will be assigned to the Condores, a group of special police. Two weeks later, the Mexican Air Force sealed a deal for 15 Bell helicopters, valued for at least $37 million, to be based at an airbase in Jalisco state.

In January, the Pentagon said that the Mexican Navy, too, is buying Blackhawks – five of them, for $56 million. Last September, the Navy also announced the purchase of four King Air 350ER aircraft, to be used for "maritime surveillance of strategic installations, light transport, and medical evacuation." The aircraft are built by Beechcraft Corporation, a subsidiary of Textron Aviation, which sold another four aircraft to the Mexican Navy in 2013.

Until 2014, arms sales to Mexico were mostly commercial sales. But in the last 12 months, deals through the Pentagon's Foreign Military Sales program have shot up to more than $1 billion. (Defense Security Cooperation Agency)

All told, these agreements represent at least $1.15 billion in arms sales to the Mexican military or police in the last year, mostly facilitated by the Pentagon through the Foreign Military Sales (FMS) program. FMS sales frequently come at a discount, and are not subject to human rights restrictions, such as the Leahy Law.

These sales do not include guns and ammunition. In 2014, the U.S. legally transferred more than 28,000 firearms to Mexico, most of them military rifles, at a value of $21.6 million. The year saw the most firearms sales in dollars of the 15 years that the U.S. Census Bureau has kept data.

Many more weapons crossed the border from the United States illegally. In 2013, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms traced 10,488 firearms recovered at crime scenes in Mexico back to U.S. manufacturers or sales. A University of San Diego study estimated that a quarter of a million firearms were purchased annually in the United States to be trafficked into Mexico from 2010 to 2012. These numbers dwarf the disastrous "Fast and Furious" program by which ATF allowed hundreds of weapons purchased in Arizona to cross into Mexico in 2009 and 2010.

Mexico also gets military equipment from the United States through direct commercial sales, which are disclosed later. In 2013, the U.S. approved more than a billion dollars in sales of military equipment to Mexico, most of it for "spacecraft systems and associated equipment." This could include satellites, GPS systems, or ground control stations. It also approved sales of more than 116 million rounds of ammunition and $187 million in "military electronics."

Mexico began to buy Blackhawks in the 1990s, and already had a fleet of 20 Blackhawks before the buying spree. Sikorsky opened a training center in Queretaro in 2012 to facilitate regional sales and training.
The massive militarization represented by billions of dollars of U.S. arms sales to Mexico as well as illegal gun trafficking is bad news for the many Mexicans devastated by the abuses of police and soldiers, the escalation of firepower when fights between government and non-governmental criminal groups occur, and the weapons that make their way illegally to trafficking organizations. The United States must develop other capacities besides producing guns and military equipment for finding a healthy balance of trade and addressing our own problems.

This month, a caravan is crisscrossing the country with Mexican families and classmates of the 43 students murdered in Guerrero last September by Mexican police in concert with organized crime. The "Ayotzinapa 43" caravan is traveling through California, the Midwest, and East Coast en route to Washington to speak with policymakers. Their visit offers a clear opportunity to those of us living in the United States to show our solidarity and to call for different approaches to violence in Mexico and to drug use in the United States.

Thanks to the BB reader giving us a heads up

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