Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Don’t be THAT church person

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June 30, 2015
On Today's Program

On radio Tuesday, Glenn delivered a passionate monologue on the difference between people who just go to church, and people who really bring the church with them and live their testimony. For too long, Americans have failed to take a stand on the issues that matter. In the words of Thomas Paine, "these are the times that try men's souls" — will we have the strength to endure them? Listen to Glenn's powerful message from radio HERE.

Depression being treated by assisted suicide in Belgium. Children crucified by ISIS for failing to fast during Ramadan. The mentally handicapped being used as suicide bombers. Young women being sold into sex slavery. Terrible atrocities are taking place all over the globe — are you brave enough to take a stand? Glenn shares just a few of the disturbing stories of the day. Plus: The amazing story of one man who went to extremes to uncover one of the darkest moments in world history. Have you heard the story of Witold Pilecki? And will anyone be brave enough to do the things he did in WW2? Get the story HERE.

NBC announced Monday that they would be ending their relationship with Donald Trump over "derogatory statements" regarding illegal immigrants. Glenn doesn't agree on with Trump on much, but sees this as the latest person to get blacklisted for not agreeing with the liberal point of view. Has political correctness grown to the point that we are now banning thoughts? MORE

Printing money, violating the Constitution, abandoning morality, legalizing drugs — these were all steps on the path of Germany's transformation from Weimar Republic to Nazi Germany. We are seeing the same disturbing parallels play out in Greece — and America doesn't seem far behind either. We're on a dangerous road, but it's not too late to speak up. Glenn said there is a key moment in German history we haven't seen play out yet. Will the world wake up before it's too late? MORE


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How Glenn Beck Became a Master of Media
When radio and TV host Glenn Beck left Fox News Channel in 2011, he got to North Texas as fast as he could. Here he presides over an entrepreneurial media empire called Mercury Radio Arts... Read the full piece from D Magazine HERE.

Prepare now: Greece crisis just the beginning
For nearly five years, Glenn has been warning the world to pay attention to Greece. The economic crisis, which now seems ready to boil over, could set off a chain of dominos bringing down the European Union, collapsing global markets, and even destroy the dollar. With Greek banks closed and citizens lining up at ATMs, that prediction seems closer to reality than ever. Will people pay attention? Glenn issued a dire warning on radio this morning — will it be ignored? Get the story and Glenn's reaction HERE.

Don't miss it! Glenn's midnight visit to Greece
In 2012, Glenn Beck spent six hours in Athens investigating its descent into chaos and anarchy, foreshadowing Greece's impending financial crisis. Now, his predictions are coming to pass at an alarming rate. Find out what Glenn says about how the crisis will impact you. Don't miss it this Wednesday at 8pm ET — only on TheBlaze TV! HERE

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