Friday, June 26, 2015

Glenn: This changes everything

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June 26, 2015
On Today's Program

The Supreme Court delivered another historic ruling Friday, declaring that same-sex couples have the right get married anywhere in the country. This is going to change everything. How will it impact you, your business, and your church? Watch Glenn deliver the news on radio and his immediate reaction HERE.

In the wake of the Supreme Court ruling in favor of gay marriage, Glenn spent the majority of Friday's radio show speaking with experts about the impact of the decision on people who believe in traditional marriage. David Barton doesn't have a lot of confidence that religious liberty and freedom of conscience will be safe given the political atmosphere and the activist courts. He also thinks there is zero chance conservatives will be able to pass a constitutional amendment to preserve traditional marriage. So what happens next? MORE

"The Supreme Court is wrong. It's pretty simple. They're wrong. They've been wrong many times in the past, and seem to be wrong with an increasing regularity these days. They were wrong yesterday when they announced that the federal government can offer Obamacare subsidies even though the law expressly gives that power to the states. They were wrong two years ago when they decided that the federal government has the right to force American citizens to buy a product from an insurance company. They were wrong forty years ago when they said mothers have a constitutional right to murder their children. And they were wrong today…" Read the full story from Matt Walsh HERE.

Glenn and Mercury Ink have been working on two important books that are coming out later this year. First, It IS About Islam exposes the truth about terrorism and the Islamic State that too many people are afraid to speak out against. The other book may just be the best thing Glenn has ever written — a Christmas story that ties the story of Christ and Santa together. Why does he consider these two books to be among the most important projects he has ever worked on? Find out HERE.

Why is survival food selling out across the country? We tested the top survival food and you'll be shocked at what we found. Watch the controversial video before it disappears again. WATCH

"Sometimes you don't know how much you mean to all of us. You, so many times, tell us what role we play in your life, but I want you to know how much you impact us. Long time listeners remember Scooter, the man who was living in his van that moved to Texas for Restoring Love. He is in the hospital here in Texas with stage four cancer and a few other things." More from Glenn HERE.

Behind-the-scenes video of Glenn's daughter and granddaughter dancing will make your Friday 10x better
It's been a historic week — and not in a good way. But there are things much more important than Supreme Court decisions and political policy, and family is at the top of the list. Last night on Facebook, Glenn shared a video of his daughter Cheyenne practicing ballet alongside his granddaughter Lorelai. Trust us, this video is going to make you feel a whole lot better about your Friday. WATCH

You need to go order a Confederate Flag cake to support free speech
You know how those Christian bakers are coming under attack because they refuse to make cakes for same-sex weddings? The government doesn't think that an individual's personal belief gives them the right to deny service. Well, if you follow that line of thinking, shouldn't the government force a bakery to make a cake featuring the most vilified symbol of the day — a Confederate Flag? Glenn issued a challenge to listeners during Thursday's radio show — listen to it HERE.

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