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HotAir Daily Express 06/05/2015

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May jobs report: 280,000 jobs added, U-3 at 5.5%
6/5/2015 10:01:58 AM  Ed Morrissey
Employers didn’t seem discouraged in May by a poor Q1 showing. Despite an apparent contraction in winter, the US economy added 280,000 jobs in May, following a slight downward revision in April to 221,000. With revisions, the BLS now shows a

Politinerds: Jonathan Capehart
6/5/2015 9:21:04 AM  Jazz Shaw
This week we interview another media figure and do a bit of sparring over political ideology. Our guest is Washington Post editorial staff writer and MSNBC / NBC News host Jonathan Capehart. He’s from Jersey and tells us a bit about his upbringing

Video: Sister of alleged Hastert victim goes public
6/5/2015 8:41:23 AM  Ed Morrissey
It took 20 years for Jolene Reinboldt to have anyone take her story seriously. After her brother Steve died of AIDS in 1995, she was shocked to see Dennis Hastert, her brother’s teacher and coach in high school, show up for the viewing. She

EPA: Remember all that horrible stuff we said about fracking? Yeah… never mind
6/5/2015 8:01:15 AM  Jazz Shaw
The Environmental Protection Agency has finished a draft copy of a long awaited study on fracking and its impact (or lack thereof) on drinking water. The folks in the green energy community who have been pushing for bans on the practice for years now are

Quotes of the day
6/4/2015 10:41:05 PM  Allahpundit
Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar spoke with Fox News’s Megyn Kelly on Wednesday evening, confirming many of the allegations against Josh in their recounting of events to the “Kelly File” host. The Duggar parents also said that they believe

#GamerGate scores again: FTC updates disclosure guidelines
6/4/2015 9:21:37 PM  C.T. Rex
A large component of #GamerGate’s effectiveness stems from its diversity and flexibility. They’re like a swarm of bees attacking from every direction, so while any individual victory might not be a fatal blow, opposing them gets increasingly

Hillary's new pitch: It's time for automatic voter registration
6/4/2015 8:41:00 PM  Allahpundit
I know what you’re thinking — “Democrats want to increase their opportunities for voter fraud!” — but c’mon. Would Hillary Clinton endorse something unethical? Seriously, gooooood politics here: As you may have heard,

NYT: In Vermont, ObamaCare flopped so bad it killed single payer
6/4/2015 8:01:24 PM  Ed Morrissey
When Barack Obama and Democrats on Capitol Hill first rolled out ObamaCare, conservatives warned that the program was so badly designed that it couldn’t possibly be on the level. Instead, people assumed that Democrats intended ObamaCare to fail

Yeah, the Obama administration wants to 'run out the clock' on the ground-troops question
6/4/2015 7:21:29 PM  Matt Vespa
'Sorry, I've got to go–bye' seems to be the mindset of the Obama administration regarding using ground troops to fight ISIS. The aversion to redeploy troops to Iraq isn't new. But as airstrikes have shown to be ineffective in curbing the Islamic State's

Pastor of African-American church in Chicago says Democrats "failing us"
6/4/2015 6:41:01 PM  Ed Morrissey
Republicans often claim that African-American voters should dump their allegiance to the Democratic Party and give them a fair hearing. One pastor in Chicago wants to give them that opportunity. Corey Brooks says that a half-century of lockstep support

Why, yes, that Obama administration disclosure memo has made government workers afraid of the White House
6/4/2015 6:01:29 PM  Matt Vespa
Say Republican Congressmen Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) and Jim Jordan (R-OH). Yesterday, the House Government Oversight Committee kicked off a two-day hearing on the Freedom of Information Act, and the White House's compliance with those requests. There is a

Depressing: Marie Harf spends five minutes defending Iran's enrichment of uranium
6/4/2015 5:21:37 PM  Allahpundit
Painful truth: The really awful thing about speaking for this State Dept is all the spin one must do on behalf of the govt of Iran — David Frum (@davidfrum) June 3, 2015 Frum wrote that yesterday. More than 24 hours later,

Pew: 72% support letting illegals stay in the U.S. — including 56% of Republicans
6/4/2015 4:41:58 PM  Allahpundit
Help me square this circle. Exhibit A: Aha. So that’s why even a border hawk like Ted Cruz who’s running to the right in the GOP primary feels comfortable backing work permits for illegals. Most of the party agrees with him that they should

Team Hillary to Julian Castro: Back off
6/4/2015 4:01:29 PM  Ed Morrissey
The media has noticed that new HUD Secretary and former San Antonio mayor Julian Castro has upped his public profile as the presidential race heats up. He’s not jockeying for a position in the race itself, according to analysts, but attempting to

Rested, ready, rap anthem: Rick Perry announces he's running for president
6/4/2015 3:21:47 PM  Allahpundit
The media’s conventional wisdom is that he won’t be able to shake memories of his poor 2012, but then members of that same media couldn’t recognize Marcus “Lone Survivor” Luttrell standing next to Perry onstage today. (Dave

Thursday TEMS: Duane Patterson, Salena Zito, Mitch Berg
6/4/2015 3:12:38 PM  Ed Morrissey
Today on The Ed Morrissey Show (4 pm ET), we have another great lineup for the news of the day, and once again we’ll be on the YouTube stream! Duane "Generalissimo" Patterson brings us up to date on the week's top stories and gives us a preview of

The hottest take: What if "Game of Thrones" is really an allegory for climate change?
6/4/2015 2:41:44 PM  Allahpundit
I’m impressed. Not by the theory, which is standard dorm-room navel-gazing, but by the strategy behind it. This is a brilliant bit of global-warming propaganda by a progressive site aimed at low-information casual news consumers, the sort of people

NYDN editorial demands stop to Title IX inquisition "insanity"
6/4/2015 2:01:58 PM  Ed Morrissey
So far, 2015 looks like a pretty bad year for Title IX — and mainly because it has finally turned on the academic class that wielded it for their own purposes. The recent experiences of Professor Laura Kipnis, as well as the Rolling Stone hoax on

Can the EB-5 Visa program be salvaged? Should it?
6/4/2015 1:21:46 PM  Jazz Shaw
The EB-5 Visa program, which provides a fast track to green cards for wealthy foreigners who are willing to invest large sums of money in the American economy, is back in the news this week. An unlikely duo of senators – one Republican and one

Video: VA official admits that system overprescribes drugs, hooks vets
6/4/2015 12:41:12 PM  Ed Morrissey
One pill makes you larger, one pill makes you small — and the ones that Mother gives you don’t do anything at all. People who see the latest video from Project Veritas can be forgiven for feeling as though they’ve fallen down the rabbit

Shocking idea: Stop paying federal workers to stay home for years
6/4/2015 12:01:24 PM  Jazz Shaw
Have to give credit to the Washington Post for their coverage of federal workers who are getting, quite literally, money for nothing. And we’re not talking about small amounts here, either. Their investigative series deals with the little examined

CNN to Pam Geller: Do you relish these jihadi plots to kill you?
6/4/2015 11:21:18 AM  Allahpundit
Via the Right Scoop and The Blaze, skip to 4:00. If, God forbid, some nut like that degenerate up in Boston ever gets to Geller, I’m convinced most of the media grief afterward will be over the notion that she “won,” not that

How hot is the "newest" political issue? 100 degrees … Celsius
6/4/2015 10:41:52 AM  Ed Morrissey
Both political parties will struggle with their pasts in this presidential cycle. Republicans face a crossroads in which they must choose between their eminences grises or their emerging young bench from their gubernatorial and Senate ranks. Democrats

Latest Headlines: We pick, you click.

Poll: Americans are ready to kick some ISIS butt
"Is this worth dying for?"
Media hit pieces on GOP 2016 frontrunners already turning stupid
We need a lot more Republican debates
Exclusive: Alleged Dennis Hastert sex abuse victim is named by family
Jimmy Carter: Many Americans still have "feelings of superiority" to people of color
The world is saying no to surveillance
Israel and Saudi Arabia reveal secret talks to thwart Iran
Graphic of the day: Republican versus Democratic occupations
Why are so few women supporting Rand Paul?


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