Tuesday, June 23, 2015

HotAir Daily Express 06/23/2015

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Carter: Heavy-equipment moves to the Baltics a direct response to "Russia's provocations"
6/23/2015 10:01:24 AM  Ed Morrissey
Until now, the US has called its bolstering of equipment and rotation in the Baltic states a rotational adjustment and refrained from tying it explicitly to Russian aggression in eastern Europe. Defense Secretary Ash Carter drops the pretenses in this

GE CEO threatens to outsource jobs if Ex-Im Bank shuts down
6/23/2015 9:21:52 AM  Jazz Shaw
While conservatives have been nearly unanimous in calling for the end of the Washington slush fund known as the Export-Import Bank, Congress will clearly remain under a lot of pressure from powerful business interests. The authorization for the bank is

Obama twisting Senate Dem arms for TPA test vote today as Cruz switches to No
6/23/2015 8:41:31 AM  Ed Morrissey
Later this afternoon, the Senate will hold a procedural vote on Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) in an attempt to reach cloture and guarantee a floor vote on fast-track authority for Barack Obama on the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) free-trade

The Washington raisin thief gets busted
6/23/2015 8:01:18 AM  Jazz Shaw
Back in April I wrote about one of the more curious cases to hit the Supreme Court in a while. It dealt with the the Raisin Administrative Committee, which is apparently a real thing and occasionally scoops up (pun intended) the crops of raisin farmers

Quotes of the day
6/22/2015 10:41:26 PM  Allahpundit
“Today we are here in a moment of unity in our state without ill will to say it is time to remove the flag from our capitol grounds,” said Haley, a Republican and the state’s first non-white governor, while flanked by a diverse group of

President Obama thinks it's super-keen Rhode Island raised its minimum wage
6/22/2015 10:01:36 PM  Mary Katharine Ham
Prosperity awaits! We just magically raised everyone’s income with no regard for the marketplace and what it can bear, or tiny businesses who might struggle under this new weight. What could go wrong? PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) – Gov. Gina Raimondo has

Surprise: After scandal fuels billions in new funding, VA wait times…increase
6/22/2015 9:21:37 PM  Guy Benson
‘Government’ is just another word for the things we choose to do together: The number of veterans seeking health care but ending up on waiting lists of one month or more is 50 percent higher now than it was a year ago when a scandal over

Video: OPM hack may be four times larger than previously disclosed
6/22/2015 8:41:48 PM  Ed Morrissey
Honestly, I assumed that this wouldn’t have gotten any worse than the Friday-afternoon and weekend dumps from the past few days. Clearly, that’s not the case. CNN’s Jake Tapper covered new information about the OPM sieve that suggests

Piers Morgan: Let's face it, white people who use the N-word should be in jail
6/22/2015 8:01:49 PM  Allahpundit
Say this for the guy: It takes some Jedi-level trolling to make yourself part of another country’s national debate about racism after a mass murder when you don’t even count as a celebrity there anymore. I like that he calls for actual jail

A great plan: liberals refusing to breed so they don't biologically spread white privilege
6/22/2015 7:21:28 PM  Jazz Shaw
I saw an interesting headline at Weasel Zippers today. It dealt with a writer at Huffpo who has been on an interesting journey. Ali Michael went through a traumatic period in her youth where, as a white woman, she wanted to avoid the possibility of

Karl Rove: The only way you'll sharply reduce gun violence in America is to repeal the Second Amendment
6/22/2015 6:41:09 PM  Allahpundit
A leftover from yesterday morning which I figured was too stale to write about until I saw that even Reason was kinda sorta accusing him of stating his own policy preference here. C’mon: It’s pretty clear that he’s speaking

Video: ESPN finds evidence Pete Rose bet on baseball while a player
6/22/2015 6:01:48 PM  Ed Morrissey
Pete Rose has gone through four baseball commissioners attempting to get his lifetime ban reversed for betting on major-league baseball games as a manager of the Cincinnati Reds. Long past his playing or managing potential, Rose wants to get theHall of

Video: As expected, Haley calls for moving Confederate flag from state grounds; Update: Hillary applauds
6/22/2015 5:21:43 PM  Allahpundit
The key bit starts at around 5:00 if you’re pressed for time. As predicted, she framed the decision (at around 6:45) as a gesture of unity to counter a bloody gesture of division. Among the luminaries onstage with her: Tim Scott, Lindsey Graham,

You will be made to care… about the Confederate Battle Flag
6/22/2015 4:41:23 PM  Jazz Shaw
By this time everyone has seen the news that the political correctness army has scored another victory and gotten Republicans from Nikki Haley to Lindsey Graham to call for the removal of the Stars and Bars from public grounds at the state house. (Yes, I

Hitchin' a ride: US Marine Corps may need foreign vessels for deployments
6/22/2015 4:01:43 PM  Ed Morrissey
From the halls of Montezuma, to the shores of … Jacksonville? The long “atrophy” of US Navy ship counts has made it impossible to guarantee that the Marine Corps can rapidly deploy for operations when needed around the world, a

WSJ/NBC poll: 75% of Republicans now say they could support Jeb Bush, tops among all candidates
6/22/2015 3:21:33 PM  Allahpundit
Three months ago just 49 percent said so. There’s your daily reminder that as political media and its barnacles, like yours truly, obsess about Jeb’s Iraq answer and whether his Super PAC’s going to raise $100 million after all, the

Shockingly, Americans still not wild about electing a socialist
6/22/2015 2:41:26 PM  Jazz Shaw
Gallup has to dig into every nook and cranny of the electorate when it comes to the presidential election, so when things get slow they have time to get into some absolutely hypothetical demographic questions. That was the case this week with what seems

Report: Nikki Haley to call for Confederate flag's removal as SC legislature mulls action; Update: Lindsey Graham too; Update: And Tim Scott
6/22/2015 2:01:31 PM  Allahpundit
No official word yet on what she plans to say but it isn’t hard to guess. Gov. Nikki Haley will hold a news conference in Columbia at 4 p.m. today at which, sources said, she will call for the Confederate flag to come down from the Statehouse

Reason: How the DoJ gagged us from reporting on subpoena targeting commenters
6/22/2015 1:21:07 PM  Ed Morrissey
Two weeks ago, Ken White at Popehat reported that the Department of Justice had subpoenaed the records of Reason Magazine to identify anonymous commenters on its website.  Nick Gillespie had criticized the DoJ for its prosecution of the Silk Road case,

Report reveals Ecuador staged protests against Chevron in the US
6/22/2015 12:41:40 PM  Jazz Shaw
As you may recall, over the course of Ecuador’s attempted Chevron Shakedown, there have been sporadic protests in the streets wherever and whenever court actions were taking place. This included the hearings at the International Arbitration

Video: Morning Joe panel avoids the L-word when discussing Gruber
6/22/2015 12:01:13 PM  Ed Morrissey
It’s not as if Mark Halperin hadn’t been warned not to trust the Obama White House on Jonathan Gruber, he admitted today on MSNBC’s Morning Joe. Republicans on Capitol Hill repeatedly told the Time reporter that Gruber had played a far

AP photog has some fun pretending a gun's pointed at Ted Cruz's head
6/22/2015 11:21:50 AM  Allahpundit
This is bias — a similar shot involving Hillary Clinton or, god forbid, Barack Obama is unthinkable — but I wonder which strain of bias it is. .@AP photo lines pistol up with Senator, 2016 candidate @tedcruz's brain http://t.co/2Is8sYuxVX

Baltimore Mayor Rawlings-Blake named President of US Conference of Mayors
6/22/2015 10:41:42 AM  Jazz Shaw
The US Conference of Mayors kicked off their 83rd annual meeting this weekend and as part of the proceedings they named their new president for the coming year. The lucky winner was Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake. No, seriously. I’m not

Latest Headlines: We pick, you click.

Black America should stop forgiving white racists
Forgiving their attacker, his Christian victims heaped coals on his head
Mississippi House speaker wants Confederate symbol removed from state flag
Trump on a donating to Democrats: As a business person, "you're gonna need things from everybody"
As governor, Bill Clinton kept "Confederate" star on Arkansas flag
The U.S. and Iran now share a base in Iraq
Walmart to stop selling Confederate flag merchandise
What the Charleston killer deserves
Pope Francis is wrong about air conditioning
What happens when the sea swallows a country?


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