Monday, June 29, 2015

Is it time for Joe?

Deadline extended  - Enter for a chance to win Joe's book!
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Is it time for Joe? This question will be debated fiercely over the next few weeks. People ask - after over four decades of service as a Senator and a two term Vice President, coupled with his recent loss, does Joe even want to run for President? And if he does, can he stand a chance against Hillary?
Fair questions.
Of course, we can't speak for the Vice President. Though we do know, as the Wall Street Journal reported yesterday, that his family continues to strongly encourage a third attempt at a Presidential bid. We are aware that Joe Biden is not the kind of man to retreat in the face of suffering, as we saw in the early 80's. The article states, "As he has coped with the loss of his elder son, Mr. Biden has told friends and colleagues that his best antidote to grief is to plunge into work."
We also know that over 100,000 Americans have come together in a very short time to join in their call for Joe Biden to run for President. So many of us, like former Obama organizer and DNC delegate Linnie Frank Bailey, writing on Huffington Post, who says she will support a Joe Biden for President campaign because, 
"Biden has faced grief and knows that family and faith are more important than political posturing. Yet, after decades in the Senate and over six years as Vice President, he also knows the importance of standing up for the needs of everyday Americans and working with those who disagree with him."
What matters most is that during the time of this extremely difficult decision making process, if the Vice President decides to run, he will know that we are ready at the starting line to run with him.
As for viability, we think it's important to remember a few things. The historical odds for any party to maintain the White House for three terms are slim to none. The Republicans have been preparing for nearly 10 years to combat Hillary in a general election. They have been salivating for an opportunity to take the gloves off and let loose. They aren't ready for Joe. 
The Washington Post explains why Republicans want to keep Joe Biden out of the Primary. 
"The GOP "oppo" book on Hillary has literally been written and the entire Republican Party is ready to run attack her ethical lapses, her sense of entitlement, her incompetence as secretary of State and her lack of forthrightness.  None of those liabilities apply to Biden. The race would become a standard liberal vs. conservative match-up, one which Democrats could very well win."
Before the General, it's so important that we formulate our message and defense for the attacks we know will come in the general. We agree with the Washington Post that among candidates (declared or not), Joe Biden has the absolute best chance to ensure this happens in the Primary. 
"Biden is younger than Sanders. Biden is not an avowed socialist. He served for decades in the Senate and will have eight years as vice president. You can't get more qualified than that. If the Democrats want a realistic candidate and not just a more liberal sparring partner for Hillary Clinton, Biden is certainly a better choice than Sanders. Biden is a genuine populist rooted in the working class ethos of Scranton, Pa. Hillary is, well, you know the story"
Vice President Joe Biden is our best hope for a competitive and fruitful primary to reactivate our base in preparation for the general election. There is a growing multitude of Americans who support a Joe Biden for President campaign, including his friends and family. 
If you agree with us, now is the time to act. Our quarterly fundraising deadline is Midnight tomorrow. This report is crucial to reinforcing our efforts on paper and in action. Please help us meet our goal by contributing $25, $50, $100, or whatever you can do today.
Thanks for Standing With Us,

BOOK RAFFLE: Don't forget - our book raffle ends at midnight tonight! Anyone who contributes $20.16 or more before the deadline (midnight ET TONIGHT!) will be entered for a chance to win an autographed copy of Vice President Joe Biden's book, Promises to Keep! Signed by the VP himself!
BIDEN GEAR: If you're looking for more Biden gear, we are proud to introduce our new drink koozies. These have been a big hit! Click here to get your own! (If you purchased a koozie last week and have not received it, kindly let us know via email and we will make sure it gets to you! We had sold out!)

PETITION: Sign/Share our petition to show Joe Biden that we need him to run in 2016. As of today, the petition has close to 100,00 signatures! If you have not already, SIGN HERE!

Help spread the word! Share the petition FACEBOOK and TWITTER with one easy click!

Thank you for this and all that you do,
The Draft Biden Team

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Paid for by Draft Biden 2016. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

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