Tuesday, June 02, 2015

LifeSiteNews.com - Monday, June 1, 2015

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A Message from the Editor

Dear Friend,

Due to a technical problem we were unable to send the daily news e-mails for this past Friday and yesterday. That technical problem has now been cleared up. The following is the daily news for yesterday - Monday, June 1. Many thanks for your patience.


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Mon Jun 1, 2015 - 11:00 pm EST

The joyful death of Catholic Ireland

By James Matthew Wilson

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Mon Jun 1, 2015 - 11:00 pm EST

Science magazine retracts pro-gay study over phony data

By Dustin Siggins

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Mon Jun 1, 2015 - 11:00 pm EST

Planned Parenthood advertises itself as a ‘safe haven’ for babies

By Fr. Mark Hodges

Top News

Paramedic became pro-life after seeing 17-week miscarried baby

'All I remember is looking at that poor little thing, and seeing fingers, and toes, and a face.'

By Nancy Flanders

Record number of Americans support assisted suicide: Gallup poll

In all, 68 percent of Americans support assisted suicide, and a majority of Americans believe it is "morally acceptable."

By Dustin Siggins

Two ambulances within 60 days at Michigan Planned Parenthood

The abortion cartel will go to any lengths to hide the truth about what really goes on behind the closed doors of abortion clinics.

By Operation Rescue staff

Planned Parenthood office allegedly dedicated to treating ‘colds and the flu’ closes in Iowa

The facility, which claimed it existed for 'treatment of colds and the flu,' has shut down.

By Dustin Siggins

‘Cowardice or treason’: Republican governor vetoes religious freedom bill in North Carolina

Gov. Pat McCrory announced he would veto the bill the same day a business leader threatened to pull $20 million in business out of the state if it became law.

By Fr. Mark Hodges

The Pulse

Rubio is right: Christianity is increasingly designated ‘hate speech’

It is always encouraging when politicians speak truth boldly like this.

By Rob Schwarzwalder

Abortion worker: I saw ‘tiny arms and legs,’ but I’m ‘more pro-choice than ever’

'It was all so heavy. The loneliness of those little arms and legs. That girl, so clearly suffering during the procedure.'

By Cassy Fiano

'We could start our own town’: Couple welcomes 100th grandchild

Leo and Ruth Zanger of Quincy, Illinois, have been married for 59 years

By Nancy Flanders


If up to half of scientific papers are bogus, why order society around their latest claims?

Those who think science is the measure of all truth might want to check the data first.

By Eric Metaxas

The joyful death of Catholic Ireland

The reason the Irish are celebrating is that they have with this referendum delivered a decisive and final blow to their venerable image as a Catholic nation.

By James Matthew Wilson

Taxpayer-funded PBS pushes teaching sex ed to 4-year-olds

Watching PBS? Might want to ask the kindergartners to leave the room.

By Katie Yoder

Wise up, Bill! O'Reilly insists preborn are 'potential' humans

Every word of that is complete nonsense, including 'and' and 'the.'

By Calvin Freiburger

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